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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Here's ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/10/homeschooling-and-life-week-of-oct-7-13.html
  2. I made this oatmeal for breakfast today. It is sooo good!!! I eat a low carb diet, but I allow myself a "cheat" day every now & then. Today my "cheat" is this baked oatmeal. Boy, is it worth it!
  3. I love this! A real-life fairytale. I hope they have a happy ending. :)
  4. Not exactly walking out, but when I was in college I tried to watch the original Children of the Corn on DVD...got a few minutes into it, and that was IT for me. I had to turn it off...those scary kids, quoting Bible verses out of context, killing all the adults ...NOPE, I couldn't handle it! :ohmy: :scared:
  5. Brownie/fudge on the bottom and crunchy peanut/peanut butter stuff on top-Fudge Jumbles they were called. I remember them from my elementary school years. I think they might have been Pillsbury? My mom always baked them when I had friends over to spend the night.
  6. I watched it, and I really liked it. The characters are very interesting, especially Jafar. I'm pumped that I have another show to watch. :)
  7. Another vote for The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe. When I taught ps, my 3rd graders loved this book. Of course it might have had something to do with the fact that I dressed up as the White Witch and served them Turkish Delight. :)
  8. Oh my, this sounds divine! I eat low carb, but I will be reserving this for a "cheat" day. Thanks! :)
  9. I loved the premiere. I also *love* Hook, what a hottie! ;) I think he & Emma would make a great couple. Like a pp, I also suspected the "lost" boy who befriended Henry was really Peter Pan. It will be interesting to see how all of the pieces fit together this season. I can't wait! I do plan to watch OUAT in Wonderland, too. More fairy tale fun! :D
  10. The Chronicles of Narnia, The Little House Series, Anne of Green Gables Series, Caddie Woodlawn, The Rainbow People, Peter Pan (original), The Wizard of Oz, The Golden Goblet, Dr. Doolittle...those are a few family favorites that I recall.
  11. Here's ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/10/homeschooling-life-and-another-field.html
  12. I have extremely oily skin and still get pimples from time to time.
  13. Tropical storm headed our way. It doesn't quite feel like fall here yet. We'll take a few days off when fall "really" arrives in our neck of the woods.
  14. My house is only quiet when people are asleep. That's it.
  15. We had a great week. Here's our regular wrap-up: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/09/homeschooling-week-of-sept-23-26-2013.html And here's our post about our New Orleans' field trip: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/09/fabulous-field-trip-sept-27-2013.html
  16. We didn't watch the second episode. It was up against The Voice, and The Voice won... :) Adam Levine pushed it over for me.
  17. OK then. I was just trying to be helpful. Well....we started in second grade when we used Sonlight. We purchase the readers that come with each core. Now my 6th grader uses Oak Meadow and it comes with literature selections, but I also add in some of Sonlight's suggested books for each time period. My 4th grader uses The Weaver Curriculum and we read related Sonlight titles as well.
  18. I voted for strawberry. It looks beautiful and I imagine it tastes great!
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