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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Five in a Row-some of our best homeschool memories. :) You can make it as crafty or non-crafty as you like.
  2. Any snow for my area. I live in south Alabama. We saw proof of that fact this week.
  3. I just posted in our book club thread before I saw this. I am praying for you. :grouphug:
  4. Halcyon, is everything okay with you? Hopefully you've just been busy. Just checking in to make sure you're all right. ETA: I just read your post about depression. I am praying for you. We'll get back to the book club when you feel like it. I'm in no rush. Take care of yourself.
  5. We got a little snow this week. Very rare event for us--maybe once every 10-15 years. http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2014/01/homeschooling-and-life-week-of-jan-20.html
  6. No denim skirts for me, just denim jeans. :) I do drive a mini-van...but it's red, so that makes it sporty. Right? I have reddish-brown hair that I currently wear in a layered bob that falls right below my chin. My makeup changes from day to day depending on my mood, my outfit, and how much time I have. Typically I like dramatic eyes balanced with a nude lipcolor or lip balm--not much blush at all. So I guess I am nothing like Caroline Ingalls. ;)
  7. We got rid of our land-line several years ago. We don't regret it at all. We just use our cell phones.
  8. Old Yeller, Bambi for nature/animals The Big Nate books are similar to Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
  9. We just got Netflix on the Wii. Looking for topics listed in title for dd13 and ds10. Thanks!
  10. I have been sugar free for 3 1/2 years. I lost weight and kept it off, have energy through the roof, and fewer/less intense migraines. I also do not eat white flour or processed foods. I follow an Atkins/Paleoish diet. It is truly amazing how much what we choose to eat affects our entire body. So glad that you and your daughter are also seeing nice results!
  11. http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2014/01/homeschooling-and-life-week-of-jan-6-19.html Our first two weeks post-Christmas. Things are going well so far! :)
  12. Following this topic. I might teach art to K-2nd grade next school year at our co-op. Do these suggestions work well in a classroom setting?
  13. Look into Five in a Row. It's a literature-based unit study.
  14. That is great news! I am glad that you will have so much freedom and opportunity. :)
  15. I am very scared of spiders. I won't say that I have full-blown arachnophobia, but it's close. I will scream if I see one. I have to get other people to kill them for me. Now, if I'm alone and I have to kill one, then I will. But I'm in near panic attack mode the whole time and for a while afterwards.
  16. Responses to chapter 3: 1) Oh, how I wish that sin could be beaten in a single crisis event! Of course it cannot. It is an ongoing battle and struggle that we face daily and will until we die. Pleasant, huh? 2) I feel that God has set things up in this way so that we can clearly see and feel the need we have for Him. If we could conquer sin in one fell swoop, then we would do so and be prideful about what we can do, rather than being humbled and seeing how desperately we need a Savior. Of course we would prefer a one-time knockout fight so we could conquer sin and be done with it. Not having to battle it on a daily basis would be wonderful. 3) Hebrews 12: 1-4: We can take encouragement from believers who have gone before us. Their testimonies encourage us to keep running this race and fighting against sin. We can look to Jesus and all that he suffered and know that He gives us strength in our battle. Matthew 16: 6: I believe this is a warning against pride. As we know, pride goes before destruction. When we have some success at conquering sin, we need to be careful and always remember that God is our strength and the only way in which we can accomplish anything good. Matthew 26:41: We need to be in constant fellowship with God and schedule a regular prayer and Scripture time. We need to be aware of our weaknesses so that we can be on guard, especially in those areas. Luke 12:15: Do not be consumed by material possessions or the desire for them. 1 Corinthians 16:13: We must be brave in standing up for our faith. We must be strong in the daily battle against sin. 2 Peter 3:17: We need to stand strong in our convictions so that we will not be swayed to fall into sin. 4) I am still working on this one. Being honest here - I do NOT look forward to having God search my heart and dredge up the worst sins he can find. I know that He already knows them, but I need to confront them and list them one by one and truly repent.
  17. Friday is good with me. And I think you brought up several good points in your chapter two responses. It is definitely easier to just yell and vent than it is to step back and see things through God's eyes. Also, when you talk about overscheduling, I think that is a big part of my problem right now. We attend a once-a-week co-op and I'm responsible for teaching the younger children for two hours each week and it requires a lot of planning on my part, which I'm finding very taxing when you add it in to all my other tasks, especially caring for a special needs child. I feel overwhelmed most of the time. I discussed everything with my husband tonight & we set forth some ground rules for my older children to help more. Hopefully we'll see some headway there. I really need some "breathing room" to be able to live in the grace that God desires for me, rather than allowing indwelling sin to dictate my thoughts and actions.
  18. I used FIAR with my older kids when they were early elementary ages and we loved it - some of our best homeschooling memories. :) I am currently teaching a FIAR class to K-2nd grade at our co-op.
  19. Saints fan here! I live about 2 1/2 hours from New Orleans.
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