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Baby Gifts

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Some friends of ours are expecting baby #1. They are registered and as I looked through the list of items I started to wonder...what would the hive say was the best/most used/couldn't have made it without it gift they had with their babies. So, give me your best ideas...the shower is Saturday! Thanks in advance. :bigear:

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Agreeing with Chris in VA, of course. Other than that, the best thing I was given was a little chair that could be adjusted up or down. Perfect for those winter nights when snottiness prevents little kids from sleeping on their backs, and useful to prop them up so they can see what I'm doing. My kids don't like being at ground level!




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I used my boppy pillow through all three kids. I got a baby bjorn carrier for the third and wished I'd had one for all three--I had a front carrier/sling that was awful.


I don't remember getting to read books with my first one. I was so anxious. I did read every new parent book available and made myself more anxious.



Oh yes. I remember board books. I read over and over to my babies.

Edited by betty
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Guest Alte Veste Academy

Well, of course I agree with books and I always give at least one. (In fact, when throwing a baby shower, I always do a favorite childhood book theme.) However, for baby #1 these people need help with the gear!


My favorite gifts to give, because they were necessities for me that I used for all three kiddos...


nursing kit... boppy (I make my own and they match baby's nursery--cheap, cheap!), Nursing Mother's Companion, breast pads & Lansinoh


baby bathtub with natural baby bath and lotion, nice towel and washcloth


diaper bag with diapers, cream, etc.


medicine cabinet type stuff (5 second thermometer, Vaseline, nail clippers, etc.)


Baby Bjorn (loved it!)


If none of this stuff was on a friend's registry, however, I would buy what I considered the most useful thing from the registry. You never know if someone already has a bathtub or diaper bag. I know there were necessities missing from my registry because I had already purchased them or had hand-me-downs from friends. Unfortunately, some well-meaning people who probably thought I just didn't know what I needed ended up supplying me with doubles. I always buy from the registry because I think it's respectful of the new parents' wishes.


ETA: Oh, but you must buy Jim Trelease's Read-Aloud Handbook!

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best baby gift (I registered for this one): contoured changing pad


The gift I registered for, didn't get and glad I didn't: cloth changing pad covers--Since I didn't get them, I did without, and just wiped the changing pad after each diaper change. I soon discovered that if I had been given the cloth changing pad covers, I would have had to put them in the washer after each diaper change. Dd peed during almost all diaper changes for the first few months.

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Yep, I like to give books. Not baby or toddler books, but nice hardcovers for the permanent collection.


If you give something like D'aulaire's Myths or a Lang Fairy Book, I guarantee you that no one will duplicate your gift! Unless there are other hs'ers invited, in which case you might check with them . . .

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I like to do baskets of books too, I usually pick several from different age groups-board through a classic like Peter Pan.

I have also given a portable high chair filled with bibs, spoons, bowls, rice cereal, etc.

I try to give gifts that the baby can use after the first year. I love cute outfits and will usually buy one if it's going to be a girl because I have only boys and well, I love buying little girl clothes as I so rarely get to do so. However, so many people give baby clothes that sometimes it's overkill.

My favorite gift was a homemade blanket and a portable high chair. I took that chair everywhere and I used as the only high chair for my younger son.

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were those towels with the hood. Someone sewed a couple for my twins, and I must have kept them for 10 years! They were made out of the smaller, less expensive towels, and the hood was made with either a washcloth or small hand towel.


My mom has made some of these for my kids now that they are older (using bigger towels, of course), and she has their names monogrammed on the hood. They are the ONLY towels my kids use. Instead of a towel rack in the bathroom, we use a rack with hooks--very easy to hang the towels.


LOVE those hooded towels!



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I make my own burp cloths. I use cloth diapers, the good Gerber ones, and just sew a satin blanket edge on each end. This way you can make 12 pretty inexpensively, customize the blanket edge for the sex of the baby and decor, and they wash wonderfully - very stain resistant. A friend made them for my dd and since she was a spitter-upper, they were on hand all the time and eventually became her "lovey". She is going on 9 and still sleeps with one and still has at least 5. They've been washed so many times they are soft as silk now.


Since they became so loved, I made them for my ds, too. We call them "raggies". Best bonus, they are all identical, so if you lose one it's not the end of the world!


This is now my go-to baby shower gift. No mom ever has enough burp cloths!

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Hands down: Sleep Sacks


These things are awesome & we used them every.single.night. (until the kids were a few years old). You can get them in different weight fabrics, depending on the season. If you look around a little, you can find them in larger sizes (not just infant).


We loved & used ours so much that they are always what I give as a baby gift. (In fact, as ds would outgrow a sleep sack, he would then start dragging it around as his 'blankie', so it served a dual purpose for him, lol.) They keep the child covered (can't kick off the blankets) & it allows the parents to keep the crib empty (which is safer than a child getting tangled up in bedding).


Books are also a nice gift too (though I think you've already gotten that suggestion ;)).

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For first babies of families I don't know well, I often give a mirror to see the baby in the back seat. It is always well received. :0)


For friends of other cultures I like to give books that in the person's native language (if they are Bilingual in speaking/reading) or at least a book that originated in their culture or would have been common when they were a kid. I usually include some board books for first babies and 1 or 2 books for when they are older.


Second or later babies get a big pack of diapers, and (Surprise!) books.





I like to give the books by this author if I don't know what the family already has.

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Don't know if they've already been mentioned, but I loved loved loved these with my latest baby:





Even with four previous babies, I never developed an awesome swaddle technique. I'd often give up on trying to swaddle too soon because I could never get the blanket just right. These blankets saved the day for us.

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Here are some gifts that come to my mind....


diapers (can never have enough and they can put a stain on the budget)

treasured books

baby sling for carring the baby (you can make one, there are patterns on line)

soft blankets (they have soooo many nice materials out there now)

something for Mom like a new shirt, good book to read, spa day, etc.


Hope this helps

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Hope I'm not diving in too late! I received a wonderful lullaby CD in a bundled package of Baby Magic wash. I think I used the wash, but we STILL use the lullaby CD -- and the girls are 5 and 3.


Any good peaceful classical music works well, too. I have given them bundled with (gasp) the dreaded sleep advice book. (Although the book worked for me, it didn't work for everyone: "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Dr. Marc Weisbluth. Worked wonders.


Other than that, the Baby Bjorn front carrier, portable swing (not a tall one, but the short folding one) and our bouncy chair were the most-used gifts we received.


I wouldn't recommend a diaper bag because it is such a personal choice for a lot of women...much like a purse.

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For a first baby I give a gift basket of my favorite parenting and breastfeeding books with a water bottle, non-perishable snacks, and a few other useful odds and ends.


Just a note: don't buy car seat accessories. Most of them can't be used in the car seat anyway (they are not safe) and in some states they're actually illegal because the car seat manufacturer's forbid their use.

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Nursing pillow. But then, I had twins.


If you get clothes, go for size 12T and up. Everyone will be buying tiny onesies and outfits that get out-grown so quickly.


Gift certificates for take-out from her favorite local restaurant, too.

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I was a working mom as a first time mom and we so very much appreciated the gift cards for carry out restaurants that some more experienced families gave us. It saved my dh from eating lots of cold cereal because I was too exhausted to cook or to plan dinner.


The other favorite gift was baby tylenol and gas drops. My son loved his johnny jump up thing as well.


I always give books and sometimes a journal for mom to keep notes in.

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My Boppy pillow! I used it so much with dd that I wore it out! It seriously split down the center when she was about 12 months old.


I bought a second one for ds and used it a lot, too, but it was still in good enough shape to pass on after he outgrew it.


Also, a front carrier. I didn't have one with dd. I bought one for ds because I was needing my hands free to do things with dd. It was so useful.


A baby swing was extremely helpful in the newborn to 6-month-old stage.


I found an exersaucer indispensable when they were about 6-12 months old.


If you buy clothes please buy comfy ones. We received so many beautiful, fancy dresses for dd. They were great for photos, but not much else. I appreciated so much more the used clothing that someone passed on to us because it was mostly comfy clothes like rompers, pajamas, onesies, and cotton play dresses.


I think books are a great idea, too. They are something I probably wouldn't have thought about buying until after the baby was born, and then I would have been too busy and tired and overwhelmed. It was great that some people gave us books as gifts so that they were already there and ready to read when dd came home.

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Books, certainly.

I love my Ergo baby carrier, but it is pricey. I had big babies, so those little front packs were practically useless.

The Bumkins brand bibs are sanity savers .... one bib is all a mom needs: it can be rinsed in the sink or washed in the machine, some have sleeves (I see the ad says the sleeved ones are for 12 months and up, but I'm sure I used it younger than that). One sleeveless and one sleeved and she'll be set! (plus they have some cute ones ... )

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The pp's about books on how to get their kids to sleep reminded me of this:


The ONLY thing that got both my sons to calm down when they were crying was the Beastie Boys song "Rhymin' and Stealin'."


I used to play it loudly on the stereo and my kids would go from screaming their heads off to sleep by the end of the song. I kid you not. I have it on video tape.


Too bad that people would think you were nuts if you gave a new mom a Beastie Boys CD. It works like a charm...

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