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It's time to buy Grandma a birthday gift. Help.

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I need to buy my Grandma a birthday gift. She's difficult to please. She doesn't want or need anything, but not getting her anything isn't an option. In the past, I've done handmade stationary (I don't think she writes much anymore), pretty things for the house (she's requested no more), and a gift card (lets just say that even though this was requested, it was met with a less than optimal response).


We only see Grandma once a year at Thanksgiving. I won't go into the details, but her relationship with my Mom and myself (although not as bad as my Mom) is rocky (this has only happened in the past couple of years--I really think her brain is aging--she's in her mid-80s and lives alone). Thanksgiving (a tradition from when I was a child) was pretty much cancelled last year, and was almost cancelled this year. I say all this because it adds to the pressure of buying her a gift.


She likes hummingbirds. She's a Christian. She likes flowers. She likes birdfeeders (but has requested no more). I know that's not much to go on, but I'm really at a loss. I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe, you guys can help me out.

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Ok- this will probably be lame, but last year for Christmas I bought each of my Grandmothers a monogrammed tissue holder. It was a dainty little white pouch (looked like a small envelope) that held a pocket size box/bag of tissues. I had each set of initials done in her favorite color.


*I warned you it was lame. My grandmothers are 88 and 98, so what else was there? They both always wear a sweater with tissues in the pocket!

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Wow. That sounds like some fun shopping, hunh? :tongue_smilie:


Just kidding. I know where you're coming from. I've got some relatives that are, um, hard to buy for, too.


So her birthday is near Thanksgiving? You'll be giving her her birthday gift at Thanksgiving? I'm a bit confused on that.


If she loves flowers, why not send her some flowers? That's always fun to get.


Grandmas are hard, aren't they?! I mean, by the time you're past 70, I'd think you'd have collected all the girly things you want or need.


How about something that gets used up? Like her favorite lotion/soap/body wash stuff from Bath and Body Works or wherever she likes. Or candles, if she has a favorite brand.


Sorry, that's all I've got. Oh, and chocolate. We like to get our great grandparents really fancy chocolates. :001_smile:

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How about something consumable? Something from Harry and David, Figis, or similar store? Gourmet hot chocolate? Lots of tiny gourmet jams?


ETA: I'm getting some hints from your posts in this thread that this person might be perpetually dissatisfied/disapproving, which is sad. If that is the case, NOTHING will be "good enough." In that case, I recommend that you choose something with a reasonable amount of effort that YOU can be proud of YOURSELF for giving a nice gift honoring her position as grandmother, and then let it go.


Spending LOTS of time and money trying to find the "right" gift for a perpetually dissatisfied person hoping for approval is a black hole. And please try to let the SIL comparison go. You will never be able to live up to that. HOWEVER, if the SIL is merely rich and clueless, not snarky, perhaps she might be a source for gift ideas that Grandma would like and it would be worth it to brainstorm with her. But if SIL's gift is always "right" because she's merely SIL, then don't get caught up in the drama. Easier said than done, I know.



Edited by WTMCassandra
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Wow. That sounds like some fun shopping, hunh? :tongue_smilie:


Just kidding. I know where you're coming from. I've got some relatives that are, um, hard to buy for, too.


So her birthday is near Thanksgiving? You'll be giving her her birthday gift at Thanksgiving? I'm a bit confused on that.


If she loves flowers, why not send her some flowers? That's always fun to get.


Grandmas are hard, aren't they?! I mean, by the time you're past 70, I'd think you'd have collected all the girly things you want or need.


How about something that gets used up? Like her favorite lotion/soap/body wash stuff from Bath and Body Works or wherever she likes. Or candles, if she has a favorite brand.


Sorry, that's all I've got. Oh, and chocolate. We like to get our great grandparents really fancy chocolates. :001_smile:


Oh, sorry--yes. Grandma's birthday is the week of Thanksgiving, and there is always a party. At her favorite daughter's house (who is not my Mom) who is also wealthy and gives gifts that makes other gifts look like junk. I can't send flowers because that's what my brother does when he doesn't come to her house (and he's not coming this year).

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Oh, sorry--yes. Grandma's birthday is the week of Thanksgiving, and there is always a party. At her favorite daughter's house (who is not my Mom) who is also wealthy and gives gifts that makes other gifts look like junk. I can't send flowers because that's what my brother does when he doesn't come to her house (and he's not coming this year).


Oh, it's THAT sort of thing.


Well, that stinks.


Especially the 'favorite daughter/not your mom' part.


Ugh. Sorry 'bout that. :grouphug:

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I always send flowers but I see that isn't an option.


What about a photobook. A few of us put together one of all the family members for my grandmother one year and she loved it. We tried to include a current and past shot of each family member plus group shots and had it printed at snapfish.

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I always send flowers but I see that isn't an option.


What about a photobook. A few of us put together one of all the family members for my grandmother one year and she loved it. We tried to include a current and past shot of each family member plus group shots and had it printed at snapfish.


My parents (who are 79) LOVE these!

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Last year I got a photo album - one with slots for two photos per page - at a local department store (Kohls) it held 200 photos. I took some of the best shots of us from the past year, added in shots from other family members,(some of which came from out-of-state folks) and about filled the album. That was the biggest hit with my mil - she took that thing EVERYWHERE to show off the photos. I am making a new one this year - why mess with success ;) Email folks NOW to send you a few of their best photos from teh past year, select some of your own shots, and make a photo album!


If she doesn't like that, something is wrong with her.

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How about something like this http://www.amazon.com/Hummingbirds-North-America-Photographic-Guide/dp/0691116032/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1256780563&sr=1-6

and this http://www.amazon.com/Hummingbirds-2010-Deluxe-Wall-Calendar/dp/143511258X/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=office-products&qid=1256780768&sr=8-3


and maybe even throw in a nice flowering potted plant. Or some candy. I always threw in some Andes Mints w/ my aunts presents- she loved them.

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How about a basket of bulbs, she can enjoy watching them grow and bloom.



I don't know what your budget is but a hummingbird birdbath is nice. It's a peaceful pass time, to watch birds in water.



A throw with hummingbirds on it?




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My grandmother can be picky as well. We usually get her lotions, hand cream, candles, etc. She really likes them because they are usable and since she doesn't get out any more to shop, she really appreciates it. My daughter just made her great grandmother a shawl using one of those long knitting things from joannes. You don't have to know how to knit. You just wind the yarn a certain way. It was beautiful! My grandmother, 85, loved it! She wore it all day at her party and it wasn't even cold! I also made her a little book out of scrapbook paper. I put Bible verses, hymns, favorite qoutes, etc. that I printed off in nice font, then decorated it with a few hand picked stickers. I tied it together with pretty ribbon. She love it as well. She tends to get depressed easy and dwell on the negative, so she appreciated being able to read through the little book and be encouraged.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Jubbakay

This sounds a lot like my husband's grandmother. I'm thinking for her maybe a bird watching book because I know she has bird feeders and likes to watch the birds. My husband isn't great on the idea but I think it would be neat to find a book with pictures of birds indigenous to where we live and their names. We're also getting her a really nice bird house for Christmas. I thought those were kinda of things to play on her few interests and may keep her occupied while at home alone. She also subscribes to a magazine called Reminisce. If you're grandmother doesn't already have this, I think it'd be a GREAT gift. It's full of stories and pictures from years and years ago back in "her time". I know some I've read at my grandmother's had stories about old home remedies which seem crazy to us today but she laughed at the thought that they really did and believed those things.

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We got my FIL the WWII series, and he was enthralled. He was in the landing at Normandy, and he loves that era.


Does she have a DVD player? If you got her one, you could give her DVD sets from now on--the gift that keeps on giving! And they have come down a lot in price now.


How about one of those changing picture frames that you can load digital pictures into? You can put a whole bunch in for her. That way she doesn't have to deal with the computer if she doesn't want to.


Another option is handmade, good stuff--a luxurious knitted throw or scarf, a dozen frozen cookie dough logs, homemade soup of the month club, fire starters (baked pine cones (no pitch) dipped in wax), maybe a harvest or Easter or New Year's wreath (on the theory that everyone has a Christmas one), forced bulbs, etc.


Creative Memories has a photo book that you can make--you put in your own digital photos and text, and decorate it up, and then email it to them as a file, and it comes back as a hardbound picture book. These are of very good quality, and could start an annual tradition.

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How about tickets to a play or concert? If she's given two, she can invite her 'date'..


Here the local high school does a senior dinner before the play for seniors...it's nice for them to get out an chat and it's local.


Or brunch tickets somewhere?

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