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Kay, you low-rep-count peons {{snicker}} can give 10 reps in a 24 hour period. I need to check and see how many I can give w/ the double points now. It sure stopped me fast tho! but i wasn't counting.....


You can give 10 rep points a day, but you have to wait a spell before giving the same person rep again --I'm guessing either about once a week [time period?] or every 60-70 rep clicks. If you "max out" your rep ability each day you'll get to re-rep the same person sooner.


if i don't have someone already in mind to rep, I usually go to the third page of members [sorted by rep] and find a great post by someone on there.

Now go sling some rep around!:cool:

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Oh, I'd like to thank all the little people and God.




I will still "be famous soon enough." But I have two squares.


Anybody wanna see if my rep counts for more now that I have two squares? Just post here and I'll rep you 'til I can't rep no more!


This just cracked me up! I'm going to bed now. Enjoy the red carpet. :p

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Oh, I'd like to thank all the little people and God.




I will still "be famous soon enough." But I have two squares.


Anybody wanna see if my rep counts for more now that I have two squares? Just post here and I'll rep you 'til I can't rep no more!




Oh, I love that little - what do you call it? Image? Green is obviously your color!

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Gosh, a girl goes away for a few days and misses a big party!


Trying not to feel left out...... :(


But, hey, I did get to have a slumber party with Pam. So, that should get me something, right???


You did? Tell me more, tell me more!!

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Hey, no problem. I'm just here for the party!!


And I am just here because I am ignorant. What do 2 squares signify? What will happen when you have 5 squares? Do I need to be worried about my squares? Will a higher number of squares make life less bumpy? What's the best way to get more squares legally?:thumbup:

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there was one time that I got a rep comment from SWB and it was worth 9 points. OK, I will be honest and vulnerable here.....it made my WHOLE DAY to get a rep from Susan. Isn't that so the silliest thing? And, I keep telling myself I could care less about the rep! :blushing: So, why do I check? Why do I care? It is so silly.....but in a fun kinda way.

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I didn't realize that you and I are well beyond the distinguished road, Mindy. Why, we're gonna be famous soon. Between this and the smileys, the excitement in my life is just getting to be too much!!!:biggrinjester:

that someone recognized this, Colleen!! I am hoping that when you say I am "well beyond the distinguished road" you aren't refering to my age, since I'll be turning 40 in a couple weeks!!:001_unsure:

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there was one time that I got a rep comment from SWB and it was worth 9 points. OK, I will be honest and vulnerable here.....it made my WHOLE DAY to get a rep from Susan. Isn't that so the silliest thing? And, I keep telling myself I could care less about the rep! :blushing: So, why do I check? Why do I care? It is so silly.....but in a fun kinda way.


Brown noser!:p

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