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My almost 9 yr old left her ipod nano in her pocket..

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And my husband decided to do the laundry. :tongue_smilie:


We tried letting it dry out in a bowl of rice (read it on the Apple forums) and it still doesn't work. I think it's done for. She is sad and very regretful that she left it in her pants, especially since she has a case for it and a docking station. My hubby feels bad cause he didn't check the pockets. I am trying to figure out what to do. Her birthday is next month, and we were planning to buy her a digital camera for about $80. She would rather have her ipod than a camera. She is a very responsible kid; it was just an accident.


Should we 1) replace her ipod, 2) let her pay to replace it herself, or 3) give her the money we would have spent on a camera for her birthday and let her use her own money to make up the difference? They cost $145 new or $99 at the Apple refurbished store.


TIA for your opinions!

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I'd tell her you'll match her funds--give her a few household chores, help her hold a bakesale, let her do errands or be a mom's helper for a friend--

I'd go ahead and get her the camera for her birthday.



:iagree: I like that response, too. The camera was to be the b-day gift, so stick with that. The ipod is a separate issue. It is half her fault (even if an accident) and half dad's, so split the difference with her. Having to earn the money to make up the other half will show her that even innocent accidents have consequences, and that mommy doesn't always bail you out of your mistakes. You said she's a responsible kid, so give her the opportunity to own it.

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not unless your kids expect you to check their pockets before laundering their clothes.....but.....


This is why my kids didn't own such expensive things!


I am also amazed at how many people drop their cell phones and break them (we are talking over $200 cellphones).....I can't see kids owning such expensive electronics.....but you have heard it all before....I am sure. So....just don't pay any attention to me, LOL!:D



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:iagree: I like that response, too. The camera was to be the b-day gift, so stick with that. The ipod is a separate issue. It is half her fault (even if an accident) and half dad's, so split the difference with her. Having to earn the money to make up the other half will show her that even innocent accidents have consequences, and that mommy doesn't always bail you out of your mistakes. You said she's a responsible kid, so give her the opportunity to own it.


Great idea! My dd is very careful with the replacement ds she had to help pay for after a similar accident.

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She is a very responsible kid; it was just an accident.




Well, since she is generally a responsible kid, I would probably replace it for her. We all make mistakes, and accidents do happen. If she had a history of carelessness, losing things, etc., that would be another story, imo.

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I'd replace if for her birthday THIS ONE TIME ONLY. She is young and accidents happen, and maybe this will help her remember to empty her pockets before laundry day.




Well, it seems she's only half responsible, dad being responsible for the other half.

So I would give her half the total amount as a birthday gift, and dad should cover the other half.


I don't really understand this one. DH and I don't have separate money from each other.


I'd tell her you'll match her funds--give her a few household chores, help her hold a bakesale, let her do errands or be a mom's helper for a friend--

I'd go ahead and get her the camera for her birthday.


Hadn't thought of that option. Thanks!


Just wanted to make you aware, if you are not already, that you can get a homeschooler discount from the Apple store.


I didn't know that! Thanks!


How far out of warranty is it? Have you tried sealing it in a bin of silica gel? You can get them at craft stores for drying flowers and it has worked on some of our electronics. You put the ipod into a small dish and put that dish into a larger container that has the silica gel in it and then seal up the bigger container. Leave it for a week or two before you declare that all is lost.


The warranty doesn't cover water damage, does it?


:iagree: I like that response, too. The camera was to be the b-day gift, so stick with that. The ipod is a separate issue. It is half her fault (even if an accident) and half dad's, so split the difference with her. Having to earn the money to make up the other half will show her that even innocent accidents have consequences, and that mommy doesn't always bail you out of your mistakes. You said she's a responsible kid, so give her the opportunity to own it.




Just an FYI...I washed an Ipod Classic a year or so ago and it took a few weeks, but it did end up working again. I have also found some inexpensive Ipod repair businesses on craigslist that might be a cheaper option.


Best wishes!


A few weeks, huh? Maybe we will just wait and see!

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How long did you leave it in the rice? This happened to my dd recently with her Nano and it took about 3 days in the rice for it to work again, but it did!


We left it in there for 3 days. It will turn on, but the screen is gray and blank, and it will not play music.

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Try it for a week ! I did this to my cell phone and it took about 4 days. You can also put it in the refrigerator for a day(excellent drying out properties) and then place it on the back of the computer where the fan blows out for several more days. Taking the battery out if you can is a big plus as well. But it does take several days. And my cell was washed on heavy duty soak cycle :D

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I don't really understand this one. DH and I don't have separate money from each other.


I wasn't very clear. In short, you - as in both parents - cover half of the ipod from the birthday money. And then Dad, in his own name, even if it comes from the same bank account, covers the other half. The consequence is that she's not getting an extra thing for her birthday like she would have before the accident. Had the accident not happened, she would have had the iPod and the camera. Now she only gets an iPod.

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I'd ask her what she wants.


Explain that for her birthday she was going to get the camera, but if she'd rather have that money go towards the iPod you would be happy to do that instead. It won't be an "open the gift and be surprised" kind of gift, but if she'd rather have the iPod .... I don't really get the point of buying the camera anyhow and having her fully or partially earn the replacement iPod. It's her birthday, get her what she really wants :) whichever product that is!

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I'd keep this seperate from her birthday. I would get her the camera for her B-day and then agree to pay for half of a new Ipod once she raises the other half. Help her with ideas to raise money as others have said.


I do know that I would feel very responsible if I washed our clothes without checking. ALL my family sometimes leaves stuff in their pockets, DH included. They KNOW I check and don't think of this as a way to loose an item for good, say like leaving it outside or at a friend's house. So, I would definately pay half of it. ( I do keep the money thought! Hehe) On the other hand, if something was ruined in the washer, I'd say, "Well, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, but you shouldn't have left your ____ in your pocket."

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And my husband decided to do the laundry. :tongue_smilie:


We tried letting it dry out in a bowl of rice (read it on the Apple forums) and it still doesn't work. I think it's done for. She is sad and very regretful that she left it in her pants, especially since she has a case for it and a docking station. My hubby feels bad cause he didn't check the pockets. I am trying to figure out what to do. Her birthday is next month, and we were planning to buy her a digital camera for about $80. She would rather have her ipod than a camera. She is a very responsible kid; it was just an accident.


Should we 1) replace her ipod, 2) let her pay to replace it herself, or 3) give her the money we would have spent on a camera for her birthday and let her use her own money to make up the difference? They cost $145 new or $99 at the Apple refurbished store.


TIA for your opinions!


I could have typed this exact same post....except it was my 11 (almost 12) year old daughter that left it in the pocket and me that did the washing. Ours has been in a bag of rice for a week and is not showing any signs of working.


Good luck with your decision on what to do. we're trying to decide also!

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If she's a responsible kid, I would replace it for her without penalty to her. Once. Maybe it's just me, but having your parents be able to come in an fix things is being part of a kid. Granted they can't always do that, but this would be an instance where I (as a parent) would want to be able to make things all better since it was as much the parents' fault as it was the child's.

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not unless your kids expect you to check their pockets before laundering their clothes.....but.....


This is why my kids didn't own such expensive things!


I am also amazed at how many people drop their cell phones and break them (we are talking over $200 cellphones).....I can't see kids owning such expensive electronics.....but you have heard it all before....I am sure. So....just don't pay any attention to me, LOL!:D




I think it is common sense to check pockets before doing the wash.


That's what my mama taught me and her mama taught her. ;)

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The apple screen doesn't come up, just a gray blank screen.


I don't think Apple warranty covers it being washed. You could always call and ask, though. They're nice to deal with. Actually, it wouldn't hurt to call Apple and ask them what to do. Can't hurt, either way.

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I'm with you, Tammy. My first question, while reading the OP, was, "Why does an 8yo need/have an iPod?" I would never buy my 8yo an expensive electronic anything. If they acquire one somehow, then they are responsible for it. If it breaks, it's their problem. They simply don't have it anymore.


And, I never check pockets. If a person cares about their stuff, they won't leave it in the pockets of their laundry. And, again, if they have an accidental brain lapse, then they pay the consequences.


This is not Dad's fault, at all.

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Tell me again why this is the least bit Dad's fault? Were the pants in with the laundry? Or were they draped over a chair in her room?


Unless the pants in question were draped over a chair in her room, or in some other position indicating that she wasn't finished wearing them yet, I don't understand why dh could possibly be responsible. OTOH, if dh went on a laundry "swoop", and picked the pant up off the floor, or the bed, or a chair, and threw them in the laundry, then I can see him taking responsibility for not checking the pockets. But, if the pants were in the hamper, or the dirty clothes pile, or other "clump" of dirty clothes that he simply put in the washer, then he is not at fault. If your dd placed the pants in the laundry, then she was saying that they were ready to be washed. If she placed the pants in the laundry without emptying the pockets, then the consequences are strictly hers to bear.

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I'm with you, Tammy. My first question, while reading the OP, was, "Why does an 8yo need/have an iPod?" I would never buy my 8yo an expensive electronic anything. If they acquire one somehow, then they are responsible for it. If it breaks, it's their problem. They simply don't have it anymore.


And, I never check pockets. If a person cares about their stuff, they won't leave it in the pockets of their laundry. And, again, if they have an accidental brain lapse, then they pay the consequences.


This is not Dad's fault, at all.


The answer to your question is she has one because she asked for one, and we bought her one for Christmas last year. We felt she was responsible enough for it, and our opinion hasn't changed. Accidents happen. That's it, nothing complicated about it.


I also found a ipod repair site recommended at the Apple forums that might be able to fix her ipod. We'll see!


DH and I will sit down with Anna tonight and come up with a plan. Thanks to everyone!

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Tell me again why this is the least bit Dad's fault? Were the pants in with the laundry? Or were they draped over a chair in her room?


Unless the pants in question were draped over a chair in her room, or in some other position indicating that she wasn't finished wearing them yet, I don't understand why dh could possibly be responsible. OTOH, if dh went on a laundry "swoop", and picked the pant up off the floor, or the bed, or a chair, and threw them in the laundry, then I can see him taking responsibility for not checking the pockets. But, if the pants were in the hamper, or the dirty clothes pile, or other "clump" of dirty clothes that he simply put in the washer, then he is not at fault. If your dd placed the pants in the laundry, then she was saying that they were ready to be washed. If she placed the pants in the laundry without emptying the pockets, then the consequences are strictly hers to bear.


I never said it was my husband's or my daughter's fault. It was an ACCIDENT!! I am just trying to figure out what to do about it.

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Sorry. I guess it was other folks who were making it into a "who's fault is it anyway" kind of thing, saying he should pay half, and she should pay half, and that sort of thing. I was responding to that, I suppose.


Of course it was an accident. No one ever said that either your daughter or your husband intentionally washed the iPod. People have accidents everyday. But that doesn't mean that there should be no consequences. I accidentally leaned against a doorknob and smashed the crystal on my favorite watch. I was sad, but I didn't expect anyone to replace it for me just because it was an accident. I simply don't have that watch anymore.


I'd ask her if she'd rather have a camera, or half an iPod. I guess I just don't understand the dilemma. And, the discussion that seemed to place the blame on Dad just confused me more.


Again, I'm sorry that I got you so upset. I surely didn't meant to.

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I think it is common sense to check pockets before doing the wash.


That's what my mama taught me and her mama taught her. ;)



Hmmm. My mama taught us to empty our pockets before putting our clothes in the laundry. She kept any money she found in the washer/dryer. And, if stuff got ruined, well, it was simply gone. :001_smile:

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If you turned it on right away, that might have done it in. Leave it to dry more and, STOP TRYING IT :D


All 3 of my kids have Nano's ($99 refurbs), and they have been great with them. They had other MP3 players before these - well they shared with the little sister.


Right now the middle child is missing her's - but we are having an issue remembering where the last place she had it was. She says it was in MY bag at the doctors office. I have to ponder this more.... i hope i didn't lose it! But overall, i don't regret buying them for Christmas - i'd do it again!

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I too would give it more time. I'd also try more drying methods. All is not lost.


However, I would definitely say that since she's normally a really responsible kiddo, then I would have a good talk about this being an example of the importance of responsibility and then replace it. I've made worse mistakes than this with more expensive things than this. I didn't do it again though. :)


I know it's tough. We've been through it too. My guys LOVE their iTouches and because of a GameBoy fiasco years ago, they take great care of their Touches.

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Hmmm. My mama taught us to empty our pockets before putting our clothes in the laundry. She kept any money she found in the washer/dryer. And, if stuff got ruined, well, it was simply gone. :001_smile:


I respect your point.


It is not worth it to me to have things ruined when I can check pockets, just in case.

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And, I never check pockets. If a person cares about their stuff, they won't leave it in the pockets of their laundry. And, again, if they have an accidental brain lapse, then they pay the consequences.



Well, I became an ardent pocket-checker after my son, as a toddler, left crayons in his pants' pocket. Melted crayons all over the inside of the dryer...... and many of the clothes being washed with his pants were ruined. It was a mess to be reckoned with.


Plus, everyone from time to time, forgets something. It doesn't take that much of my time to check for forgotten items in pockets.

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I did the same thing with my son's Ipod several years ago. I was picking up some dirty clothes he had left lying on the floor never thinking to check pockets. I found it as I was pulling the laundry from the wash machine.


I paid to have it replaced since I felt responsible, and he hadn't had it very long. He had purchased it with his money.


We let it dry out, and his didn't work either. But, would you believe after a year's time (and after having purchased a new one) it started working again? We were amazed. He ended up giving it to his younger sister. It still works fine today.


So, even if you get a new one, I would hang on to it just in case.

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Well, I became an ardent pocket-checker after my son, as a toddler, left crayons in his pants' pocket. Melted crayons all over the inside of the dryer...... and many of the clothes being washed with his pants were ruined. It was a mess to be reckoned with.



Oh, I've been there. It was a red crayon and white laundry and it made it through the washer and all the way into the dryer. It was really a mess.


I have a bad habit of leaving kleenex in my jeans' pockets.

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I can see your point. We certainly didn't have tiny, expensive, electronic gadgets in our pockets when I was a kid. It was mostly rocks, and Hubba Bubba wrappers. :) It would certainly be worthwhile to check my kids' pockets if they were likely to have expensive, ruinable things in there. But, since I don't have the time, or the inclination to check the pockets of 35 pairs of pants a week (140 pockets!), I just don't buy them tiny, expensive, electronic gadgets. :)


Oh, and I don't turn socks right-side out. Same philosophy. If my family wants to wear their socks right-side out, they can turn them themselves, or they can learn to take them off in a way that doesn't make them go inside out. :) I have much more important things to do, like hang out here and find out that there are many other points of view, besides my own. :)

Edited by Suzanne in ABQ
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I'm with you, Tammy. My first question, while reading the OP, was, "Why does an 8yo need/have an iPod?" I would never buy my 8yo an expensive electronic anything. If they acquire one somehow, then they are responsible for it. If it breaks, it's their problem. They simply don't have it anymore.


And, I never check pockets. If a person cares about their stuff, they won't leave it in the pockets of their laundry. And, again, if they have an accidental brain lapse, then they pay the consequences.


This is not Dad's fault, at all.


I agree. My dc know that they have to save up and buy these things themselves. My 11yo wants an Ipod, but doesn't want to pay for one.:D My 16yo has an Ipod Touch, but he paid for it himself (and his is cracked and he is trying to figure out what he wants to do.)


ETA: I guess it would help if I answered the OP's question! My 16yo does have a cell phone (because he doesn't live with us full time.) His phone broke (a warranty issue) but it couldn't be repaired under warranty because it was obviously abused (shattered outer screen.) He had two options - use an old phone of my Dad's (no camera) or buy another phone himself. While it was an accident that he dropped it, it was still broken and there was no way I was going to replace it with a new phone. If my Dad hadn't had one, we would have bought a cheaper, older, used one on ebay (since we wanted him to hav e the phone) but made him work it off.


In your case, I would offer to give her money towards another one for the same value as the camera, but she would have to earn/save the rest. That would be harder at 8yo than at older age, but it would be doable.

Edited by Renee in FL
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Sorry. I guess it was other folks who were making it into a "who's fault is it anyway" kind of thing, saying he should pay half, and she should pay half, and that sort of thing. I was responding to that, I suppose.


Of course it was an accident. No one ever said that either your daughter or your husband intentionally washed the iPod. People have accidents everyday. But that doesn't mean that there should be no consequences. I accidentally leaned against a doorknob and smashed the crystal on my favorite watch. I was sad, but I didn't expect anyone to replace it for me just because it was an accident. I simply don't have that watch anymore.


I'd ask her if she'd rather have a camera, or half an iPod. I guess I just don't understand the dilemma. And, the discussion that seemed to place the blame on Dad just confused me more.


Again, I'm sorry that I got you so upset. I surely didn't meant to.



Thanks, I will admit I got a little too defensive. Sorry about that.

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