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Mom "uniforms" - What do you wear to look nice out of the home?

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When you've got co-op, Bible Study, or activities for which you'll be interacting with other adults what do you wear to look nice.


I'm not a huge dress/skirt person because of the winter. I can't wear any collared shirts (polos or button down) because of my fused neck. And I'm a "traditionally built" woman. :D


I just got done buying kakhi's and polos for my kids so they've got 3 nice outfits for this year's activities out of the house. Now I'm thinking about me.


I'm usually a t-shirt, capri, and crocs person. But I'm open to suggetions.


What do you suggest?

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I have an all-purpose blazer that I can wear with nearly everything--even jeans. Find a color that you love or that will go with your clothes. Mine's a burnt-orange in velvet. I really like cotton sweaters--they wear well, are comfortable and look good too. Sorry, I'm not a big crocs fan--how about a nice pair of flats or sandals? ;) For bottoms, I have found a brand of jeans/pants that fit me and I just order different colors in that brand and style--I have denim, black and tan.

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I have a pair of trousers jeans, as well as some boot cut ones. In the winter they are usually paired with a simple long sleeve shirt or turtle neck, with a cardigan (sweater or fleece) over top. I also wear comfy casual shoes, but not sneakers.


For me, at least lately, the key has been to make sure the items fit, are not worn looking (stretched out or faded), and are clean (not stained!). I also try to wear tops that are a little more fitted and the cardigans boxy (not long over the hips) but that's because it complements my shape.

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I have two "go-to" outfits that I wore to nearly every HS or church event last year and felt pretty good every time (not normal for me at all!):

1) trouser jeans (hemmed to just the right length... that was the key for me), ballet flats that are comfy with some traction (aerosoles) in black, red or cream. Sleeveless blouse/top with some details (j crew has some great ones, ebay for better prices and some target knock-offs) AND (very important b/c I hate my arms!!!) a cotton cardigan in varying weights and lengths depending on the season. I know that sounds like a complicated mix... but it was still casual, but dressed up enough that I felt put-together. Sometimes I feel that plain t-shirts just highlight all my imperfections... so this was a good combo for me. I'd mix up the colors sometimes (I'm a big fan of black and white for a uniform!). I've seen other moms look very comfy in this kind of outfit but they would pair it with Dansko clogs instead of the ballet flats.

2) For the warmer months: a longer pair of VERY tailored (back pockets and belt loops, etc.) bermuda shorts and a TUNIC (no collar). Took me a while to find a nice fitting pair of knee length shorts - I usually dislike shorts in any form. Ann Taylor loft had some nice ones last year. But for more casual environments (park days, field trips etc.) this has been a good compromise. Tunics I can usually find anywhere and I go for 3/4 sleeve with a little bit of shape. I'm in Cali and can get away with some different shoe choices: high heel sandals for dressier events (usually an espadrille) and chuck taylor sneakers for the casual field trips. I would love to get my hands on some of those mary jane crocs though!


I think I wore some version of the 2 outfits above a few dozen times without anyone really noticing. :)

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Well, I'm finally giving it up and going to the dresses. I love a good, non-frumpy, well-made-with-quality-material jumper dress (with a *nice* white shirt underneath, whether long or short sleeved). At the church we've begun attending, it's traditional for women to wear dresses or skirts/shirts and these are what I've decided I like most. And I really do enjoy the dressy feeling I have when I'm out and about, even for errands, in them; I like they way they go "floosh, floosh" as I walk.


I bought one made out of Tencel at a thrift store recently (for $2.50!) and I told some gals that I know who sew, if I could have 12 of these I'd wear these for the rest of my life. I'm ready to be done with fashion; not with looking nice, but with having to choose different outfits each day.

<She says as she sits at the computer in her jeans and shirt, lol.>


With that in mind, I've been keeping my eye open for the type of jumper dress I like (again, NICE, not frumpy; I don't like *those* kind; these are the kind that go straight down, with no stitching at the waist or hips, and not too deep of armholes made out of a sturdy but not heavy fabric) and I'm up to six. The ONLY thing not working with the plan right now is that I'm still nursing our 16 mo. old and these aren't conducive to that. But he's nursing less often, so for when I do need to nurse, I throw on some jeans and a shirt.

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I mean, do people really think about these things? I just go in whatever I would normally wear to anything so I'm thinking capris and a shirt - not bad.


I just have my "style." I'm fairly casual most of the time. I generally don't feel the need to dress in a way that is not me. I dress to the occasion of course (not gonna go to a nice restaurant in jeans), but if I loved capris, I'd wear them and just alter what I wore with them to suit the outing.


So, my idea for you is to take your favorite capris (however many pair they may be) and get some cute, casual tops to go with them (not tees, but knit, comfy tops). Alternatively, get a couple of dressier tops (I'm loving the baby-doll style things that fit loosely - I find them quite flattering - I don't DO tight clothes). This way you can dress the capris up when there is a need to do so.


Finally, invest in a couple of inexpensive, cute pairs of shoes. Crocs really do dress any outfit down. :tongue_smilie:


I went out and bought a few cute pair of flip-flops this summer. They are dressier than regular flip-flops so they look cute with outfits. Or you can get some kind of flat shoes/sandals, or even the cheap, white tennies.


These are just some ideas that might help...

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I mean, do people really think about these things? I just go in whatever I would normally wear to anything so I'm thinking capris and a shirt - not bad.


I just have my "style." I'm fairly casual most of the time. I generally don't feel the need to dress in a way that is not me. I dress to the occasion of course (not gonna go to a nice restaurant in jeans), but if I loved capris, I'd wear them and just alter what I wore with them to suit the outing.


So, my idea for you is to take your favorite capris (however many pair they may be) and get some cute, casual tops to go with them (not tees, but knit, comfy tops). Alternatively, get a couple of dressier tops (I'm loving the baby-doll style things that fit loosely - I find them quite flattering - I don't DO tight clothes). This way you can dress the capris up when there is a need to do so.


Finally, invest in a couple of inexpensive, cute pairs of shoes. Crocs really do dress any outfit down. :tongue_smilie:


I went out and bought a few cute pair of flip-flops this summer. They are dressier than regular flip-flops so they look cute with outfits. Or you can get some kind of flat shoes/sandals, or even the cheap, white tennies.


These are just some ideas that might help...


I live in Louisiana too and I'm pretty casual as well. It could be the weather but the dress down here seems to be more casual than where I grew up in the mid-west. I do a lot of "dressing up the capris" and I have a few pair of long pants, but for the summer they are gauze, very casual. Of course for me dressing up means putting on the good sandals instead of the flip-flops. :tongue_smilie:


I layer a lot, usually a tank or tee with a shirt over it. In the winter I have some casual jackets and sweaters and revert to nice jeans or a few pair of trousers. I do push the sandal thing though, I'll wear them even in February.


I believe you can easily change the mood of the outfit by adding a jacket/shirt and dressing up the shoes.

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I have one decent dress for summer and a nice skirt/sweater/boots outfit for winter. Otherwise, what you see is what you get. Although I do think that my every day look is neat and pulled together. We wear summer clothes from March-October so my wardrobe mainly consists of capris and light skirts. I have t-shirts and nice button downs. I don't have much of a need for special outfits. LOL

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My uniform is a 7th Ave pant from NY&C (black, brown, or grey) and a knit or button blouse.


A bangle bracelet and a cute pair of heels or flats and I am set.


When I leave the house, I wear "business casual" type clothing. It doesn't take any longer to put on a pair of slacks than to put on sweats. A cute top takes no more time than a shapeless, frumpy one. Plus, I feel great!

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I wear jeans- any sort, from denim to beige to pink- and various ...umm, I think you call them woolen sweaters? We call them jumpers here. I have a collection of really nice jumpers- my latest is a handspun, hand knit I picked up at swap meet. In summer, I am likely to wear colourful cotton pants and tops, or floral dresses. I like natural fibres. I wear cotton tshirts, both long and short sleeved.

I dont dress conservatively, but neither do I like too much skin showing. I love to play with colours and will often wear a scarf.

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I like heels with dark vintage style jeans and a cute top, retro T-shirt with a neat jacket, sweater or scarf. I'm really into jewelry so I love beads of any kind and bracelets, long strands with crosses, or jewels dress up a fun top.

I like one-of-a-kind tops but comfy is a must so the fabric has to feel good.

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My current "nice out of the house" outfits revolve around a nice pair of dark beige wool gabardine slacks. I top it with either a button-down cotton blouse and light blazer or a nice longer tunic and belt. Depending on the weather, I'll wear either some slip-ons with a decent heel (2") or a pair of wedge heel sandals.


Like Peela, I, too, have a thing for scarves. And funky jewelry. My clothes look pretty boring in the closet, but I accessorize, accessorize, accessorize! It makes a world of difference. Accessories don't have to cost a mint either, so I can put my money into buying really good quality basic clothing pieces -- like the slacks I mentioned above.

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When you've got co-op, Bible Study, or activities for which you'll be interacting with other adults what do you wear to look nice.


I'm not a huge dress/skirt person because of the winter. I can't wear any collared shirts (polos or button down) because of my fused neck. And I'm a "traditionally built" woman. :D


I just got done buying kakhi's and polos for my kids so they've got 3 nice outfits for this year's activities out of the house. Now I'm thinking about me.


I'm usually a t-shirt, capri, and crocs person. But I'm open to suggetions.


What do you suggest?


Here's what I wear.


Summer in Europe is capri's or jeans and cute tops with jewelry. Birkenstocks or flats. Winter means sweaters and tops underneath with jeans and cords. Cute boots or leather shoes. Nice down coats with scarves and gloves. That's the "mom wear" in this house.


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I found great fitting jeans at Ann Taylor Loft. Simple nice tops and heels, mules, boots(depending on the weather) I did find a trench coat and couple nice pants suit coats to wear with my jeans at TJ Maxx. I shop mostly at Ann Taylor Loft, Kohls, Eddie Bauer and when I have time to browse TJ Maxx or Ross type stores.

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I don't want to hijack this thread, but I have a related question (and by the way, these posts have been so helpful). When do you all feel you "need" to dress this way, especially if the ensemble is on the dressy side? My situation is that I have some pretty dressed up clothes that I wear to work (I work part time) and if I'm out for dinner with my husband, going to someone's house, attending church etc. But if I'm with my kids, taking them to a class, the pool etc. I tend to be quite dressed down. I'm starting to realize that this may not be appropriate. Like right now, I'm wearing yoga pants and a sweatshirt around the house, but I took my kids to swim lessons a bit ago and wore this. I think I'm going to try to turn over a new leaf this fall, but I'm curious what others do. I realize this may vary by region too.

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I don't want to hijack this thread, but I have a related question (and by the way, these posts have been so helpful). When do you all feel you "need" to dress this way, especially if the ensemble is on the dressy side?


I have workout pants, but I only wear them to workout or around the house. If I leave the house, I take a few minutes and look professional and put-together. It takes me about 5 minutes. I look at homeschooling and mothering as my profession, and I convey that in my dress. It's a personal preference, but I enjoy looking my best, and hubby loves the way I take a little time to put on proper clothes.


For some reason, I just *feel* better in a blouse and slacks than in sweatpants and T. I feel I am worth it, and that life is too short to run around looking and feeling schlumpy-dumpy. It's also a way to honor my husband by keeping up the same care in my appearance I had when we were dating. He really appreciates it, so I suppose that is motivating to me. Honestly, I dress mostly for myself though. I feel I am a professional mom and an accomplished home educator, and I dress the way that I feel in that role, if that makes sense, LOL!

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I don't want to hijack this thread, but I have a related question (and by the way, these posts have been so helpful). When do you all feel you "need" to dress this way, especially if the ensemble is on the dressy side? My situation is that I have some pretty dressed up clothes that I wear to work (I work part time) and if I'm out for dinner with my husband, going to someone's house, attending church etc. But if I'm with my kids, taking them to a class, the pool etc. I tend to be quite dressed down. I'm starting to realize that this may not be appropriate. Like right now, I'm wearing yoga pants and a sweatshirt around the house, but I took my kids to swim lessons a bit ago and wore this. I think I'm going to try to turn over a new leaf this fall, but I'm curious what others do. I realize this may vary by region too.


I was never a t-shirt and jeans girl. I only wear yoga or fitted clothing like that when I run. I dont' feel comfortable going out in public in my running clothes. Like someone said it takes pretty much the same amount of time to put on chinos or jeans and some kind of shirt, slip on shoes and grab a cute jacket as it does jeans, t shirt, jacket and sneakers. It's just a personal prefrence with me.

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My uniform is a 7th Ave pant from NY&C (black, brown, or grey) and a knit or button blouse.


A bangle bracelet and a cute pair of heels or flats and I am set.


When I leave the house, I wear "business casual" type clothing. It doesn't take any longer to put on a pair of slacks than to put on sweats. A cute top takes no more time than a shapeless, frumpy one. Plus, I feel great!


I like the idea of dressing business casual. I still need deprogramming from the days of spit up, tiny chocolate hands, snot, vomit, etc. I've worn it all. Now that my kids are older that's not the case. I do still battle with cooking spills (need to use my apron), cleaning spills, rain, mud, and my little doggie mud paw prints on my pants (puppy still). Do you change your clothes before you go out?


Right now I wear sweat pants inside and leave in nice jeans, shirts, and boots 9 months out of the year. I would like to step up my look but do worry about dirt, hence why I usually only wear dark colors.

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I don't want to hijack this thread, but I have a related question (and by the way, these posts have been so helpful). When do you all feel you "need" to dress this way, especially if the ensemble is on the dressy side? My situation is that I have some pretty dressed up clothes that I wear to work (I work part time) and if I'm out for dinner with my husband, going to someone's house, attending church etc. But if I'm with my kids, taking them to a class, the pool etc. I tend to be quite dressed down. I'm starting to realize that this may not be appropriate. Like right now, I'm wearing yoga pants and a sweatshirt around the house, but I took my kids to swim lessons a bit ago and wore this. I think I'm going to try to turn over a new leaf this fall, but I'm curious what others do. I realize this may vary by region too.



It wasn't until I started working outside the home a LOT more that I realized I didn't ever have to dress like crap! I have nice clothes for work and I wear less formal/dressy versions of that regularly. It's a look that really works for me (but, startlingly goes very much against people's image of what a witch looks like :D ).


Even taking my kid to swimming lessons, I wore nicer clothes. You CAN make yoga pants look really nice if you do it right (think fitted, not baggy).


The only time I wear crappy clothes is when I'm going to do some serious cleaning or farm work -- and for the farm work I wear work coveralls anyway. For regular daily housework and such, I have some cute aprons to toss on over my clothes so they don't get wrecked. I don't have little kids anymore, so it's not a big maintenance issue to stay nice looking all day.


ETA: Flylady kind of gave me the *push* I needed way back when. The whole thing about getting dressed including shoes... I just evolved it into adding at least minimal make-up everyday, and accessories everyday (really perk up any outfit). Making myself get into a routine helps me a lot when trying to make changes.

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This time of year, and into the fall, I like to wear casual skirts (anywhere from just above to just below the knee) and cotton tees or other casual shirts with them--ballet slippers or sandals. The skirts range from floral to geometrical deisgns to jersey material. You can dress this up with bangle bracelets or down.... I switch to longer, (below the knee) skirts with flat boots in the winter. I will wear jeans, but prefer my feminine style of skirts. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I usually wear a skirt and blouse or t-shirt if I don't need to be on my hands and knees with kids. Normally I wear sandles or flip flops. If I am going to a park, to work at Mothers Day Out or something like that I wear shorts, capris or pants.


The only time you will ever catch me in sweat pants is when I am about to pop prego or working in the yard. I just don't like them.

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