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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I'm interested. Just purchased it for my Kindle, so count me in.
  2. I'm being good. Back on Phase 1 of Atkins as of yesterday. Don't worry, though, I was plenty bad on and off from Thanksgiving up until this past Sunday. :)
  3. My family and I need some fun ideas for activities we can do over the next several weeks to combat that after Christmas letdown. We can do both indoor and outdoor activities. Thanks!
  4. I feel ya on this one. Thanks for the idea. :D
  5. It does wear me a bit thin. Oak Meadow does not fit my ds10 at all, but my dd13 loves it. I showed her the HOD samples and was hoping she'd like them enough to do the same program as my ds10 will be doing next year (with the extension set), but she said that she really enjoyed Oak Meadow and did not want to switch. And my little one-her official schooling lasts only about 30 minutes each day. It's just a long day when the older two are separate for everything, but I suppose the payoff is that both are learning and retaining what they learn.
  6. Haven't thought about undecorating yet....but now that you mention it..... ;)
  7. I will not eat practically the entire batch of Mint Chocolate Rice Krispy Treats that I make. So cheated on my low carb diet!
  8. I am using Oak Meadow with my dd13 this year & will continue with it for her next year as well. I use something else with my ds10, and next year I will be using Heart of Dakota with him. With my special needs little one, I use Flowering Baby and will continue with it. Anyone else use different curriculum providers for each child? It seems to work for us. Just wondering if there are others like us out there.
  9. I had one myself several months ago. My kids actually laughed at it & hubby just said, "Wow." And not a good kind of wow. After a month, it looked good & now I really love it. Tell your daughter to just hang in there!
  10. December 6 was our last day here. We'll start back on January 6. I build a long holiday break into our schedule by doing some schooling in the summer.
  11. Thanks. I was thinking about Rainbow Resource. I order from them a couple of times a year already, so that's a good idea. I would like to purchase the guide new, if I can afford it. I won't be starting Res to Ref until August 2014, so I have time to piece it together or find it used...but, like you said...so easy to hit that "order" button and take care of it all at once.
  12. I have not used HOD before. I've looked at it, but never thought it would suit my needs. However, now I'm looking at it for my ds10 for next year. He will be in sixth grade. I think it would be a great fit for him. I would like the Economy Package with Shakespeare, the Science Add-On, and the Bible study materials for boys. But, wow, the expense of all that adds up! How hard is this particular year to find used? Or how difficult is it to piece together? And is it worth the expense to buy it new or the time it would take to piece it together? Thanks.
  13. The sense of humor that my hubby and kids have-they keep me laughing most of the time. :)
  14. No. But 18 and 35 is okay IMO. They both need to be adults.
  15. Two-week update here: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/11/homeschooling-and-life-nov4-nov-15-2013.html
  16. Great episode last night! The secrets that came out were goodies. I am wondering how Charming is going to leave Neverland and live? Will the death of Pan (if he is even killed, b/c that supposedly means that Rumple will die also) release him, or if Pan is defeated in some other way will it break the curse? And Emma, choose Hook....PLEASE! Goodness knows I would if I could. :)
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