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Weekly Reporters: March 10-14


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I also realized I could SCAN her pages instead of taking pictures, which is HUGE improvement.




This is a great idea. I never thought of that and I use a scanner weekly to make copies of our history papers. I'll have to remember this for next week. I could even scan them in as the week goes on and that way I'll be all ready for the report instead of rushing around trying to take pictures :willy_nilly:


Thanks for the tip

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It has been a long and completely unproductive week. The kind where I start pulling out my hair because it isn't anyone's fault. It just can't be done. None of it. I'm fried, my eldest is sick, the kind of fun, keep you up all night vomiting sick. The little one is loving not having to do school but still does all the same activities we do in school!

Strange, weird, odd and likely unrelated symptoms continue. Monday and Tuesday the fever, vomiting, and huge and angry tonsils. I did call the Dr. We decided not to make her more miserable and drag her over there. Plus, when she had strep 3 weeks ago, she had NO fever, NO vomiting, and her throat did NOT hurt. So I was thinking viral anyway. She gets up Wed am and her face looked like an airbag went off on it! Without the burns. Just the swelling. Her left eye is almost swollen shut and her top lip looks like a caricature of Angelina Jolie! I called the Dr. right away. I wait an hour. No change in the swelling so status quo. I call again and they still don't have their phones so I tell the answering service the story and they agree to pass on the information. 2 hours go by, I go work for 2 hours leaving my sister to watch her. By 4 the swelling had subsided but is it wrong that I am really p*ssed at our Dr.????? I mean clearly a strong reaction to something and considering how sick she has been, her immune system is toast a phone call might have been appropriate!!!

Anyway, In share all this here because there is no room on my blog today. My dh blogged on my behalf. I do hope you enjoy it.:lurk5:

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Haven't done this before but I've been reading your weekly reports and loving them for a while now! I have always wanted to document more of what we do here, for my own accountability, and also for pure enjoyment!


For now, mine is text-heavy with a few pics at the end, but I hope to one day add some pics of their written work, drawings, etc.


Aaah, someday I'll grow up to be like you all! :D


As a new blogger, I've got to learn more tricks! Where to learn all this? I want a left column on my page as well and then eventually start to add our reading lists and other links. One thing at a time though...I still need to eat, sleep, and take care of my kids, right?! :lol:

Anyway, my link is below...

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I finally put mine up.


Here it is: http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/testimony'>http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/testimony'>http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/testimony'>http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/testimony


Thank you all who look. I also try to look at others because it is fun!





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Strange, weird, odd and likely unrelated symptoms continue. Monday and Tuesday the fever, vomiting, and huge and angry tonsils. I did call the Dr. We decided not to make her more miserable and drag her over there. Plus, when she had strep 3 weeks ago, she had NO fever, NO vomiting, and her throat did NOT hurt. So I was thinking viral anyway. She gets up Wed am and her face looked like an airbag went off on it! Without the burns. Just the swelling. .:lurk5:



I hope this isn't mono....we are having a run of it in our state.

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