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Diva Cup?

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How does this thing work on, um, very "busy" days? I would love to give up the alternative, but sometimes even those don't last 20 min.


And what do you do when you are out and about for the evening, or gone for several hours and you are forced to use a public restroom?


(If you are willing to share, please)

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How does this thing work on, um, very "busy" days? I would love to give up the alternative, but sometimes even those don't last 20 min.


And what do you do when you are out and about for the evening, or gone for several hours and you are forced to use a public restroom?


(If you are willing to share, please)


You can wear it for up to 12 hours without a "change". I never do, but the possibility is there. It holds quite a bit.


You can pee without having to change it, although you may need a bit of an adjustment. Going out for an evening or even most of the day would not concern me one bit.


My SIL can use one and she works all day (9 hours plus travel time).

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You can wear it for up to 12 hours without a "change". I never do, but the possibility is there. It holds quite a bit.


You can pee without having to change it, although you may need a bit of an adjustment. Going out for an evening or even most of the day would not concern me one bit.


My SIL can use one and she works all day (9 hours plus travel time).


I bought a diva and enjoy it on light days. On heavy days I didn't find it helpful -- as it added more stress to my day. I didn't realize how heavy my flow was until I started using this.

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How does this thing work on, um, very "busy" days? I would love to give up the alternative, but sometimes even those don't last 20 min.


And what do you do when you are out and about for the evening, or gone for several hours and you are forced to use a public restroom?


(If you are willing to share, please)



I just rinse mine more often on those days, and use a cloth pad as a back up. As far as using a public restroom and needing to dump the cup, I haven't had that happen yet. I always dump it and wash it before going somewhere if I'll be gone for a while, and then do the same when I get back home. If I suspect I'll have heavier flow during that time, I'll be sure to wear my cloth back up.

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For most people, you can go out and not need to empty it until after you get home.


I combine my diva cup with an overnight pad. It holds an ounce, and the rest overflows to the pad. Unfortunately, my flow is so heavy that putting it in before I leave and emptying it when I get home isn't an option even for short outings as my flow comes in gushes and a single gush will overflow the cup. Using both means I can leave my house where I used to be confined at home about three days a month.

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I bought a diva and enjoy it on light days. On heavy days I didn't find it helpful -- as it added more stress to my day. I didn't realize how heavy my flow was until I started using this.


Even on my heavy days I like it better than the alternatives.

When I use pads, I feel like I'm wearing a diaper and I'm miserable.

Tampons just never fit me right anymore. I have more accidents with them. Not to mention I've read too many articles about the harmful components. I would rather have to "empty" my cup more frequently than deal with the alternatives.


I can't even believe I'm talking about this. This is normally not my "thing". I guess it's good practice for when DD gets older.


Ironically, I had never even heard of a menstrual cup until the subject came up in another online homeschool group I am a member of. The ladies there were chatting about them and raving about how the product changed their lives. I did some research and decided to give it a try. I've been very pleased with the results.

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For most people, you can go out and not need to empty it until after you get home.


I combine my diva cup with an overnight pad. It holds an ounce, and the rest overflows to the pad. Unfortunately, my flow is so heavy that putting it in before I leave and emptying it when I get home isn't an option even for short outings as my flow comes in gushes and a single gush will overflow the cup. Using both means I can leave my house where I used to be confined at home about three days a month.


Yep, I can relate. I, too use an overnight and the diva cup but even then I stress. One time I had some serious leakage using the cup that wouldn't have been that bad had I not been using the cup. Basically when I'm using the cup at all I'm constantly afraid of leakage, even with dark pants and an overnight, that results in stress. I just wait until things lighten up and then use the cup with a regular pad. So no commando feeling here :(

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I use a Keeper with a cloth pad for backup on my heavy days. By the 4th day (sometimes the 3rd day), my cycle is light enough that I can use just the cloth pad. I prefer the pads from Saucy Tots.




If you order pads that are not in stock, expect to wait a full 8 weeks for your order to arrive. This is a home business and the pads are all made individually.

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I use an Instead cup, which is a disposable cup that you can get at your grocery store (next to the tampons). It goes a little farther up than the Diva and other menstrual cups.

You can pee without having to change it, although you may need a bit of an adjustment.

I don't have any trouble with it when peeing, but after a bm it usually needs to be adjusted.

Tampons just never fit me right anymore. I have more accidents with them.

I was starting to have some comfort issues with tampons just before I switched to a mentrual cup. I didn't have any trouble with the Instead cup for the first couple of months, then I went through a couple of uncomfortable months. I finally figured out it was the bm issue--the bm would push against the cup, through the wall and make it uncomfortable. Now that I know what the problem is, I can deal with it (adjust my diet at that time of month, mainly).

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How does this thing work on, um, very "busy" days? I would love to give up the alternative, but sometimes even those don't last 20 min.


And what do you do when you are out and about for the evening, or gone for several hours and you are forced to use a public restroom?


(If you are willing to share, please)


LOVE my Diva Cup. My period has gotten heavier the past couple of years, and I can go at least 4 hours with a Diva, if not 6 or more, where with a tampon there are times it won't last an hour. VERY nice. Overnight I usually don't have a problem -- don't have to get up (like before), and only sometimes leak (should wear a pad on my heavy nights, but don't always leak either).


Out for the evening? Well, like the other gal said, it's rare. I empty it before I go somewhere and then when I return. Just once since March, when I started using it, did I have to empty it in a restroom with no sink (for rinsing) within arm's reach. Not to be gross, but I emptied it then put it back in, wiped my hands well, didn't touch anything, and then went and washed my hands. It was all I could do.

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When I used a cup I got to know those public restrooms that only had one toilet and sink vs. the ones that were larger with stalls. Turns out many of my regular stops (Trader Joe's, coffee house and bookstore, Jo Ann's Fabrics) had those one room bathrooms where I could wash in privacy, it just meant a little planning.

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I used one back when I was in the Navy. The way we had to store the female waste until we hit a port grossed me out so much, I was determined not to add to it!


Anyway, on the ship I'd wash my hands, go in the stall and empty it and wipe it out, then go out to the sink and wash it, and go back to the stall to put it back in. I was always careful to not leave a mess in the sink! I'd also wash it when I took a shower (having emptied it beforehand). In a pinch (like when the head was crowded), I'd just empty it and put it back; I'd always make sure I had clean hands first when doing this.

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I hated my Diva cup...I could never get it placed right on my heavy flow days when my cervix was sitting lower. One poster in the past suggested I try INSTEAD and I've never looked back. I use one/cycle, throw it away after, and move on to another my next cycle. Even on my heaviest days I can't feel it's in there. I highly recommend it if the Diva cup doesn't float your boat. Actually, I suggest you START with Instead, since it's about $5/5.

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I don't use a cup at this point but have seriously considered it. A friend of mine who does has a very heavy flow. She takes a bottle of water into the bathroom with her when she is out then dumps and rinses with the water bottle then replaces. Obviously this is a water bottle just for this purpose, not a drinking water bottle. There are a few other cups around i have heard of the Moon Cup and Lunette Cup also.

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When I used a cup I got to know those public restrooms that only had one toilet and sink vs. the ones that were larger with stalls. Turns out many of my regular stops (Trader Joe's, coffee house and bookstore, Jo Ann's Fabrics) had those one room bathrooms where I could wash in privacy, it just meant a little planning.


I have found that many handicap stalls in public restrooms also have a sink in them. I have frequented these stalls because I often have several children in tow and/or a stroller and it's the only place we can fit.

Edited by Dawn in OH
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I hated my Diva cup...I could never get it placed right on my heavy flow days when my cervix was sitting lower. One poster in the past suggested I try INSTEAD and I've never looked back. I use one/cycle, throw it away after, and move on to another my next cycle. Even on my heaviest days I can't feel it's in there. I highly recommend it if the Diva cup doesn't float your boat. Actually, I suggest you START with Instead, since it's about $5/5.

I started with Instead first to try out a menstrual cup before I put the money into a non-disposable one. Mine cost about $6.99 for a box of 12. I also use one per cycle--I rinse after each removal, just like the other kinds of cups, and throw it away when I'm all done for the month. I can wear mine for 12 hrs without a problem.

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I LOVE my diva cup! I had some issues with discomfort with the first one I bought, and then, despite having given birth to two children, I purchased the "small" size, and it fits and feels SOOOO much better.


In public restrooms I just dump the contents and wipe it off with toilet paper until I get home/ bathroom with a sink.


And yes, my children, especially my youngest, have seen me dumping and cleaning very often. I see it as a valuable educational experience, despite the fact that the fact that the bathroom door is closed is seen as an exciting opportunity for one on one quality time.


Catherine (age 4): "You're cleaning your diva cup? You have your period coming out of your j*na?"


Me: "Yep."


Catherine: "From the nest in your uterus?"


Me: "Yep."


Catherine: "Why does it come out?" (every single month)


Me: "Because when a girl's body is old enough to be a mommy, every month her body gets ready to make a home for a baby in her uterus. If there's not a baby, her body doesn't need the nest it makes to help babies grow. So it cleans it out so it can make a clean new nest next month, in case a baby starts to grow then." (every. single. month. we have this conversation. Although she now seems to know the answer, she wants to check and make sure it hasn't changed, I guess.)


Catherine: "Will my uterus make nests when I'm big? Will I use a diva cup?"


Me: "Your body will make nests, and you will get your period. There are lots of ways to take care of your body when you have your period. When you are big, you can decide. Now, will you PLEASE let me have some privacy? What's your sister doing?"




I figure we're set in terms of puberty preparation at the ripe old age of four. Shouldn't be any surprises.....

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I've been using a Diva for about 5 years now. I purchased the size they reccommended but I think it is too big. I have a bit of discomfort at first and it takes a few times to get used to it. I think after this baby is here I will purchase the small and see if it is a nicer fit.


I did read somewhere that if a Diva is uncomfortable for you that a LunaCup is shaped a little differently and therefore more comfortable. I havent looked into them yet but I will.

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I used a Diva Cup between babies 2 and 3 and was always uncomfortable.


2nd. Like you, I love the ladycup, it's definitely the softest silicone of the lot. I think the large ladycup is the largest of them all as well. and it's not as long as the diva which is my problem with the diva


How does this thing work on, um, very "busy" days? I would love to give up the alternative, but sometimes even those don't last 20 min.


I only empty twice a day. But before I realized I could do that, I emptied it more frequently using all of the techniques others mention in the thread.


I purchased the size they reccommended but I think it is too big. I have a bit of discomfort at first and it takes a few times to get used to it.....[snip]

I did read somewhere that if a Diva is uncomfortable for you that a LunaCup is shaped a little differently and therefore more comfortable. I havent looked into them yet but I will.


I know many who even after age 30 or pregnancy (whichever comes first), still use the smaller size cup. I've tried the large and small of the diva (didn't like either of them), ladycup, femmecup, mooncup uk, lunette.


While I love the ladycup (very soft, large capacity), I always have the teeniest bit of leakage with it.....not enough even to need a liner/pad but just enough to cause me to think about it. So I use the Lunette - both sizes work for me, but I use the large so I can change 2x per day.


At the end of each cycle, I soak it in 50/50 h202 and h20 for a few hours, rinse, air dry and put away till next time.


I so wish I'd started out with this as a teen.



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Catherine (age 4): "You're cleaning your diva cup? You have your period coming out of your j*na?"


Me: "Yep."


Catherine: "From the nest in your uterus?"


Me: "Yep."


Catherine: "Why does it come out?" (every single month)


Me: "Because when a girl's body is old enough to be a mommy, every month her body gets ready to make a home for a baby in her uterus. If there's not a baby, her body doesn't need the nest it makes to help babies grow. So it cleans it out so it can make a clean new nest next month, in case a baby starts to grow then." (every. single. month. we have this conversation. Although she now seems to know the answer, she wants to check and make sure it hasn't changed, I guess.)


Catherine: "Will my uterus make nests when I'm big? Will I use a diva cup?"


Me: "Your body will make nests, and you will get your period. There are lots of ways to take care of your body when you have your period. When you are big, you can decide. Now, will you PLEASE let me have some privacy? What's your sister doing?"

That is why my girls haven't seen anything yet...I get enough WHY questions about everything else under the sun!

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I was wondering where to order the cup? I do have a question, I have fibriods and 2 days are very bad will this cup still work? I am holding on. I am 50 and haven't mp yet. I do have a 4 yr old. this sounds good,





:bigear: Do you have to order it?




I hated my Diva cup...I could never get it placed right on my heavy flow days when my cervix was sitting lower. One poster in the past suggested I try INSTEAD and I've never looked back. I use one/cycle, throw it away after, and move on to another my next cycle. Even on my heaviest days I can't feel it's in there. I highly recommend it if the Diva cup doesn't float your boat. Actually, I suggest you START with Instead, since it's about $5/5.


Thanks for the suggestion.

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:bigear: Do you have to order it?


The Diva and the Keeper (the original rubber Keeper, not their new Moon Cup silicone version) you can often find locally.


The Diva is the most often used b/c of it's wide availability but it's a long cup and is stiffer than many.....a significant number of people have trouble with the fit, even after cutting off the stem.


I'd consider going for a Lunnette, a rubber 'Keeper', the Keeper's silicone version (US Moon Cup), The LadyCup or the MiaCup. The UK cups, FemmeCup and MoonCup are also good but not as preferred for a variety of reasons (fit, capacity etc)


I think every teen girl starting out should be given the small Lunette.....skipping the whole pad and tampon nonsense. What a nice way to start out!




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