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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I don't use the Classical approach. There is actually a large variety here on these boards.
  2. That would be interesting. Maybe you could create a poll for this thread and see the numbers for those of us on WTM.
  3. I like Denise Austin. She is very perky, but I had fun working out when I watched her shows. She used to have two on Lifetime. I would get up every morning and work out to them.
  4. Agreeing with the others about asking for bloodwork and a count of the HCG levels. I'm praying.
  5. It is frustrating. I recently hosted a party. I invited 30 ladies. Seven did RSVP, but the rest-nothing. Very irritating!
  6. I understand. I thought of this idea a while back, but I didn't do it then. I wanted our daughter to feel secure and safe, especially since she had been abandoned by her birth mom and ignored for two years in an orphanage in China. Once my husband and I felt sure that she knew she was finally "home," then we decided to use the doorknob cover. Thankfully she is doing fine with playing in her room at night.
  7. Dd(now)5 is sleeping much better on a consistent basis now. We allow a short nap during the early afternoon, and then we do lots of playtime when she wakes up. She still takes melatonin. The gluten free diet really seems to be helping, too. She is not allowed to have any sugary treats past 2:00 pm, and she doesn't ever drink caffeinated drinks. Also, we have a door knob cover on the inside of her door, so even if she wakes up in the night, she is unable to leave her room and wander through the house. She has a nightlight in her room and she happily plays and sings in there. Thank God we are all getting much more sleep around here.
  8. I will be using some of the Sower books this upcoming school year. I purchased mine from Rainbow Resource.
  9. Oak Meadow Heart of Learning For The Children's Sake The Well Trained Mind Sonlight IG's (although we no longer use SL) Teaching Tips and Techniques (included in The Weaver Curriculum) Five in a Row manuals
  10. My ds10 is currently LOVING Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. This thread is helpful to me so I can see what he might enjoy next. Thanks!
  11. I placed my order last week, and now I'm eagerly awaiting its arrival!!!
  12. Not me. I wanted her to end up with Peeta b/c of all they went through together. I liked that part of the ending.
  13. I have a drawer full of VS stuff that I've had for several years. Occasionally I'll wear something from my collection. But this thread really has me thinking that I need something new.
  14. I didn't get to see the pic, but it will grow. :) I know...because I got a new haircut three weeks ago and HATED it. It was so much shorter than I expected. My kids actually laughed at it! :o Hubby was just like, "Wow." And NOT in a good way. But, now that it's grown out a little, I really LOVE it. Hang in there! You may like it in a few weeks.
  15. Well, I speed sometimes. Also, I've made a few illegal U-turns. ;)
  16. I have migraines. I have been on a low carb diet for three years, and it helped a little. The best help has been to follow the migraine elimination diet in the book Heal Your Headache by Dr. David Buchholz. Now, being BOTH low carb and migraine elimination, I am quite limited in what I can eat. If you are only migraine elimination, though, it is not too bad. Plus, it's worth it if it works!
  17. It is a great series. The second book, Catching Fire, is my favorite. I encourage you to get past the grammar and finish the trilogy. Also, it is written in the voice of a teenage girl, so keep that in mind.
  18. Elementary education I graduated and taught ps for seven years. Then I quit to be a sahm and eventually a hs mom.
  19. Congrats! And I have to confess that I envy you. My hubby had "the snip" after our third child was born, and we regret that decision. We did adopt our fourth child in 2009, though, so that is a blessing. But, honestly, my heart longs for another baby. It is really NOT practical...I am 38 and our youngest child has significant special needs, so a new baby would certainly be challenging. I still wish for it sometimes, but hubby's "snip" 10 years ago has proven to work quite well.
  20. I am using FUFI with my 4th grade son this year. He describes it as his "best year ever." :) It is actually quite meaty. We have had some really great discussions this year. If you click on my blog link in my siggie and look for posts labeled Further Up and Further In, then you could get an idea of what we do each week.
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