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Everything posted by KRG

  1. I could have written that just about word for word. Dh and I have been having this conversation this morning. I feel wiped out from fighting an uphill battle! :grouphug:
  2. So sad :( Andy Griffith was a staple in our tv viewing while growing up.
  3. I like facebook, too. I like keeping in touch with friends and family. I love hearing stories about my friends' children--I don't see it as bragging. I don't get offended when someone does something and I'm not there. I do plenty of things without them, too. I love to see all the pictures and to read updates and what have you. I post plenty of brags on my children, pictures, recipes, when I'm aggravated, when I'm happy about something, the weather, etc. FB and this forum help me keep my sanity most days ;)
  4. I didn't know that other mils mailed garbage lol It's been awhile since we received the last package so I can't remember all the weird items in there. Two that I do recall: a book light and a purple hat. She's now started sending letters that make no sense. I'm pretty sure she is NPD, also.
  5. 1. paying bills--anything having to do with $ stresses me out. We have $ to pay our bills but everything keeps going up no matter how much I cut back or something keeps popping up that will cost large amounts of $. 2. grocery shopping-see #1 3. folding socks--drives me bonkers lol this one I usually put off as long as I can
  6. We got an email earlier this week that our insurance rates are going up this year but there won't be any change in coverage for the 2012 year...I hope it was a typo because September starts the 2013 coverage year...
  7. At dh's last job he had to pay his own travel expenses. He rarely traveled and was reimbursed the day after he submitted his expenses. The job he has now he has a corporate card. That is really nice because he travels about 2 weeks out of every month. If he didn't have the corporate card I don't know what we would do.
  8. Amazon has a watchlist (queue) now. Go to amazon and pull down the menu to Amazon Instant Video and hit enter. Under the pull down menu in very small print you will see a list of options--watchlist is the 6th one the list. You can add/remove movies just like on netflix.
  9. My happy moment today was making guacamole with my niece today. I have missed her (and her sister so much!). It's been a year since we've all got to spend time together.
  10. 5 years ago I started homeschooling. I went to the Homeschool Store in Houston. I guess I was a little overwhelmed. There were dogs in and out of the store. A young girl was at the front counter and I saw no one else in the store. I walked around for about 30 minutes waiting to find someone to talk to but no one ever came in. I really want to go back and give them another chance and after 5 years I have a better feel for what I am looking for. Thanks for any input!
  11. We will start our first year of high school in August. I'm almost certain ds will be homeschooled all of high school.
  12. I think the best thing to do would have been to offer help. You do not know the circumstances of what all has transpired that day or maybe the child was being a royal pita until they came out of the store--not that hollering and swearing are remotely the right thing to do when a child is misbehaving. I would NEVER contact any kind of authority in this situation. That could possibly cause more harm than good for the family. I'm appalled at how many people want to call in the authorities with so little information(I don't mean this post specifically--just I hear a lot of people ready to jump on the CPS line everytime they see something). If she had come out of the store beating the child--yes, different steps should be taken.
  13. Thanks! We start vacation on Wednesday(we're not doing anything grand) but I think I will add this to our list of things to do--check out the new Trader Joe's :)
  14. I have been enjoying this pasta salad: garden rotini slivered almonds red grapes-halved or quartered cubed chicken--grilled or a small can works, too poppy seed dressing Cook pasta according to pkg directions, mix other ingredients and chill.
  15. We like Psych, Monk, Malcolm in the Middle, Kingdom, That Webb and Mitchell Look(very adult), Doc Martin, Raising Hope, The Office, Scrubs,The Middle(I think that's only on Huluplus, though).
  16. I haven't worn make-up since I was a teenager. I never cared for the way it looked or felt on my face. I've been to lots of Mary Kay and other make-up parties and every single consultant put glow in the dark pink on my lips and cheeks--no thank you!! My cheeks and lips already have a nice healthy pink tint to them. The make-up looked so odd!
  17. What are you eating/serving today? breakfast was leftovers, lunch was a pb sandwich and dinner will be burritos. What's the weather like where you live? hot and humid--it's gross outside! How often do you do things for yourself? (like making time for a hobby, going out without kids, etc). What are some things you do for your own mental well-being? Rarely and it's starting to cause problems for me. I really need to take more time for myself. If you enjoy reading, what book are you currently reading or what book have you recently enjoyed? We just finished The Three Musketeers and we have started Uncle Tom's Cabin for our current read aloud. For myself I'm reading Cake Icing, Butt Budder and Tea Lids--something that was free on Kindle. It's been a pretty good read so far. Nothing deep--lots of laughs. My mom just gave me I Still Dream About You by Fannie Flagg. I'll read that next.
  18. :iagree: She only contacts you about 4x a year--that's not a relationship. Don't invite drama...let it go!
  19. other than my husband-1. We have been friends since we were 12, so almost 30 years. I thought I had found another true friend but it turns out that our friendship couldn't survive. I think we have been reduced to 'liking' each others fb statuses.
  20. Until recently I didn't realize that being proud of my children and sharing something good about them was seen as bragging. It hasn't made me stop sharing though. ;) People will perceive things the way they want to regardless of the intent with which things are shared.
  21. Good afternoon! What are you chowing down on today? We had sausage kolaches for breakfast, grilled cheese sandwiches and strawberries for lunch and will probably have spaghetti for dinner What are you doing?Trying to finish up some school. We are so close to finishing up for the year! At the moment ds1 and I are watching an episode of Psych. Ds2 is down for a nap Do you have any flowers blooming in your garden to get ready for May?I have 2 rose bushes--a Julia Child(yellow) and a Memorial Day(pink). They have both been blooming for several weeks now.
  22. What are you dining on today? breakfast--little one had sausage and egg, big one had waffles and bacon and I had leftover meatloaf lunch-little one had ham and strawberries, big one had pb&j, banana and chips and I had a pb&j dinner is leftovers tonight: meatloaf, chicken burritos and bean and pasta soup What are you doing today? we are almost finished with the school year--down to Math, Reading, Writing and Grammar so our days are very short. Right now the little one is napping and the big one is reading. I'm hanging out on the computer. What are your doing for your health today? scarfing down some chocolate--trust me, it is for the health of all of us!
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