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do you say the Pledge regularly?


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i'm interested in hearing how many of you use the pledge as a regular part of your homeschool day (even if it's not everyday) and whether you also include other "daily" things like the pledge to the Holy Bible, etc.


what other things could i incorporate during this part of the day?


thanks in advance!

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but we don't say it every day. I also teach the preamble to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the first part of Patrick Henry's speech, and several other speeches as they get older including some from Lincoln, Kennedy, FDR, Martin Luther King Jr., Churchill, Shakespeare, some John Wayne, and a few from my grandmother. :D


The only thing I start every school day with is coffee and a call to the table or the couch or the swing in the garden or the park......

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Perhaps a little Red Skelton and The Pledge


If your children haven't heard of Mr Skelton this would be a wonderful introduction. We used to have a 45 record of this - it was actually a square piece of cardboard that you could play on a record player. After hearing this you will never say the Pledge of Alliance again without thinking about what you are actually saying.

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When we first started we said the pledge of allegiance everyday but we've kind of slipped a little. When we start up again in September we will get back to saying it. I do have it printed, framed and hung on the wall with a picture of the flag.


We also try and start the school day with prayer.

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Just one more thing...

We went to the Drive-In the other night (Movies, yes we still have a Drive-In) and before the movie starts they get everyone involved by playing the Beep Beep Song (Little Nash Rambler)

It's great fun - Everyone beeps along with the song. As soon as the song is finished they ask everyone to get out of their cars for the playing of the National Anthem!! We Love our Drive In. Good clean family entertainment!

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We never recited the pledge - they learned it when they were younger, but not being our pledge, we don't recite it.


Regarding other "daily" things... We're really not observant, but I wanted make sure they would know at least shema, so when they were little for a few years we used to say it before going to bed.


We have no special routine to start the school day with. They usually start it with tea. :D

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I teach the words to the pledge, but, no, we don't say it regularly. I don't believe in teaching blind allegiance to anything. My son can choose whether or not he wants to say it on a regular basis when he's older.


We are pledge people! One of the things that drives me crazy about public school is the removal of saying the Pledge every morning.

The schools in my county still say the pledge every morning.

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Goodness. I have never heard of this. I taught in California for 16 years and we started announcements with the pledge every morning.


Here in NC I worked for a while and we said it every morning too.


In our homeschool I really haven't thought of doing it. It doesn't mean I don't want my kids to learn it, I just haven't really thought of it. My kids say it at boy/cub scouts each week.




We are pledge people! One of the things that drives me crazy about public school is the removal of saying the Pledge every morning.
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My girls, 8 & 5, made me recite it for a period a month or two ago everytime we were driving and saw an American flag. One day, I must have said it 15 times. :tongue_smilie:


So, there's a good way to incorporate it without making it "school". We also discussed the phrasing and what the words mean.


I think I need to go back to doing this two or three times a week, so they will continue to memorize it.

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Well, we don't believe in saying the pledge so my kids didn't even when they were in school (all of 8 weeks). My daughter knows it. I would be surprised if my son could do it verbatim though. Both know what it means and why we don't say it under any circumstance. They can, of course, as adults, do otherwise. I hope not.

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I have taught my kids the pledge, but we do not do it as part of school. I do *other* memory work daily, but while I value patriotism, I'm uncomfortable with daily pledges to a flag. I fear it blurs the line between patriotism and religious fervor.

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We will say it everyday right along with the Our Father, bible songs, and bible verse memory work during circle time. Dh is retired military and our oldest is military-minded. It is very important to us that our boys to learn respect for the flag and country.


The flag is very important to dh who was stationed in Germany for many years (the flag was a symbol and reminder of home for him), and spent a good amount of time in countries whose people could only dream of having the freedoms we enjoy.

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Nope. I don't like the pledge - mostly for the same reasons as other posters. I do teach patriotism and appreciation for our freedoms, but don't think that kids should be promising something they barely understand. OTOH, I do understand it and still won't promise it. Now if there was a pledge to be faithful to the Declaration or the Constitution, I'd consider it....


We do say the Morning Offering pretty much daily at the start of school, and I'm intrigued by the Charlotte Mason memory system so hopefully will have more daily memory work going on soon - Bible verses, poems, history, science, whatever else I can think of.

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No, never. But that's probably because I'm a dual citizen and didn't grow up saying a pledge. My dd's know it, but we're going to need to teach it to ds. I've heard all to explanations about why to say it, but even though I've said it since becoming a citizen, pledging a set speech of allegiance to the flag & to the nation for which it stands doesn't mean much to me. I don't pray a memorized prayer, either.


That said, I'm not opposed to it one bit, nor disloyal. I just don't think of it, that's all.

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Nope, we don't do the pledge at all. Ever. They do recite the Preamble to the Constitution about once a week and we're going to work on memorizing the names of the Presidents and the Amendments to the Constitution.


But no, no pledge.

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Nope, we don't do the pledge at all. Ever. They do recite the Preamble to the Constitution about once a week and we're going to work on memorizing the names of the Presidents and the Amendments to the Constitution.


But no, no pledge.


Oo, I love that idea. Thank you Sasha. I'll think I will add that to our Pledge routine. I would like to find a good CD of patriotic music. I am looking for one that would contain the usual Star-Spangled Banner, America the Beautiful, etc...

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We will say it everyday right along with the Our Father, bible songs, and bible verse memory work during circle time. Dh is retired military and our oldest is military-minded. It is very important to us that our boys to learn respect for the flag and country.


The flag is very important to dh who was stationed in Germany for many years (the flag was a symbol and reminder of home for him), and spent a good amount of time in countries whose people could only dream of having the freedoms we enjoy.


This is us almost to a T, except that DH is active duty, I am a veteran, and we both come from a line of retired veterans.


I am the one who said that we are pledge people and the lack of saying it is one of the things I didn't like about public schools. I am actually so thrilled to hear that the pledge is still being said in some class rooms. Being in the military and moving often, we have come across many school districts who "just don't say it anymore", which to us was a shame.

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Nope, we don't do the pledge at all. Ever. They do recite the Preamble to the Constitution about once a week and we're going to work on memorizing the names of the Presidents and the Amendments to the Constitution.


But no, no pledge.


I was in Target last weekend and in the $1 section, they have flashcards of all the presidents, up through our current president. They are pretty good!

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We pray, read the bible, say the pledge and do the pledge to the bible and christian flag. We also say the Shema which is Deuteronomy 6:4-9 everymorning. We sometime get busy and don't do the pledges but we alway do our bible portion.

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Very cool. We have several Wee Sing tapes and cds but I've never seen this one before. Thanks for the link!! =)

That's what we use as well. :) The book that comes with the CD has all of the lyrics, of course, like other Wee Sing books. There are some good quotes from JFK, Martin Luther King Jr, Abraham Lincoln, etc. as well as the inscription at the base of the Statue of Liberty.


We've used the book a lot for copywork ideas.


My only complaint about the Wee Sing patriotic songs is that *I* would prefer the more classic, well sung versions of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and other songs rather than the cutesy children's voices. Still, my kids love it and that's the point.

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I am the one who said that we are pledge people and the lack of saying it is one of the things I didn't like about public schools. I am actually so thrilled to hear that the pledge is still being said in some class rooms. Being in the military and moving often, we have come across many school districts who "just don't say it anymore", which to us was a shame.


I kind of like the idea of saying the preamble to the Constitution, or the declaration, or some other document that I hold a little higher than the pledge. :)


Ooh, now I want to compile some nice liberty-minded quotes from famous people and make them the weekly copy work. :D

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this has been MOST helpful!!! thanks gals!

as always, you've really made me think!

why am i doing what i'm doing? is it consistent with what i REALLY hope to be instilling? if i'm doing it, is it making it more like school or more of a s . . . .

well, anyway ....

thanks!!! :)

we're going to keep on saying our pledge to the flag and to the bible, right after we've done our devo. at breakfast and cleaned up. i think that our kids are really struggling with understanding the concept of orderliness and the fact that we are a part of a bigger entity .... we're not just islands unto ourselves. so i think, for now, it's a GREAT way for them to understand that #1 school is starting for the day and it's time to put your mind in gear (thereby i hope they will abandon the sillies that set in soooo quickly for DD!); #2 we have a responsibility to be upstanding citizens AND regard the Bible as precious.

we won't do it forever and ever and ever. i love the other ideas you gals have offered with the preamble, etc .... although i want them to regard more highly their scripture memorization.


again, thanks, gals for another great interchange of ideas!

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
Perhaps a little Red Skelton and The Pledge


If your children haven't heard of Mr Skelton this would be a wonderful introduction.


I know I'm two days late but thank you so much for this link! I just love it! One of my favorite memories of Christmas in my childhood was our Red Skelton Christmas Album, especially The Littlest Christmas Tree.

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We don't say it as a part of our school day, no. Well - we did for about six weeks during our first grade citizenship studies, when we discussed national symbols and made a point to memorize the pledge. Not in the two years since, though.


My son is in scouts, and says it once or twice a week at scouting events and meetings. That's good enough for me.

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I am all for memorizing historically important quotes, which would include the Pledge. However, we would not recite it daily.


Our mornings, after breakfast, begin with scripture memory passages, The Younger Children's Catechism (Westminster) memory and Leading Little Ones to God. We pray. After that, "school" begins.

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