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So what are your plans for your soon to be 5th grader?


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Finish Lively Latin 1 then hopefully there will be a Lively Latin 2

Right Start Math E

Writing Tales 2

Drawn into the Heart of Reading and Logos School's Intro to Shakespeare


VP Bible with the cards only and reading through our Bible

Science history and biography reading and a nature journal

Weekly CM type picture study

Guitar lessons

Homeschool gym class twice a week and football in the fall

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I can't believe my oldest will be a 5th grader either...where does the time go??


I always think there will be more time to do certain things in our schooling, but it all moves so fast...so fleeting really...I am trying to add in what I really want now and I can always remove it.


BJU math (we're just finishing RS level E)

R&S grammar 5

Zoology 2 (swimming creatures) with dd6

Italic handwriting

Vocab/spelling: a mix of Natural Speller & Wordly Wise

TOG 4, including history, literature, geography, writing

Prima Latina (our new adventure!!)

Piano lessons 1x/wk

Dance several times a week

Art--we have been dabbling in Drawing with Children & picture studies



I just posted this the other day as well, but I left off a few things. I think this is it now.

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Spelling: Megawords 2 & 3

Grammar: GWG 5

Writing: Writing Tales 2

Reading: Literature corresponding with history and using the How to Report

on Books 5-6 from Evan Moor

Latin: LFC B

Math: Singapore 4B & 5A

Logic: Dandylion Logic Series, Grid Perplexors

History: WTM style logic stage Ancients

Science: WTM style locgic stage Biology

Art: ArtPacs and Art Appreciation along with history

Music: Story of the Orchestra, piano lessons

Home Economics for Homeschoolers

P.E.: Swimming, other classes and activities

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What I'm planning:


A Bible study - Kay Arthur? I'm not sure.


Math U See - finish Epsilon and move into Zeta

Latina Christiana II

Growing With Grammar 5

Writing Tales 2

Spelling Power

Literature using VP lit guides

History ala TWTM for logic stage, covering Reformation/Renaissance and moving into Explorers.

Science - Chemistry - undecided on a program

Continue to require daily independent reading.

Music and Art appreciation as it comes up in our history.

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Math: Lial BCM and LOF Fractions & Percents we will do this until she gets down a little more to go into NEM 1

English: Shurely 5, SWR (should complete it this year) , IEW Ancient History, Wordly Wise & Maps and Charts

Geography & History: TOG Year 1

Science: Zoology 3 (at co-op) join in on BJU 3 with the other kiddos at home

Languages: LC 1 and Elementary Spanish 5-6

Art: Famous Artists & Draw Today as well as Ancient History Art at co-op

Music: Themes to Remember & Outside Piano Lessons (5th year)

Recreational: Div. 1 Soccer, swimming team, winter Basketball and outdoor play

Bible: Herein is Love Genesis

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My 5th grader:


Math: Saxon 65

Latin: Latin's Not So Tough Level 3

Greek: Hey Andrew! Level 2

English: Classical Writing Aesop B, Growing with Grammar 5, and Spelling Power

History & Literature: Biblioplan Medieval & Renaisance and IEW Medieval Theme

Science: McGraw-Hill 5


Music: Begin to learn piano, concerts

Art: Touched upon during history, along with field trips and projects

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We'll be in co-op next year and will take a few academic classes there. So I'm going to be doing homeschool lite at home. For example, even though we use TOG yr 1, we'll be doing the minimum--history and readers only.

Co-op Classes


Total Language Plus

MFW Geography



TOG yr 1 redesign

CW Homer A (2 weeks per assignment, finish and start B)

Growing with Grammar 5

Horizon 6 and L of F fractions and decimals

Latin Prep 1

Spanish (past tense, I hope)

Art lessons, 1 x per week

Music lessons


With that we should be cruising, :auto:

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We are planning on:


Abeka 5th grade Math

Trail Guide Geography..we are taking a break from History

Sonlight Science 5

Rod and Staff 5 Grammar

Writing..IEW B (Still not sure if it will be in our budget)

Latin for Children A..since we haven't picked it back up

Spelling Work E

LLATL for Literature

SpongeBob Typing

Piano..if our piano teacher doesn't move, if she does we will try to do it here

Co-op on Tuesday for fun classes and PE

Bowling on Wednesday..if they continue it on that day



Thinking about

Classical Conversations, but still uncertain

Vocabulary Cartoons

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I'm guessing these will be changing a lot but here's the gist:


Biology/Nature Study


Explorer's Bible Study Discovery Promises Fulfilled

Rosetta Stone French 1

Art and music app

Fallacy Detective and logic games

Literature with history and ????


TT Pre-Algebra


Shurley English 5 or Daily Grams


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Primary Math (Singapore) &

Horizons Math

Rod & Staff Grammar

finish Writing Tales II, then CW Homer I

Latina Christiana II

MPH Science

Christian Studies II

TOG Redesign Yr 1


Reading Detective A1 (ONly because ds loves it!)

Logic Liftoff

and...maybe... Elementary Greek (I can't decide about this!)


I'm still up in the air about Spelling Workout. I'm not at all thrilled about it, but I don't want to start some really complicated spelling program at this point, and I don't know what else to use.:willy_nilly:

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My twins will be in 5th next year and I am totally conflicted about what to teach.


I know we will start Henle Latin.


We are finising RightStart Math E and I haven't chosen our next Math curricula.


I will do ancient history but haven't nailed down resources.


I am not sure about grammar.


Suzuki Violin


Not sure about science. We are using MPH but of course it's too easy.


We are doing Writing Tales B and I like it but will probably switch next year to something else - like Classical Writing.


I feel like I can't decide anything! I don't think I want to spend the money on Sonlight again.

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History & Literature:

Home-made ancient history reading list, plus Netflix DVDs.


FLVS World Geography.


He just started the University of California College Prep open access Algebra 1 course a few weeks ago, moving slowly. At this point, the plan is to have him finish about the first third of it this year, then take all of next year to do the other two thirds.


Home-designed course on the history of ancient science, using The Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way and the Science of the Past books as a base, plus additional reading and Netflix DVDs. Hands-on activities based on Ancient Science: 40 Time-Traveling, World-Exploring, History-Making Activities for Kids.


Galore Park Latin Prep.


Eucleides' World.


The Learnables Level 2 – Listening.


Galore Park English Prep 2. And I’m planning to have him do the Word Roots software we didn’t get around to this year.


Florida Virtual School 2d Art Class.

Outside Classes/Activities:

He’ll continue piano lessons and choir as well as his dance classes (currently tap, ballet, jazz).

He belongs to a model rocket club with his dad, too, and will probably end up doing at least a bit of theatre along the way.

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Fifth for the last time, next year! What we're doing:


Singapore 5; MUS Delta


WordSmith Apprentice and maybe Writing Strands (and some other misc. stuff, like outlining practice, etc.) Getty-Dubay, F, I think, for handwriting


Abeka grammar, B (and oral language lessons)


Spelling Workout G and finish up Wordly Wise that I'm starting at end of year, this year


Memoria Press Christian Studies, again, for Bible - I'm also going through a short character study and some books on manners at the beginning of the year


I've put together a geography study using BF's guide for the Holling books, as well as some extra things to fill in the few states in the eastern US not covered by the study and the books Minn and Paddle.


I'll alternate geography with logic. I'm using Mind Benders for that.


I'll alternate Latin with Spanish. I'm using a program called Espanol Para Chicos y Grandes for Spanish and, I guess, using Latin Primer for Latin.


I'm using a couple of Kingfisher books and SOTW, along with living books, for my history/lit/reading.


I'm using the RD How ____ Works books for science, along with lots of living books and a botany study I like.



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I haven't totally planned everything for sure, but here is what I have figured out so far -


Singapore math 5A & 5B

Singapore MPH science 5A & 5B

Rod and Staff English 5

Story of the World Vol. 3 (we are off on the rotations)

Classical Writing Aesop B


Latina Christiana II

Rosetta Stone Spanish and/or Elementary Spanish on United Streaming

Trail Guide to US Geography

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I think I'm going to make a few changes next year (after several blissful years of just-order-the-next-level) so I've been giving this a lot of thought. One thing I plan to do for the first time is to coordinate history and science with our Classical Conversations memory work, and figuring out how I want to do that has been my biggest challenge for 5th grade.


My plan as of right now, with two fifth graders, is:


Language Arts:

Megawords 2

Shurley English - Level 6

Daily Grams - 5th Grade

IEW - Using the U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons & whatever else I come up with on my own




QuarterMile for additional drill



CC will be studying the human body first semester and chemistry second, so that's what we'll do, too. For human body, I'm using PH Human Biology and Health along with assorted other books, and I've bought a couple of the Science in a Nutshell kits in the hopes that they will help me actually get some experiments done. We'll see. :rolleyes:


For chemistry, we're going to try Real Science 4 Kids Level 1.



CC is doing American history next year, so we're going to take a year off the 4-year history rotation and just do that, too. I'm pulling my own resources together for that, using Hakim's "History of US" books as a spine.



We'll probably just keep doing this at Sheppard Software, along with our CC geography work.



I'm still working on the complete list, but most of our literature next year will tie in with our history studies. There are so many great books to choose from that narrowing them down to what we can reasonably get through in a year has really been a challenge!


The DandyLion books - Logic Liftoff, etc.


We're finished with handwriting and typing, I think, which is nice. They'll get to practice those things when they do their various assignments. And I'm leaving SWR behind (*sniff*) because both of the kids are very good spellers now, and I thought going to a workbook-style program might free up some of my teaching time for things like history, science, and IEW.



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It is almost time for 5th grade isn't it!


Singapore PM 4b & 5A


Art History tied to MOH

BF - History of Science (may run off on tangents and spread over 2 years)

Writing Trails w/Men of Science


Daily Grams 5

Natural Speller

Orbiting w/Logic

Trail guide to world Geography

Bible - Pilgrim's Progress

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Latina Christiana 2


Rod and Staff Grammar 5--though our follow-through on this has been terrible; I suspect we'll be working through this over the summer.

Various literature selections


Apologia zoology 2 (swimming creatures) and Prentice-Hall Science Explorer Human Biology (not concurrent--one after the other)

Writing--co-op class +R&S+a little Writing Strands

Spanish lessons

Piano lessons

MindBenders and Red Herrings (logic)

various sports--soccer, ice skating, tennis, swimming


Once a week co-op offers: science lab, rotating social studies/history units, art, music, PE

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either Scott Foresman 5th grade science or Prentice Hall Science Explorer (her choice)


don't know which math program - We're back to Singapore for now, but I don't know if we'll stick with it. We've tried MCP (for K), Miquon (for 1st), Singapore (for 1st-3rd), Professor B (for 3rd), Moving with Math (for 3rd-4th), MathSteps (for 4th), and now back to Singapore again (for 4th). All of these programs were used consecutively, so when you see more than one program listed for one schoolyear, we tried one and abandoned it and then tried another.


some type of math review program - not sure which


SL Core 3 with Advanced and Regular Readers


US History-Based Writing Lessons volume 1


Flashkids Language Arts 4


Megawords 2

Sequential Spelling 2


also, daily work with nonsense words and multisyllable words (because she's dyslexic)

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My middle dc will be in 5th. I can't believe he just turned 10! Here's what I have so far:


TOG Yr 1 for history & literature (with a co-op)

Singapore PM 6A & 6B + R&S Math

R&S English 5

R&S Spelling 5

Writing--IEW; finish SWI-B and move into Ancient History Lessons (or whatever the proper name of it is)

Science--either one of the God's Design books (currently enjoying Animal Kingdom) or something more hands-on/discovery oriented/interest led (how's that?)

Bible--Awana + ?? (should be done w/Firm Foundations w/dh this year; undecided on what to do next)


Other things: typing (!), soccer, maybe piano


I think that's it!


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I wasn't gonna share our tentative plans, since they are so "weak" compared to other's 5th grade plans. Then I decided that some folks who also have a child who struggles with reading, spelling and writing might want to see that there's another out there in the same boat. My ds is making HUGE progress at the pace we are going. Here's our tentative plan for next year...


-Phonics, spelling & vocabulary: Megawords

-Writing: LOTS of dictation and a little IEW

-Math: Saxon or Teaching Textbooks

-History: History Odyssey Early Modern Level 1

-Science: (He wants to study animals) God's Design for the Animal Kingdom, The Complete Book of Animals, Zoo Guide a Bible Based Handbook, The Boy Who Drew Birds (not got all this planned out yet, just got a book list so far:)

-Handwriting: Conquering Cursive

-Typing: SpongeBob Typing

-Bible: One Year Bible for Kids & Teaching Hearts, Training Minds

-Literature: pulling together a list of books for him to read TO me and for me to read to him...using Songlight and other catalogs for ideas

Extra Classes:

Art, PE, Swim, knitting at YMCA homeschool classes

Basketball at the YMCA

4-H homeschool group


I think that's it.

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Language Arts


  • Grammar,Rod and Staff 5
  • Spelling, Rod and Staff 5
  • IEW, finish SWI A





  • Rod and Staff 5





  • Reading, SL readers, from library
    Abeka History 5





  • undecided





  • undecided





  • Latin for Children





  • undecided





  • Suzuki violin, book 3


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Here goes...


The Basics

Math: unsure I have R&S 6, and am going to get Singapore as well. We may do both, then ditch whichever works less well. Maybe Saxon.

Latin: Latina Christiana I

Grammar: Michael Clay Thompson Grammar Voyage + Rod & Staff (somehow, this makes sense in my mind. We'll use MCT as our springboard, then selected exercises from R&S to reinforce)

Writing: Classical Writing Aesop M-Th, Michael Clay Thompson Essay Book on Fridays

Vocabulary: Vocabulary for the College Bound Student


Independent Work

Daily Bible Reading and (Heidelberg) Catechism Copywork

History: Outlining/Timelining 5-6 chapters in Kingfisher

Reading: One Novel per week plus short written narrative



French: First Start French

Art: Drawing with Children plus Veritas Press' Art for Children (I think that's it)

Music: Violin, plus 4 9-week studies on: Opera, Ballet, Great Composers, and Folk Songs

Poetry: MCT Poetry


And my husband will be doing Science (as yet undecided) with him once a week.

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My upcoming 5th grader is really 4th grade by birthday (October).


Saxon 6/5

R&S English 5

Writing Foundations 2 (an IEW like course she takes elsewhere weekly)

Spelling Workout F

Latina Christiana 1

Biblioplan : 1850-present

God's Design for Physics

Mind Benders

Art Academy drawing and painting class

Piano or flute this is a year for change possibly

Swimming lessons

Figure skating

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Rightstart D/E, Singapore CWP 3

TOG 2 for history, lit, geography and any additional art/science that flows with the historical period


Writing Tales 2


Julie's Medieval Copywork

All About Spelling

Cyber Ed Life Science, possibly supplement with PH Science Explorer


Piano or Clarinet

some kind of drawing

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I don't have it all worked out yet, but....so far I know she'll be doing the following



Rod and Staff English 5

Horizons math 5

SOTW 4 along with the corresponding VP cards


The jury is still out on science and composition. Also, I am thinking about ordering from Positive Action for her Bible study next year. I am also looking at Harmony Fine Arts with great interest.

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Math - Right Start E/Singapore Math 5


Latin - Galore Park Latin Prep 1, probably moving into 2 mid-year.


Greek - EG I and II


Writing/Grammar - CW Homer A


Draw Squad/Artistic Pursuits


Piano, Scouts, hopefully First Lego League


History, Literature and Science TBD :) We might wing history next year, and do most of it through field trips. We'll probably do Bite Size Physics, and use the Elements newsletter to continually work on chemistry.

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Grammar: GWG 5

Writing: Writing Tales 2


Can you tell me are you starting with Growing with Grammar or have you done it all along? I am thinking of using that with Writing Tales 2 next year. I wanted to decide what to do.




Oh! Here's my thoughts so far about my future 5th grader, but not final at all:


Story of the World Vol. 1

Singapore Math 5A & B

Writing Tales 2

Latina Christiana II


Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare

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Can you tell me are you starting with Growing with Grammar or have you done it all along? I am thinking of using that with Writing Tales 2 next year. I wanted to decide what to do.


We began GWG 3 in 3rd grade after finishing FLL. So we are almost done with our second year - GWG 4. I don't think it would be hard to start with level 5. It covers each part of speech in every grade level but just introduces things at a little more advanced level appropriate to the age.

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