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s/o: If you HAD to spend more on groceries, what would you buy?

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After reading the latest grocery savings thread, I wondered how I could possibly quintuple the amount I'm spending on groceries for my family.


It's quite a fantasy. :)


Breakfast would always include smoked salmon, Canadian bacon, or thick-cut applewood-smoked bacon.


Eggs would be cage-free organic.


For salads, I'd buy mixed field greens - arugula, radicchio, etc - instead of plain old romaine every day!


Lunches would be roast beef on focaccia, or Italian subs, or any $7/pound lunch meat instead of the plain-jane ham and turkey lunch meats. Maybe rotisserie chicken in a waldorf chicken salad, yum.


I'd never substitute margarine for butter in baking...


We'd eat more steak and seafood and not care what's on sale. More of a variety of fruits and vegetables, not just limited to what's on sale that week. Although I'd still stick with in-season produce just for freshness.


I'd buy fresh baked goods at a bakery - yummy breads & pastries.


Oh, and I'd give up 2-buck Chuck!


That's all I can think of; what would you do?


I need to go buy a lottery ticket now so I can fulfill all of my food fantasies. :)

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more fresh veggies. We eat a lot of salads in a day but they are minimal.

Romaine mixed with red or green leaf lettuce



black olives


nothing major but we end up eating all of that in one day. Veggies are pricey so we end up only getting fresh veggies about 3 times a week to stay in our budget. We do however still eat steamer frozen veggies every meal.

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Ohgosh. We'd completely make the switch to organic dairy. More fresh and dried fruit. Beer. Chocolate. Wine. As much yogurt as I can actually eat. Oh, and if providing one's own food would count, a Jersey cow or two Saanen goats, 25 each red raspberry and blueberry plants, some currants, pear trees...

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I'd go to farmers market with 4xs my normal amount. We'd purchase the ethically raised meats, local and organic veggies, fair trade organic coffee, the good cheese and filll the rest in with great wine and chocolate.:)


I'm coming to your house for dinner. ;)

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After reading the latest grocery savings thread, I wondered how I could possibly quintuple the amount I'm spending on groceries for my family.


It's quite a fantasy. :)


Breakfast would always include smoked salmon, Canadian bacon, or thick-cut applewood-smoked bacon.


Eggs would be cage-free organic.


For salads, I'd buy mixed field greens - arugula, radicchio, etc - instead of plain old romaine every day!


Lunches would be roast beef on focaccia, or Italian subs, or any $7/pound lunch meat instead of the plain-jane ham and turkey lunch meats. Maybe rotisserie chicken in a waldorf chicken salad, yum.


I'd never substitute margarine for butter in baking...


We'd eat more steak and seafood and not care what's on sale. More of a variety of fruits and vegetables, not just limited to what's on sale that week. Although I'd still stick with in-season produce just for freshness.


I'd buy fresh baked goods at a bakery - yummy breads & pastries.


Oh, and I'd give up 2-buck Chuck!


That's all I can think of; what would you do?


I need to go buy a lottery ticket now so I can fulfill all of my food fantasies. :)


This is fun! I love your ideas, and I would do those, too. Also, I would do all of my shopping at a higher end grocery store, like Wegmans. No more running from store to store getting the cheapest things at each place. Just one stop, and grabbing whatever looked good on the shelves. I would love to be able to buy whatever fruits were available and appealed to me, instead of sticking to what was on sale. I would also go through recipe books and make my grocery list based on what I wanted to serve my family that week, rather than deciding what meals to make based on what I was able to buy.


But honestly, I would have to have *a lot* of extra money to feel okay about spending money that way on groceries, so that is probably never going to happen! Even if we had double our current income, I still wouldn't feel free to spend on groceries that freely. But it's fun to dream about for a minute. ;)

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Well, besides the organic/cruel-free/seasonal route, I'd buy lots of fun different kinds of cheeses and meats. We have a cheese of the week tradition at our house, and it's way fun and opened up our world to all the cheese out there. Cheese is expensive, though...

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I would buy whichever fruits and vegetables looked delicious regardless of their price! We would expand our horizons to those delectable meats and cheeses we have never even tasted. We would eat in a real restaurant on occasion. Sigh. Lovely.

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It is very striking to me that almost everyone responded that with more money, they would buy organic and healthier foods. It seems such a shame that the good stuff is so expensive and the junkier stuff is easier to afford. I so wish it could be the other way around.


I do splurge for organic dairy and organic, free-range eggs. When I can, I do buy grass fed, organic and/or kosher meats. I do buy organic fruits and vegetables as often as possible, too, but I've been really trying to make the food dollars stretch, and it's not easy when a gallon of milk is $6.00 and a red peper is $3.00.

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I thought of a couple more things after reading all the replies!


As Erica said - no more running around to different stores looking for a sale; I'd shop at one or two nice places.


And I think it's funny that so many of you mentioned CHEESE! How could I have missed that? No more mild cheddar for us; it would be Vermont extra-sharp aged white cheddar around here! And cambozola, and fresh mozzarella, and I'd buy my kids those cute babybel cheeses that they're always asking for, instead of cheap-o mozzarella sticks.


This has been fun, but I need to run out to the store for something I need for tomorrow, and I'm afraid to...I'm afraid I'll go wild! :001_smile:

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We already buy part of a local, grass-fed cow, but I'd buy the whole darn thing instead of part, so I could have steak for breakfast. I love a steak and egg breakfast!


I'd also buy more organic convenience foods. We have a business around here that provides pre-made, organic meals. THAT sounds heavenly: guilt-free take out.

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