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Share what your 7th or 8th grader's schedule looks like?

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I'm trying not to count my chickens before they are hatched, but also trying to be prepared. Dd12 confided in me tonight that she wants to come home and be homeschooled again. She is not liking ps. While I told her she needed to give it more time (can you believe I actually said that? :001_huh:) and we'd talk about it in a week...I want to be prepared at least on paper if she does still want to come home (and dh approves). Last year dd12 did Saxon Math 8/7 (mostly complete...few more lessons to go), LL7 (did not finish and we have since sold it), LLATL Green, VfCR A (did not finish...still have it), MFW ECC (again, did not finish but have since sold). She has expressed interest in Ancient History (biblical times) and I do still have Diana Waring's curriculum we can use (and she can be somewhat independent). My thoughts for this year (should she come home) are:


Finish Saxon 8/7 and move to Saxon Alg. 1

Diana Waring Ancient Civ. and the Bible

VfCR A and B

Auralog's Tell Me More Spanish



I need an English (grammar or all in one) like LLATL again, writing, Science (would CKE Earth and Space work for her?), literature (not sure about LL8). So, would you share what your 7th or 8th grader is doing this year (dd12 could technically be considered 7th b/c of her age)? I just want an idea of what others are doing so we don't miss something. Thanks!

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My 7th grader is doing:


MFW 1850 - MOD

Vocab from Classical Roots

Writing Strands (every other week)

Abeka Grammar and Composition ( every other week)

Apologia General Science

Rosetta Stone Latin with some Lively Latin for fun

Fallacy Detective

Singapore 6B/NEM

and reading through classic books from TWTM


Extra Curricula


Bible Bowl

First Lego League

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My 8th grade schedule:


Math (LOF/Saxon tests for review)


Words on the Vine

Grammar (Daily Grams through end of year, then Analytical Grammar)

Writing (Apologia Jump In)



Science (Apologia General)

History (AAH)

Spanish (Galore Park)



Friday classes:


Music Appreciation

Logic (Fallacy Detective)

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Dd 12:


Math: redo Saxon 7/6 skipping through and trying to go until we really find where she needs to be. Would love to get through it and continue on catching up as much ground as possible.


Science: Abeka 6th grade science to keep it light and focused on math and language arts.


History: Story of the world 3 and 4. reports and a few historical readers


LA: IEW-B, wordly wise, spelling power, reading


Art: Mark Kistler's Draw Squad. working through his 3-d drawing book


That's it. Ruby

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my 13 ds is doing this;

Saxon algebra 1/2

rod and staff grammar 7

spelling workout ( we haven't finished it yet!)


Rosetta Stone German

reading Ancients (WTM)

The History OF the Ancient World and spielvogel, western civilization

just finished year 7 chemistry and will start physics with readers digest how science works

critical thinking book 1


our school year starts at end of January here. so we are over 1/2 way through school year.

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My 12-year-old is doing:


Dolciani Algebra I

Wheelock's Latin (through Lukeion, an online classical school)

Rod & Staff English 7

BJU Life Science

K12 History B -- Renaissance through 1914

K12 Art History B

Literature and composition through an outsourced class

Piano practice


Her school day is about seven hours long.

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My 8th grader is doing:


TT Alg 1

Apologia Physical Science

LL 8 + Wordly Wise 8

BJU Cultural Geography

Rosetta Stone Spanish

The Story of Art

Fallacy Detective

Reading Nutrition Action magazine and doing writings for Health

PE - assorted activities from archery to running...

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My 12yo 7th grader will be doing:


LOF math

BJU Life Science

Physical Science from a old textbook we have

Rosetta Stone Spanish

LIghtning Lit 7

Daily Grams

Apples Spelling Drill

IEW Writing

Across the Centuries history



Ancient Greece


Swim Clinics


and I am still debating geography

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Dd (7th) will be working on this:


First Form Latin

First Start French & L'Art de Lire

Basic College Math (w/ Dana Mosely dvds)

CW Homer

World History & Literature

American History

Botany Adv.

with some art, music, Book of Marvels for geography, Critical Thinking I and Code Cracker on the side.

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My 8th grader:


Lightning Lit - 8


Writing - Jump In

Spelling - Apples

R&S 6 (we're behind!)


Sonlight 100


Lial's Algebra


Geography - Trail Guide


Hewitt's Physical Science


Logic - Thinking Toolbox, Fallacy Detective


He's also involved in rowing, karate, rocketry, running


I hope I'm doing enough!!!

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My 7th grader is doing:


Bible reading daily (on Psalms right now)

Reading Window on the World (one country each day)

MUS (finishing Epsilon) (daily)

Getting Started with Latin (daily)

First Start French (daily)

Greek Alphabetarian (daily)

MOH 3, FMoMT (MOH for two weeks, then Famous Men for one, then back to MOH)(3 day/week)

Apologia General Science, with Lyrical Life Science as a supplement (and for fun) (daily)

Daily Geography Practice (daily)

Vocabulary from Classical Roots to be followed by MP's Roots book (daily)

Harvey's Grammar (2 day/week)

Lightning Lit 7 (daily)

Music and Moment's with the Masters (1 day/week)

Artistic Pursuits (2 day/week)

Memory work from Living Memory

Art of Argument (2 day/week)

US History--History of US (3 day/week)

Civics--Land of Fair Play (1 day/week)

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My dd is doing:


History/Geography/LA: Sonlight 100 US History includes writing

Spelling Workout

Analytical Grammar

Science:WTM Physics

Math: TT & LoF

Rosetta French


Art of Argument

Artistic Pursuits





4-H Civics, Quilting, Photography, Hiking, Foods Preservation

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Here's 7th grade for us:


Math: Algebra (Foester's w/Math Without Borders)

LA: AG, Spelling Mastery, Vocab Cartoons, Wordsmith, Unit on 5 paragraph essay, Lit analysis via reading & discussion

History: Ancients with A Little History of the World, Learning Through History Magazine, and Agustus Caesar's World

Logic: The Fallacy Detective

Japanses: Rosetta Stone

Geography: Ellen McHenry

Tech: TPS - Logo to Lego

Bible & Memory: Mom directed


He's taking an outside writing class, as well.

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We're taking an eclectic approach with dd13. Here's her 8th grade schedule:


  • Lof Beginning and Advanced Algebra (Daily)
  • The Everything American History book (2-3x/week)
  • Barron's Painless Life Science, Painless Writing, Painless Grammar, Painless Vocabulary, and Painless Algebra (we like these, lol) (2-3x/week)
  • Spectrum Grade 8th Language Arts (2-3x/week)
  • Daily Sparks Vocabulary, Writing, and Grammar (2-3x/week)
  • LiveMocha Spanish (1-2x/week)
  • Various classic literature (most taken from Ambleside lists) (Daily)
  • Written and oral narrations, essays, and research reports (varied)
  • Poetry, copywork, and dictation (Daily, dictation is weekly)
  • Nature, Artist, and Composer Study (1x week)

I plan on spending about 2-3 hours per day with her and she'll do a good portion of work on her own. Heavy focus this year on English and Writing.

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7th grade here


Saxon Algebra 1/2 (He finished 87, but I wanted 2 years of pre-algebra rather than 1.)

Rod and Staff English 5 (We're just beginning the series)

Pentime Penmanship 7

Oxford Latin Book 1

Hey Andrew Teach me some Greek level 3

History Odyssey Early Modern level 2

Apologia General Science



Goju Karate


Park Day

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My dd will be doing


Math U See

Marvelous Math(cd rom~15 minute timed drill)

Apologia General Science

Mystery of History

Reading Detective

Apples Spelling Drill


Window on the World

Not sure what we are using for Language/Grammar yet, I have a few different things to choose from.



I think that's all :001_smile:

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