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Do you keep or chuck greeting cards

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Doing some major decluttering here as the union of a full blown packrat (DH) and a sentimental packrat (me) is making the house unbearable (for me anyway lol).


So I am trying to decide what to do with the years of greeting cards I have boxed up. CHuck them? Is there really any reason to keep???

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I'm a hard-hearted greeting card tosser. I enjoy them when they arrive, might keep it a week or so, thinking fondly of the giver when I see it, and then it's done. It served its purpose, and if I keep it, it's just clutter. DH and I also rarely send them, preferring instead a brief personal letter or phone call instead if it's a special occasion.


Erica in OR

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
So I am trying to decide what to do with the years of greeting cards I have boxed up. CHuck them? Is there really any reason to keep???


Chuck them all but for the ones from sentimental times. I keep some of the special cards and letters from dear family and friends for the birth of dc. I also keep the special cards and letters from the thousands that went back and forth between DH and me during deployments.

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We do the same thing with our Christmas cards, Frontier Mom! (Actually, we just pull one per dinner from the card basket on the table.)


I keep some of the ones my dad sends, because he does funny little cartoons and art work inside. I also save some my kids make me, but 95% go in the trash, after being displayed on our mantel for a month or so.

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Guest janainaz

I keep only sentimental cards from close family members that have actually written something, cards from my kids, and any card my dh gives me (which is about once every 5 years).


Other than that, I toss them out.

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The majority are chucked. Usually within a day or three. Holiday cards are displayed for the season and then recycled. Sometimes, I keep a photo card of a close friends child(ren). My dh, on the other hand, would keep every card ever sent if I let him.

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