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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. ((Hugs)) I feel your pain. One thing I do is to enjoy the things I can do with my older kids, such as deep discussions, shopping trips, going out to dinner, watching certain movies, and having more "sophisticated" family fun night games.
  2. We follow Ambleside Online's poetry rotation. We read the poems aloud together, but we don't memorize them. For my little one, we have a Circle Time and use verses from Wynstone's Kindergarten Series and A Child's Seasonal Treasury.
  3. FIAR is one of our favorites. My older children still talk about our "rowing" years. I currently teach FIAR to K-2nd graders at our co-op. You can also use homeschoolshare.com
  4. So glad you posted this. I am currently planning a Harry Potter unit study for my upcoming 6th grader for next school year.
  5. Resurrecting this thread to ask for suggestions for a Harry Potter unit study for an 11 year old boy.
  6. I am finally moving into the modern times and getting a PayPal. So, how does it work? I have been to the site, but I'm still confused. Help!
  7. OK, this man is gorgeous...perfection. That is all. :)
  8. I have really good reasons for watching Bones, Revolution, Once Upon a Time, and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. :) But.... I have no explanation for the fact that I'm drawn to Mountain Men.
  9. My children are 13, 10, and 5. I get up around 7:00 (I exercise and have quiet time.) My 10yo gets up at 7:45 and showers, so I still have time to myself until he's done around 8:05. My 13yo gets up at 8:15 (she showers at night.) We are usually sitting at the table at 8:30 with our breakfast, ready to start. If a kid is not at the table at 8:30, then that kid is docked $1.00 of allowance. It works very well. :) **As for my 5yo, she gets up around 8:00 on most days. She has significant special needs & is more like a 2yo developmentally, so none of this applies to her.
  10. Mine is up, with some pics of the unusual (for our area) ice and snow: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2014/02/homeschooling-and-life-feb-3-16-2014.html
  11. I do have the info. as well as my portion of the MO, which I did get at the post office. I will check with them tomorrow to see if this constitutes fraud of any type. Thanks!
  12. Low carb chili, adding beans & rice for the rest of the family
  13. Apparently, in all my eight years of homeschooling, I have been scammed for the first time. I don't have Paypal (as of now, but I will have one before this week is over.) I have always sent money orders to purchase used curriculum-didn't want to send checks b/c I didn't want a stranger to have my bank account info-and never had a problem....until now. I sent a money order 6 weeks ago and have not received my items yet. The "seller" e-mailed me on three different occasions that she was headed to the post office to mail the books. Now she has not returned my last three e-mails. And, no, she's not here on WTM. It was on a curriculum specific Yahoo group. I contacted the moderator of the group, but now neither she nor I can find this "seller's" name or information anymore. The original post she made about the items for sale has disappeared as well. :( I feel like such an idiot. I don't suppose there's anything I can do since I sent a money order?
  14. Hugs and prayers. You've been given some very good and encouraging advice. Follow it and allow yourself to be healed. May you feel the peace and joy that God's forgiveness brings you.
  15. I'm in Alabama. We are covered under our church cover school, which is one option. We have to turn in attendance records and that is it. It is easy to homeschool in Alabama. Just out of curiosity, in what part of the state is your friend located? I'm in south Alabama.
  16. FIAR worked beautifully for us when my kids were younger. We still talk about the wonderful memories and lessons we learned. I currently teach FIAR to K-2nd graders at our co-op. You can spend as little or as much time as you want doing FIAR each day. It is very flexible.
  17. My husband is a surgical nurse and he truly enjoys his job most of the time.
  18. Cocktail sausages, spinach dip, cheese & crackers, pickles, olives
  19. It is tough. My oldest is 21. In 2010, he graduated, left for Basic Training, got stationed in Hawaii, and was deployed to Afghanistan a few months later. Talk about a crash course in letting your kid go!
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