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Is anyone else excited for school to start?


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My kids are getting bored, and I'm ready to put some structure back in their lives. I have all this great curriculum planned and I'm excited to put it into action! This combination has me raring to get started on our new year. Only 2.5 more weeks to go!

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I am! So much of this summer has been about waiting--waiting for ds17 to get out of treatment; waiting to hear about ds19's acceptance into college at first, now about his roommate; waiting to know about my job and if I'll even be able to homeschool dd.

The school room is ready, I'm almost ready with planning, I want to buy my books, I want to start! I go down to the school room (it's the cleanest and most organized room in the house! lol) and just sit there sometimes.

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I am! So much of this summer has been about waiting--waiting for ds17 to get out of treatment; waiting to hear about ds19's acceptance into college at first, now about his roommate; waiting to know about my job and if I'll even be able to homeschool dd.

The school room is ready, I'm almost ready with planning, I want to buy my books, I want to start! I go down to the school room (it's the cleanest and most organized room in the house! lol) and just sit there sometimes.


:grouphug::grouphug: I am a terribly impatient woman and waiting is akin to lower regions wax job. I am picturing you (well, your back is to me) in your school room. I wish you all the best and hope it works out the way you envision-only better.

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ME!! Not only do I get to continue to homeschool my oldest 2, but I am adding my next little blessing to the day as well and I get to help a dear friend homeschool her daughter! I'm still working on my lesson plans, but I have almost all the books ready to go. Just a few more odds and ins and lots of school supplies to get. I love shopping for school supplies... 5 more weeks to go here.

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Is anyone else excited for school to start? !




You learn to get over the excitement after the first decade :lol:

One can actually learn to dread it. ;)


The honeymoon wore off years and years ago for me :lol:


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I am! I have to finish planning and I hope to be done so we can start the first Monday in August (not sure I'm going to make it though). This is our second year and I learned a lot last year. We've changed almost everything and I'm actually excited about the new curriculum. My 9 yo DS has already asked to start, but I simply am not finished scheduling, so it has to wait.

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We are starting on Monday!!! I decided to start early this year (although we school year round) because my baby is due the middle of August...which is when we make the transition from one grade to another.


The kids are excited and I'm excited!! Our school room is done, the plans are set...I'm just preparing some fun first day of school stuff!


Liz in NC

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Yes! I'm so ready that I already did! My youngest son didn't really have a break but my oldest son had his first real summer break. I ended up cutting it short just because we really needed to get back to a routine. So, he started back last week.


I am sure we are going to have the best year ever! I am very happy with everything that we are using. Both of the children love their new books and are working harder than they did last year. My youngest son hated school for so much of last year but he loves it already this year. A total turn-around :D.

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I was really excited, made a bunch of curriculum purchases then had buyers remorse, sold it all and started over. So then there was a bunch of stress about whether we'd have it all in time to start on Mon. Now I have it all, it's all planned and I'm excited again.

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We already had our Back to school party this past Sunday, I decorated the dining room and prepared their backpacks with all kinds of new little things, and we started!

Now then, mu oldest is only in first grade. But everyone gets bored if no school...

I am glad I started early cause we get to do more fun stuff/field trips this way.

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Yes and no. My husband is a teacher and also teaches summer school, so he just finished that up a couple days ago. Now we have a few weeks to spend together as a family before school starts up. So I don't look forward to him having to go back and I enjoy all the free time our family has now. However, I do get excited about gearing up for the year. I just went to Walgreen's tonight and stocked up on their super-cheap school supplies!

9 cent posterboard, 19 cent packages of pens and pencils, etc. That was fun!

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Yes and no. We have started back slowly already, so the skill subjects are already in play, and I want to finish the last concept and a half of MBTP before we start on our new history and science, so all we will really be adding when school "starts" is art and WWE. I think we will finally finish MBTP in October, and then we can get to the new stuff!

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I'm not ready yet, but I'm very excited for school to start. I've been spending my spare time prepping!


Same here!


You know what's great? My son is excited to begin. He is watching the calendar like a hawk because I happened to mention what day I was planning on beginning. But, now I don't know what curriculum I'll actually have by that date. None of it has arrived yet!

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I am ready, but part of it is just ready for summer to be over! We do reading and math during the summer anyway, but they are getting bored and bugging each other, we have a pool, but it's been too cold to swim. And my MIL is driving us all insane (it's not really her, just working with her, the insurance company, and the Long Term Care facility). We will hopefully have her moved by mid-August. DD1 b-day is August 15th, and we usually start the Monday after that. This year though, we will be interrupted by a delightful trip out west; Las Vegas, St. Charles, Bryce Canyon, Zion, and Grand Canyon. That counts as school, right?! Lots of Science. And we're doing Earth Science this year, so THOSE books are going with us. (Along with the others. What else do you do in a car all day!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a first-time homeschooling mom, getting ready to jump in with my 7 yr old primarily, but also including my 4 yr old when possible (and trying to keep my nearly 2 yr old out of trouble...) I have just finished creating a schoolroom...well, actually, it's more like a school wall!...and that has been tiring but also very exciting. I just posted up a photo of it on my blog about homeschooling. (http://rowancourt.blogspot.com). I am nervous about starting but excited, too! Wish us luck!

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You learn to get over the excitement after the first decade :lol:

One can actually learn to dread it. ;)


The honeymoon wore off years and years ago for me :lol:


I'm starting year 12 and am excited about starting!:hurray::001_smile:


Now, dd, on the other hand, isn't as excited. She will be the only one homeschooling this year, though, so I think she and I will have a blast!


When my kids were young, we often starte in July because none of us could wait any longer! Those were the days! My kids loved school. Now they don't really complain, but there's not that excitement they used to have.



**HELEN: I like your school area, it looks great! I wish you all the best in your homeschooling journey! I've LOVED homeschooling (though, honestly, there were days I felt like screaming "Why am I doing this???!!!" ;) But then again, there are also days when I feel completely happy and at peace, and love being with my kids and homeschooling! In fact, there are WAY, WAY more of the good days!) and being with my children as much as I can! My oldest is heading to college now, so I feel blessed to have this time with them while growing up, which goes WAY too fast!


I think we're starting near the end of August. WooHoo!:lol:

Edited by Brindee
added "when young" info. and note to Helen
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Yeah, we're starting a couple days early. I mean, why wait? I'm ready, the kids are driving me completely batty, they need some structure in their lives and why on earth do I think I have to do 180 days just because the govt. schools do? I can do 183 days if I want, or more, or less, or take more days off mid-year. I'm getting out of this box I've put myself in. I'm going shed these shackles and be free. I'm starting school o:lol:n Wednesday.

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I am! We decided to make the spare room into our school room so I had the fun of decorating that this summer (and I LOVE it!) I'm excited about my curriculum choices and my youngest is starting K this year. I actually have everything photocopied and ready to go unlike last year. However this is also the room where I scrapbook, so I'm trying to get caught up with my scrapbooking these next two weeks so I can put all my scrapbooking stuff away before school starts-so that's fun too. :lol:

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