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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Here's ours, complete with my family and I dressed as professional wrestlers for Halloween: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/11/homeschooling-life-and-halloween-oct-21.html
  2. Best: Snickers and Candy Corn Worst: Tootsie Rolls, cheap chocolate of any kind
  3. Great episode! The kiss was amazing! It definitely did NOT disappoint. Hook's backstory was awesome. He's really just a good guy forced into the role of a pirate in order to stand for his convictions. I am looking forward to seeing more of his connection to Peter Pan...like what kind of work he did for him, etc. I'm also eager to see who's in the other cage. This season has been incredible so far.
  4. Did a search for "pj" and it worked! Great deal, too, with the code especially. Thanks!
  5. Got them from Children's Place. Just searched for pj. :) Thanks!
  6. Thanks, everyone. And, unfortunately, I can't sew....not even a button on a shirt. I bake, cook, clean, decorate, and organize...but I don't sew.
  7. I want my entire family to match for Christmas morning. This would be my hubby, dd12, ds10, dd5 and myself. I've got some catalogs with matching PJ's for the family, but the price is WAY out of my range. Any ideas?
  8. I feel the same. There's just something about that deadline that sucks the joy right out of it for me.
  9. I like the idea of a matching set with a hat & scarf.
  10. I was pleasantly surprised when I read your original post. I wasn't sure if anyone on this board would know who the wrestler Sting is. (I thought they might confuse him with the singer Sting, whom I also like.) My guilty pleasure is watching TNA Impact Wrestling every Thursday night. :blushing:
  11. Here's ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/10/homeschooling-life-and-dary-off-week-of.html
  12. I would go and sing! I have a terrible singing voice, but who cares? ;)
  13. Oh my goodness! I am going as the icon Sting this year. :) Hubby is going to be Hulk Hogan, dd12 is Jeff Hardy, ds10 is A.J. Styles, and dd5 is Samoa Joe. We are all going to be wrestlers this year. Last year we were Batman characters.
  14. Hits: Oak Meadow 6 The Weaver Curriculum Misses: Berlitz Essential Spanish (tossed it already)
  15. :grouphug: I understand the frustrations of adoption. We hit quite a few bumps along the way when we adopted our daughter. Also, FWIW, we didn't "have" the kind of money it takes to adopt internationally, but God provided through friends, family, and even strangers. We budgeted and saved. Don't give up. It is definitely worth it in the end.
  16. I watched. I'm really liking it so far. I agree about the queen...I don't care for her at all. I was glad to see last night's episode end on a happy note, with Alice getting proof that Cyrus still loves her.
  17. My entire family is going trick or treating. We are dressing up as professional wrestlers. :) Can't wait!
  18. I'll be brief. My adopted daughter would probably be dead if she'd been left in an orphanage overseas. I understand the culture argument, but a chance at life trumps that every time.
  19. :) I'm sure she'll love it.
  20. Yep. I married a good guy. I just like bad boys on TV. :)
  21. Love Hook!!! He is such an awesome bad boy. :drool:
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