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How long does your first grader take to do his/her school work?


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My first grader rarely goes more than 30 minutes of actual "seatwork" on a full day. That's a quick buzz through his memory box, reading to me from his primer, doing a spelling page, and copywork or FLL (never both). That doesn't account for all the reading we do on the side, which is where his history and science come from. I read to him at least daily, and his older sibs help him with books a bit above his level frequently.


First grade is the first formal year for my kids and I keep it light. My goal is to instill a love of learning, first grade academics is a side effect. ;)

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We're in third and only spend about three or four hours.


It goes quicker because there's no classroom changing, potty breaks are shorter, there's no interruptions, and a million other reason :)


I thought, for sure, that I was missing half our schedule at first, because we were always done by lunch ;)


Then, one day, math lasted over an hour and suddenly we were back to getting out at the same time as the ps. It ebbs and flows, depending on the different topics and their difficulty or the amount of interest they peak.

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Hmm, well, "as the crow flies" it probably totals about 2 - 2 1/2 hours. Today, what with all the breaks and etc. etc., it took us about 4 hours to get it all done. I have 2 very squirrely boys, so we don't just plug right along. I really wish we could get it all done in the morning, and if we start at 8:30 or a little before we can. Today it was after 9:00 and we were still doing science after lunch.

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generally I try to start reading history or science at about 8 am. My goal is to be done by Noon. With my 2 younger kids there are many interruptions. We seem to be done by 1 pm. My first grader does about 2 1/2 to 3 hours total. History/science (color a picture), Mapping 2x week, Math, Language Arts (WWE, FLL, SWO, ETC, Handwriting, read to me), and misc.

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I think it just depends on what all you're doing. And regardless of what that is, if you're doing what you think is best, then the time it takes doesn't matter.


Gregory isn't my child. If he were, we'd probably do 3.5-4 hours per day. He does school from 8:30 to 2:30. However, that counts lunch, a walk, P.E., music, art, Latin, History, science, a full language arts program, math, memory work, etc. It also includes some behavioral coaching, social skills training, etc. Gregory needs a very structured program. However, very little of it is "sit down and be schoolish" type things. Even things that are quite academic are often done in less than schoolish ways (we move around, bounce, jump, exercise, etc A LOT in our school!).


Anyway, it just depends on the needs of your family and child as well as how full your program is. I can't imagine getting everything we do done in less than 3 hours except with an extremely bright and easy child. Even then, project days (the archeological dig, for example) would run late. But I didn't do anything nearly so full with my own children and there were benefits to that also. I would guess my big kids did all of an hour per day 3-4 days per week of formal work at 6yrs old.


Whatever works :)

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School starts at 8:30 in the morning and we are done by 12:30. This includes EVERYTHING we consider part of our school day, including arts & crafts projects, a 15 minute break for snack time, a 30 minute recess outside, and a session of us all on the couch to read. Sometimes we have to push our piano lesson after lunch, adding 15 minutes to our day.


We do a lot of extras -- if we do just the basics (our school-lite days) it could easily be done in an hour.

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On a 'good' day...where he breezes through what I intend to get done without any complaint and no distractions, we can be done in 1-1 1/2 hours.


On a 'not so good' day....complaints, distractions, interruptions, you name it and it happens, it can take all day to get done what I'd like.


Thankfully this has only happened twice so far since we started back.

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math - 20-30m

science 1hr (read aloud, project, experiment, narration)

grammar, spelling, literature study 1.5h

history read aloud 20m

geography games 15 min

piano 15 min

PE 30m

spanish on computer 15m

bible/hymn 30m


roughly 5 hours, the times listed are our max times spent. he also enjoys a spelling program (Phonics Solutions) on the computer, so he wants to do that, but it is not required. We start at 7a.m. and free time is mixed into his day, so we finish (including 2 snacks and 2 meals) by 2:30

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Right now he is only doing 7 out of 12 boxes and take about an hour, longer if he needs to spend time in the corner during school time(having some attitude issues). I figure once we are at all 12 boxes, and working through our sl core it should take 2-2.5 hours. My hope is by that point he will not need the frequent trips to the corner.

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This is our "official" schedule. I have yet to have a day that looks exactly like that.


First, my ds has decided that he prefers to practice piano first thing in the morning. This is self-initiated, and he is doing very well with that schedule, so I'm going to let him stick with it. However, this delays the start of our school day.


Also, our start time seems to be variable in general. Because it has been soooooooooo hot for sooooooooooooo long around here, we sometimes decide to take a 25 minute walk early in the morning. All of us. With the dogs. That counts as a wortthwhile physical activity, so I'm not going to say no to that.


When school does begin, I try to whip us through Circle Time as quickly as possible. Sometimes the kids want to take a break to color or be silly for 15 minutes right after that. That is not unreasonable- they're in first grade and kindergarten.


The we do the individualized RRR instruction (one of them is doing something independent at that time).


Then it's pretty much time for lunch.


Then we're all tired. What we get done in the afternoon just dependds upon the day. I made a decision before the school year started that I was going to focus on the 3 R's and not stress if "extras" such as history, science, and nature study don't get done. Those extras *are* getting done, at least to some extent, so I consider that a success. They are not necessarily getting done to the extent or at the pace I had hoped, but I really am ok with that. Really. I am.


So, to answer the original question, not including breaks, or independent coloring/craft time, school for my ds in 1st grade seems to take @ 3 hours on the most productive of days.

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An hour to an hour and a half or so for seat work.


He does:

Horizons Math 2 - 1 lesson

Singapore 1 - whatever I assign - usually about 10 minutes


CLE Reading 2



And then he reads. A lot. Usually I assign something fun or he finds something and I approve it. He also walks the dog, plays, annoys his sister. We do our ECC stuff later in the day, but that's lots of reading, map work, fun stuff. Same with science - usually the writing is charts, painting, etc. We have a pretty fluid learning style, and I'm intentionally making 1st grade really light and fun.

Edited by Kayaking Mom
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Including reading , crafts , etc.


We take about 90min- 2 hours / day and I was wondering if that is enough .


When you include those things, mine probably takes about 2.5-3 hours. But she is a very sloooooow child. She's been known to take 10 minutes to write her 6-letter name and stare carpet lint for just as long. ;)

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