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Tired of being asked by other moms to be dishonest re: Paypal

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how are they adding additional fees? It's always been 30 cents plus 2.9% for a premier account, right? What is the new fee?


Emmy, I'm not sure if this is was meant but I just had someone pay me on my personal account with a credit card for the first time. I knew I'd get a fee either way, but didn't realize that there would be two fees: the 2.9% +. 30 and something like an additional $0.45. That hurt on that particular transaction.


I should also probably finish reading all 11 pages here. You all just type too fast.:tongue_smilie:

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I would just rather pay the fees as a buyer, unless it was ebay or something from a business. They can eat the fees.


If I am buying from someone I "know" or a co-op then I will be responsible for my own fees. It should be an option, "Do you as the buyer want to eat the fees because you don't think it is worth a forty page thread on x message board?"


I haven't ever sold anything through paypal. I have trouble getting myself to the post office as it is, I would be a hot mess if I was trying to sell online. :lol:

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Emmy, I'm not sure if this is was meant but I just had someone pay me on my personal account with a credit card for the first time. I knew I'd get a fee either way, but didn't realize that there would be two fees: the 2.9% +. 30 and something like an additional $0.45. That hurt on that particular transaction.


I should also probably finish reading all 11 pages here. You all just type too fast.:tongue_smilie:


ok, I see - I didn't understand what the extra charges were. Does paypal explain them and what they are for? I guess I haven't sold anything in a while.

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Isn't that wierd. When buying off here, I always click personal, because it always seemed, imo, to be a personal issue. Unlike ebay, where I only have the vaguest idea whom I am buying from... on here, it always feels like I'm a community yard sale.




Well, if I go to buy from someone on this thread and it makes you uncomfortable, please let me know, we can go back (just send me back my money) and I'll click business.


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For cryin' out loud! If there are paypal fees then charge a few extra bucks. Don't ask someone else to LIE for you. People will try to justify it a million different ways, but it's still shirking Paypal's policies and LYING.


Good for you, OP, for not letting others manipulate you that way, and for keeping it ethical.




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First, I believe honesty is very important, period. I do my best to present what I sell as accurately as possible. I never realized that passing on Paypal fees was not allowed. I stopped using Paypal to receive payments because I don't like to pay those fees.


I know that some buyers don't like to send checks either. I understand this because they don't know me. However, this can make it difficult to sell used curriculum when most people expect me to accept Paypal. It's a catch-22. I set the amount I want to receive (it's not a profit) for my used curriculum and then add on postage. I had several people say they wanted to buy something, but they only wanted to pay with Paypal. Is it unreasonable to then ask them if they want to pay the Paypal fees so they can enjoy the convenience of Paypal, even though I state that I prefer checks or money orders? 2 people changed their minds about buying something from me because I don't accept Paypal, and I explained my reasons and asked if they wanted to pay the extra fees (I didn't know I wasn't supposed to do this). Of course, nobody wanted to do that, but since I don't like to pay those fees, I completely understand. Also, I understand the concept about buyer protection, but it almost feels like I am the bad guy for only accepting checks or money orders and not Paypal.


I've concluded that this is just one of those things where you just can't please everyone, and only the buyers who are willing to pay checks will buy from me. That's ok. Sellers should be honest and straightforward about their fees so buyers can make a smart decision that they hopefully won't regret. I've been burned a few times by dishonest sellers.

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Wow, I had no idea that this thread would fill so many pages so quickly! I'm glad to see that there are so many of you who also believe in sticking to the guidelines and are uncomfortable with lying about it being personal. I was really starting to feel down that every purchase I've tried to make lately, I've been asked to send it as a personal payment. I guess there still are some honest homeschool moms out there! I've got to admit, I'm baffled by how some people feel that the rule can be interpreted in different ways. The user agreement clearly states that if goods are being sold/exchanged, then it is NOT a personal purchase. What is there to interpret?:glare:

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Also, I just wanted to mention that this is a great site to figure out the fees.



BTW, I have had transactions where the seller wanted me to send a check in order to avoid Paypal fees, and I've volunteered to just pay the fees because it usually comes out to hardly anything extra when you think about the stamp. I much prefer a situation in which I'm offering to pay the fees rather than having someone ask me to cover the fees. I'd feel really uncomfortable myself asking someone to pay for the fees if they're purchasing from me. I really don't understand what the fuss is about with just keeping in mind the fees when setting the original price. I guess I have the attitude that if a curriculum item is just sitting around and I have no use for it, then I'd love to see it get used by someone really wants it and I'll get some $ out of the deal, and the 50 cents or dollar less that I get for it is not going to make or break me. If you have a bunch of very low-priced items, then this wouldn't work for you but some people will request that you buy $5 minimum of items or something like that, which makes sense.

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Wow, I had no idea that this thread would fill so many pages so quickly! I'm glad to see that there are so many of you who also believe in sticking to the guidelines and are uncomfortable with lying about it being personal. I was really starting to feel down that every purchase I've tried to make lately, I've been asked to send it as a personal payment. I guess there still are some honest homeschool moms out there! I've got to admit, I'm baffled by how some people feel that the rule can be interpreted in different ways. The user agreement clearly states that if goods are being sold/exchanged, then it is NOT a personal purchase. What is there to interpret?:glare:


Well, I am glad you can take heart in all the honest people out there. God knows I am just a lying, deceitful, dishonest person. :glare:

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I really have hesitated from saying anything, but even more than the Paypal issue, I am realizing how a person can have split personalities on the web. I've been a member of the HOD board for a couple years and have frequently seen your posts there. HOD is such a gentle, supportive board and I truly have a hard time believing that someone from that board would feel comfortable posting in such a different way elsewhere on the web. I understand that your feel strongly about this issue, but still, what we write on the web and how we react to people in terms of sarcasm and word choice is permanent.


I am editing this on 9/2 to add that I apologize for posting my above comments. It was a poor choice in judgment for me and I apologize, Rebecca, for my inappropriate post. I don't know if you will ever even see this comment, but I did not want to post a new reply to the thread which will then, yet again, boost this thread to the top of the boards. I believe it's time for this thread to be over and don't want to help perpetuate it. I also need to clarify that, contrary to Rebecca's comments below, I absolutely did not try to post a link to this thread on the HOD board and never considered doing that. I am quite concerned about her belief that I did this because I'm not sure where she got the idea that I did. I went to the HOD boards and saw that recently the administrators had removed a thread for rule violations, but it was not a thread that I had started or participated in. So I'm guessing that Rebecca saw that a thread had been removed for rule violations and assumed it was me. Also, a poster comments below that some people may feel so convicted about this issue that they will report people to Paypal. While I believe in choosing "purchase" and started this thread because I was feeling frustrated at the time, this truly is not a huge deal for me in life (in fact it's quite low on my list of priorities) and I have way too many more important things in life that need to be done to spend my time doing volunteer work for Paypal to help them enforce their policies.

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I really have hesitated from saying anything, but even more than the Paypal issue, I am realizing how a person can have split personalities on the web. I've been a member of the HOD board for a couple years and have frequently seen your posts there. HOD is such a gentle, supportive board and I truly have a hard time believing that someone from that board would feel comfortable posting in such a different way elsewhere on the web. I understand that your feel strongly about this issue, but still, what we write on the web and how we react to people in terms of sarcasm and word choice is permanent.


Oh whatever! Get over it! On the HOD board, I am not attacked and called deceitful and a liar. Here, you just did that. I am who I am and if someone were to accuse me of lying or whatever on there, you would see this side of me there too.


Apparently, you are perfect. You must fit in that sentence that was posted earlier..."IamperfectIalwaysputmycartback..."


ETA: You have 13 posts here! Do you really think you know me and my personality based on this thread? Wow. Perhaps you need to go evaluate your judgement issues.


Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment that you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "Let me take the speck out of your eye," when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.


Matthew 7.1-5

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I doubt that most people would think that a seller asking to be reimbursed for Paypal fees is dishonest. We're not in this to make money, just sell our used curriculum. In the end, either party can agree or disagree and the sale can be completed or go to someone else. No need to accuse people of lying and being maliciously deceitful. I think that's taking it a little far. Nobody is perfect and I actually can see the Paypal rules being interpreted differently for non-business customers. I can see both sides, and it all comes down to the fact that you can't please everyone. If you don't like the conditions of the sale, don't get discouraged and upset, and accuse the sellers of lying. Just decline the buy and go to the next opportunity. If it suits you, then buy. I think it's more damaging to post a statement that certain sellers are liars.

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I doubt that most people would think that a seller asking to be reimbursed for Paypal fees is dishonest. We're not in this to make money, just sell our used curriculum. In the end, either party can agree or disagree and the sale can be completed or go to someone else. No need to accuse people of lying and being maliciously deceitful. I think that's taking it a little far. Nobody is perfect and I actually can see the Paypal rules being interpreted differently for non-business customers. I can see both sides, and it all comes down to the fact that you can't please everyone. If you don't like the conditions of the sale, don't get discouraged and upset, and accuse the sellers of lying. Just decline the buy and go to the next opportunity. If it suits you, then buy. I think it's more damaging to post a statement that certain sellers are liars.



:iagree:Admittedly stated much better than I have been able to state it.

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I doubt that most people would think that a seller asking to be reimbursed for Paypal fees is dishonest.


What people are objecting to is not paying the fees at all by describing a business transaction as personal.


But you are right, in that we are all free to not participate in something we find unethical, and move on to the next seller/buyer.

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I doubt that most people would think that a seller asking to be reimbursed for Paypal fees is dishonest. We're not in this to make money, just sell our used curriculum. In the end, either party can agree or disagree and the sale can be completed or go to someone else. No need to accuse people of lying and being maliciously deceitful. I think that's taking it a little far. Nobody is perfect and I actually can see the Paypal rules being interpreted differently for non-business customers. I can see both sides, and it all comes down to the fact that you can't please everyone. If you don't like the conditions of the sale, don't get discouraged and upset, and accuse the sellers of lying. Just decline the buy and go to the next opportunity. If it suits you, then buy. I think it's more damaging to post a statement that certain sellers are liars.


The user agreement says that you cannot put on surcharges to have your fees reimbursed:


4.6 No Surcharges. You agree that you will not impose a surcharge or any other fee for accepting PayPal as a payment method. You may charge a handling fee in connection with the sale of goods or services, as long as the handling fee does not operate as a surcharge and is not higher than the handling fee you charge for non-PayPal transactions.


I agree with your statement that it is more damaging to say sellers are liars and dishonest.

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The user agreement says that you cannot put on surcharges to have your fees reimbursed:


4.6 No Surcharges. You agree that you will not impose a surcharge or any other fee for accepting PayPal as a payment method. You may charge a handling fee in connection with the sale of goods or services, as long as the handling fee does not operate as a surcharge and is not higher than the handling fee you charge for non-PayPal transactions.


I agree with your statement that it is more damaging to say sellers are liars and dishonest.


I found it amazing that so many find ignore one part of the user agreement to be unethical, deceitful, etc but ignoring another part of the user agreement to be just fine? :001_huh:

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I found it amazing that so many find ignore one part of the user agreement to be unethical, deceitful, etc but ignoring another part of the user agreement to be just fine? :001_huh:


I must have missed that. There was at one point some ambiguity, but it has since been clarified. Did someone say that ignoring this part of the user agreement is okay, but not the other part?


I would suggest to those who neither want to pay fees nor add surcharges, price your item according the level of profit you are comfortable with, being sure to keep in mind net profit rather than gross. Easy peasy, and in keeping with both the letter and spirit of the law.


And now, I'll be moving on to my next project--world peace.

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I found it amazing that so many find ignore one part of the user agreement to be unethical, deceitful, etc but ignoring another part of the user agreement to be just fine? :001_huh:


Some of us didn't read the agreement carefully:blush: and will immediately mend our ways. Feeling a bit like a bozo right now regarding adding fees on.:tongue_smilie:

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As a frequent buyer, and very rarely a seller, I do not mind paying higher prices because of the Paypal fees. I think as long as a seller sets their prices with ALL of the costs of doing business in mind (including Paypal fees) and does not add on a specific "paypal payers only fee" then everyone comes out ahead. (the buyer, the seller, and Paypal)

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The user agreement says that you cannot put on surcharges to have your fees reimbursed:


4.6 No Surcharges. You agree that you will not impose a surcharge or any other fee for accepting PayPal as a payment method. You may charge a handling fee in connection with the sale of goods or services, as long as the handling fee does not operate as a surcharge and is not higher than the handling fee you charge for non-PayPal transactions.


I agree with your statement that it is more damaging to say sellers are liars and dishonest.


Is this in the PayPal user agreement? Just curious as I really don't know why PayPal would care as long as they collected their fees. :confused:


Edited to add: Never mind, I found it. It's quite confusing to me why PP would even care, but it is in there.

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I found it amazing that so many find ignore one part of the user agreement to be unethical, deceitful, etc but ignoring another part of the user agreement to be just fine? :001_huh:


In case you're talking about me (are you?), I did follow up after my first post and said I wouldn't pay personal if a seller asked me to. I do follow the agreement because I don't want my account canceled. And if I didn't want to pay the fees for selling, I would just take a check or money order. Just wanted to clarify that.


This reminded me about the cash gas prices here in MA. Some stations were charging credit card users more to get gas. The state attorney general had to clear it up. The law is that you can't ask people to pay cc surcharges. You can only offer a discount about cash. (same difference but it's all in the wording)

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In case you're talking about me (are you?), I did follow up after my first post and said I wouldn't pay personal if a seller asked me to. I do follow the agreement because I don't want my account canceled. And if I didn't want to pay the fees for selling, I would just take a check or money order. Just wanted to clarify that.


I wasn't talking about any specific person. Several people seemed fine with the idea of charging a fee who felt it was unethical to pay as a personal payment.


This reminded me about the cash gas prices here in MA. Some stations were charging credit card users more to get gas. The state attorney general had to clear it up. The law is that you can't ask people to pay cc surcharges. You can only offer a discount about cash. (same difference but it's all in the wording)


Hm. I don't know what the law is here with regard to gas stations. I did mention before that we often have merchants here charge a fee to use a cc/debit card.

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In case you're talking about me (are you?), I did follow up after my first post and said I wouldn't pay personal if a seller asked me to. I do follow the agreement because I don't want my account canceled. And if I didn't want to pay the fees for selling, I would just take a check or money order. Just wanted to clarify that.


This reminded me about the cash gas prices here in MA. Some stations were charging credit card users more to get gas. The state attorney general had to clear it up. The law is that you can't ask people to pay cc surcharges. You can only offer a discount about cash. (same difference but it's all in the wording)



No hon...they are all talking about ME. ;) Rest assured, you are likely in the clear. As for me, I just don't really care so much. If I disagree with the rules, I can (and for the most part do) choose not to use the service. However, that doesn't mean that I NEVER break the rules either.


Curiousity to the OP and others who think I am so deceitful to skirt paypals fees on occasion...have you ever gone over the speed limit? EVER? Even by a mph or 2? Well, then YOU BROKE THE RULES! Oh my, you awful Christian. :auto: And...if you come here and say that you have never gone over the speed limit, then I can likely say "liar!" as well.

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Hm. I don't know what the law is here with regard to gas stations. I did mention before that we often have merchants here charge a fee to use a cc/debit card.


I should have been clearer. This is a Massachusetts state law. I think that the cc fee laws vary by state. I do know that MC and Visa don't allow their merchants to charge surcharges. AE and Discover do allow it, but it's not allowed in MA. Several other states don't all cc fees either.

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No hon...they are all talking about ME. ;) Rest assured, you are likely in the clear. As for me, I just don't really care so much. If I disagree with the rules, I can (and for the most part do) choose not to use the service. However, that doesn't mean that I NEVER break the rules either.


That was addressed to me and what I said had nothing to do with you or what you said. Just for the record. I don't think I've ever sold anything here and I haven't used paypal since they changed their fees. I don't have a horse in this race. I was making a comment to some of the people lambasting you while suggesting breaking another part of the user agreement. Maybe I'm not much help. :lol:


As to the second bit of your post-I'm the last person to play the holier-than-thou game, I'm one extremely imperfect person.

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I should have been clearer. This is a Massachusetts state law. I think that the cc fee laws vary by state. I do know that MC and Visa don't allow their merchants to charge surcharges. AE and Discover do allow it, but it's not allowed in MA. Several other states don't all cc fees either.


Oh, I understood you were talking about your own state. I was merely thinking out loud with regard to my own state. I wonder how state laws are impacting paypal policy.

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No hon...they are all talking about ME. ;) Rest assured, you are likely in the clear. As for me, I just don't really care so much. If I disagree with the rules, I can (and for the most part do) choose not to use the service. However, that doesn't mean that I NEVER break the rules either.


Curiousity to the OP and others who think I am so deceitful to skirt paypals fees on occasion...have you ever gone over the speed limit? EVER? Even by a mph or 2? Well, then YOU BROKE THE RULES! Oh my, you awful Christian. :auto: And...if you come here and say that you have never gone over the speed limit, then I can likely say "liar!" as well.


I didn't read the whole thread. I missed a lot, I see. I guess the part I didn't like was the way the OP complained about the sellers. Just tell the sellers about Paypal's rules and if you think they are doing something dishonest, email the moderators and let the moderators deal with it.

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That was addressed to me and what I said had nothing to do with you or what you said. Just for the record. I don't think I've ever sold anything here and I haven't used paypal since they changed their fees. I don't have a horse in this race. I was making a comment to some of the people lambasting you while suggesting breaking another part of the user agreement. Maybe I'm not much help. :lol:


As to the second bit of your post-I'm the last person to play the holier-than-thou game, I'm one extremely imperfect person.



:cheers2: My apologies. Most of the posts here talking about how awful it is to break paypal rules have been directed at me... But like my grandpappy always said, if theysa talkin' bout me, theysa leavin' somebody else alone. Let em' talk. :tongue_smilie:

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I didn't read the whole thread. I missed a lot, I see. I guess the part I didn't like was the way the OP complained about the sellers. Just tell the sellers about Paypal's rules and if you think they are doing something dishonest, email the moderators and let the moderators deal with it.


AMEN (or wait...am I not a good enough Christian to say that now?) :lol:

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No hon...they are all talking about ME. ;) .



Well, for a few pages, I have been wanting to say something about you, too. You are the first person I ever bought something from over the internet. It was used books - a lot of KG ones, I think. You were so helpful, with several e-mails back and forth and very understanding of a newbie. I want to thank you for selling me books that my son has enjoyed all summer waiting for some "real" school. :) You are :thumbup: in my book.

I don't really care one way or the other about the paypal fees, except this: One poster made the assertion that we should follow the rules we signed up for. I agree - I signed up for a free account with no fees for paying with a bank transfer and then 2 months later, with no notice sellers were being charged a new fee to accept bank transfers from me. I started added 50 cents (about the price of a stamp) just as a courtesy. The only problem I have had is the refunded money and e-mail after the fact that if I wanted the book I had already purchased, I would have to redo the transaction. And for the record, my problem was that I had to do it over - and anyone waiting for paypal with a dial up knows what I am talking about



Oh and one more totally unrelated thing - to the "this is what is wrong with Christians bunch" :tongue_smilie::chillpill: I don't see a lot of Christians ever saying "and that is so typical of non-christians." Why does everything have to be a dig?? Do I say "that is what is wrong with Italians, or hindus, or athletes?

Can't it possibly be that they are just criminals?:auto:

(For those of you who haven't met me : sarcasm is my friend. Just like SHOUTING.)


eta. just wanted to say that I might say something about athletes, but it's just out of jealousy

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Well, for a few pages, I have been wanting to say something about you, too. You are the first person I ever bought something from over the internet. It was used books - a lot of KG ones, I think. You were so helpful, with several e-mails back and forth and very understanding of a newbie. I want to thank you for selling me books that my son has enjoyed all summer waiting for some "real" school. :) You are :thumbup: in my book.



Thanks! I am glad your son liked them. :)


FWIW, I have 37 positive feedback ratings on this board alone (not mentioning the almost 300 positives on e-bay). I am not sure how that works with the "dishonest seller" bit, but facts are facts.

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Is this in the PayPal user agreement? Just curious as I really don't know why PayPal would care as long as they collected their fees. :confused:


Edited to add: Never mind, I found it. It's quite confusing to me why PP would even care, but it is in there.


I'm thinking that maybe paypal equates this with negative publicity, or something like that.


Sort-of like when the first English settlers came to America and King James wouldn't allow them to say anything that might be considered negative about their journey. There was a problem with overcrowding in England and he didn't want anyone that was considering moving to Jamestown to get cold feet...


(I know one thing has nothing to do with the other, but we've been studying Jamestown for the past few weeks and my brain is overloading with information that I'll probably never again in my lifetime need to know.) :D

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I just don't agree that choosing personal is a dishonest and unchristian thing to do. I do see it as helping out someone and selling to friends here on the board.


I don't accept PayPal, altho I've paid via PayPal.


There seems to be a bigger issue at hand:

is breaking a rule always considered unethical, dishonest, and unChristian?


is it unethical and dishonest EVERYtime you break a rule, or a law?

are there some rules that are ok to break on grounds of philosophical differences?


considering that each person has different levels of personal convictions on whether an issue is worth breaking a rule over, I think I'd cut some sellers --and buyers-- a lot of slack here.


i do think it would behoove everyone to know that some people are so convicted on this issue that they may be reporting to PayPal people who are violating [or asking to violate] PayPal policies. heads up and all that.

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I didn't read this entire thread (14 pages!!!) so maybe this has already been addressed, but when you click on the Personal tab there is an option to send it as Payment owed. Why would they include that as an option if you couldn't use it to pay someone for a purchase? If someone could direct me to where it says on their site that you can't do that, I would appreciate it. I've bought several things lately where I was asked to use the Personal tab, but since there was an option for payment owed, I didn't know I was doing anything wrong.

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i do think it would behoove everyone to know that some people are so convicted on this issue that they may be reporting to PayPal people who are violating [or asking to violate] PayPal policies. heads up and all that.



Talk about deceitful! A person offers a book for sale, you ask them to use the "personal" option to save everyone a few bucks among friends and they report you to paypal (now that they have your paypal address. NICE! Very Christian-like.

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I'm like a few of the other posters. I never gave it much thought and certainly was not using the Personal tab to be deceptive and avoid fees. I used the Purchase for ebay and when I was selling a book that I wrote. But when I got replies to my WTB, I just sent under the Personal. And likewise if I responded to someone's WTB, I was usually taking a loss and just thought that it was Personal since I am not in the book selling business.


I'm glad that you brought this up. I will go look at those policies (all that fine print I didn't read <g>) and maybe even contact paypal for clarification.

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Whenever you sell anything, you calculate the cost of the shipping plus whatever fees paypal might charge you and then you make the buyer pay for it. That is the only way you can make any money. You have to make the buyer pay the fees. Otherwise it's just not worth it. Btw, I never sell anymore b/c I found it all a hassle. Not to mention I can't ever get to the post office to get things out in a timely manner . :)

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Yeah, I have to say that the paypal issue wasn't nearly as offensive to me as the group of us who chose "personal" to be considerate of "friends" here on the board being called dishonest, liars, deceitful, and even having their christianity questioned. Then the op decided to make it a personal attack on me and remark that I am one way on the HOD board and another way here - even though the boards are MUCH different and, well, at the HOD board, I have never been called a liar nor have I had my faith judged by another Christian. I suspect she even attempted to tattle to the HOD board though I can't be sure since the admin deleted the post since it was in VIOLATION OF THE RULES!!! Now how is THAT for stones...glass houses?!

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Someone around page 8 asked to see this. I had no idea this had all changed until I saw this thread. I have been reading the updates to the user agreement because I've been known to ask for $2 to cover Paypal fees and had no idea it was illegal! I am not posting this to single anyone out, just because someone (I don't remember who) asked to see the policy and I thought I'd paste it here. :001_smile:


Amendment to the PayPal User Agreement


Effective Date: June 3, 2009


Beginning June 3, 2009 PayPal user agreement is being amended as follows:


1. Section 4.2 of the user agreement will read as follows:


1.Ă¢â‚¬Å“4.2 Receiving Payments for Commercial Transactions and Personal Transactions.a. Fees depend on whether you are making a commercial transaction or a personal transaction. A commercial transaction involves buying and selling goods or services, and payments received when you send a Ă¢â‚¬Å“request moneyĂ¢â‚¬ using PayPal. A personal transaction involves sending money to and receiving money from friends and family without making a purchase.


b. If you are selling goods or services, you may not ask the buyer to send you a personal payment for the purchase. If you do so, PayPal may remove your ability to accept personal payments.Ă¢â‚¬


I guess I should read my user agreements when they get e-mailed to me.:blush:




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I doubt that most people would think that a seller asking to be reimbursed for Paypal fees is dishonest. We're not in this to make money, just sell our used curriculum. In the end, either party can agree or disagree and the sale can be completed or go to someone else. No need to accuse people of lying and being maliciously deceitful. I think that's taking it a little far. Nobody is perfect and I actually can see the Paypal rules being interpreted differently for non-business customers. I can see both sides, and it all comes down to the fact that you can't please everyone. If you don't like the conditions of the sale, don't get discouraged and upset, and accuse the sellers of lying. Just decline the buy and go to the next opportunity. If it suits you, then buy. I think it's more damaging to post a statement that certain sellers are liars.




...and everyone really needs to stop their holier than thou comments about lying, "honest Christians", yadda, yadda, yadda. Your comments are hurtful and inflammatory. Tree House Academy has stated many times now that she does not ask people to pay using the personal option, but to help out a few homeschoolers, she has paid them using the personal option. If the seller was unhappy with that, they could have refunded her her money and ask to be paid "legally"....which I doubt many would actually do.


Some of you really need to get off your high horses. Sinless and perfect are we? Obey ALL the rules ALL the time, eh? Yeah, sure ya do. ;) Never EVER go over the speed limit? Pay ALL your state taxes....like taxes on non-taxed curriculum purchased over the internet? Never EVER lie or covet? Perhaps you should truly examine your own ugly hearts, and then she (or he) without sin may cast the first you-are-a-dishonest-Christian stone.


Good grief. :001_huh:

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...and everyone really needs to stop their holier than thou comments about lying, "honest Christians", yadda, yadda, yadda. Your comments are hurtful and inflammatory. Tree House Academy has stated many times now that she does not ask people to pay using the personal option, but to help out a few homeschoolers, she has paid them using the personal option. If the seller was unhappy with that, they could have refunded her her money and ask to be paid "legally"....which I doubt many would actually do.


Some of you really need to get off your high horses. Sinless and perfect are we? Obey ALL the rules ALL the time, eh? Yeah, sure ya do. ;) Never EVER go over the speed limit? Pay ALL your state taxes....like taxes on non-taxed curriculum purchased over the internet? Never EVER lie or covet? Perhaps you should truly examine your own ugly hearts, and then she (or he) without sin may cast the first you-are-a-dishonest-Christian stone.


Good grief. :001_huh:



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Curiousity to the OP and others who think I am so deceitful to skirt paypals fees on occasion...have you ever gone over the speed limit? EVER? Even by a mph or 2? Well, then YOU BROKE THE RULES! Oh my, you awful Christian. :auto: And...if you come here and say that you have never gone over the speed limit, then I can likely say "liar!" as well.


:lol: I must have caught your vibe, Tree House. :D

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Talk about deceitful! A person offers a book for sale, you ask them to use the "personal" option to save everyone a few bucks among friends and they report you to paypal (now that they have your paypal address. NICE! Very Christian-like.


not that *I* would do that, but I'm sure there are some who would. And they would still be very Christian. ;)


I've been known to ask for $2 to cover Paypal fees and had no idea it was illegal!


just fyi -- it's not *illegal*, it's simply against the user policies of a private company. The police and courts likely would NOT be involved unless you were on a mission to seriously screw up the company. It is NOT in the same category as copyright laws. :D

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As fun as this has been, I think I am finished with this thread. I think questioning someone's Christianity over ANYTHING is wrong. The OP and others are not GOD and I will take my judgements from Him thankyouverymuch. Ohter than that, this thread has been alive WAY too long. I am all now done now (as my now 10 year old used to say).

Edited by Tree House Academy
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