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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I was sick with my second child about a week before the positive pregnancy test. I stayed sick with her pretty much my entire pregnancy. I still tease her about that!
  2. Is your daughter in kindergarten? If so, I'd just continue to let her read for pleasure. I wouldn't add in a literature program.
  3. Yep, had a day like that last week. No wine or chocolate for me, just vodka. ;)
  4. I am jealous of those getting snow already! It's currently 81 where I live in the south. We might get snow once every ten years. I am just hoping for fall temps to arrive. It still feels too much like summer here.
  5. :) I hope y'all had a great day!
  6. Clam chowder: http://peaceloveandlowcarb.blogspot.com/2012/09/crock-pot-clam-chowder.html
  7. Saxon Math from K through 8/7 so far. I plan to continue Saxon until graduation.
  8. I wish I could. We are pretty broke right now. Blah!
  9. I see I'm in good company. I'm going to give it a couple more episodes. My dd12 watched it with me. She was also wondering how the headless horseman could see, hear, etc. I just laughed and told her to think about it....here's a guy, with no head, but still alive...this is not reality. ;)
  10. Sorry if there's already a thread about this. Just curious. I watched the re-airing of the pilot last night. I'm not sure what I think about it. I was hoping for more of just a "spooky" feel rather than purely evil. I was also hoping that it would be closer to the original story, as opposed to having a connection to Revelation and the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse. What did you think?
  11. I can't wait!!! I am most looking forward to seeing Hook. ;)
  12. We had a good week. Here's ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/09/homeschooling-and-life-sept-16-21-2013.html
  13. I say let them build forts. Taking one day off won't hurt. It will probably help. I plan to take a few off myself when the autumn weather really arrives. :)
  14. I placed scented fabric softener sheets between some of the pages and then set it out in the sun. I left it there for a couple of days, and now it smells fine...smoke scent all gone! That was a must for me b/c the smell of cigarette smoke triggers my migraines.
  15. For a 5yo, with very limited communication (as in she can communicate basic needs of hunger, thirst, ready to go to bed, desire to go outside), is visually impaired, developmentally delayed, mentally insufficient, and autistic? We currently use Oak Meadow Preschool and Wynstone's Kindergarten Series. She loves "Circle Time," music and singing, and movement. I am just wondering what tools there are that would help her to really understand the alphabet, numbers, counting, etc. Thanks!
  16. Migraines, severe migraines...without modern medicine, I honestly think I wouldn't...or wouldn't have made the choice to...survive them.
  17. And that's why I believe in a relaxed atmosphere for my kids when they're preschoolers and kindergarteners, and even first graders. Play time is learning time.
  18. I've added in books from Sonlight's booklists for my dd12, who is using OM 6.
  19. No, you did not become "that" person. You did a nice and helpful thing. :)
  20. I have a dishwasher and average running it every other day. I LOVE my dishwasher!
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