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Everything posted by KRG

  1. Back to the Beer Beer-Man 2 Beer Wars 2001: A Beer Odyssey
  2. Thanks! You'll find something that works for you and your family and it will click!
  3. It is just programmed in my brain...I have been doing it like this for so long it is second nature ;) I feel like something is missing if I skip something...like today I didn't do laundry because dh just got home tonight after being out of town all week. I'll do all that laundry tomorrow.
  4. It is a juggling act everyday! I do a weeks worth of lesson plans on the weekend and tweak what I need to the night before. I try to grocery shop once a week. I go through the grocery ads, pantry and freezer and plan a weeks worth of meals around the sales and what we have on hand. I usually grocery shop Monday mornings after breakfast. My day starts whenever the baby(ds2) wakes up(between 6:30-7:00). I get up and take care of him and then cook breakfast. We watch Mister Rogers and eat breakfast. Dh leaves for work. After that he goes and plays in his room and I ck email, wake-up, etc. Then we usually play outside for awhile. Ds1 has to be up by 8:30. He cooks his own breakfast and starts school. He usually starts with something easy and works independently most of the morning. I keep ds2 busy in hopes that he will eventually take a nap ;) Lunch is around noon and then nap. While ds2 naps, I teach Math and Science to ds1 and anything else that he needs help with. He finishes up the rest of his school day. Ds2 wakes up from nap and we go outside and read whatever book Ds1 is reading for Literature. The school day is usually over around 3:00. At 4:00 ds1 watches ds2 while I start preparing dinner. Dh is home a little after 5:00 and then it is dinner, family time and then bath for ds2 around 7:00. That's when I get quiet time. Dh bathes ds2 and does all the night time things. As far as housekeeping I have days for laundry(diapers are washed every other day): Monday: ds2 clothes, towels Tuesday: sheets Wednesday: ds1 washes his clothes Thursday: dh and my clothes Friday:anything that didn't get washed during the week that needs to be washed I usually vacuum 3 days a week and dust once a week. Bathrooms are cleaned on Thursdays during nap time. I wipe the kitchen down in the evenings. Ds1 does the dishes. We pick up anything that it out every night. It's not perfect but it works us!
  5. No, but I saw it on TedTalks awhile back. I think it is a great idea!
  6. We are 3 weeks into our school year. So far it is going well. Here is what my son is doing this year: English I-Excellence in Literature(I just rec'd this today. It was on backorder from RR). Analytical Grammar review, Vocabulary Root Words. We are currently reading The Red Badge of Courage Math-LOF Algebra I Science-Biology I Reece/Campbell History-U.S. History 1877-Current-Great Courses DVD Logic-Argument Builder Spanish I-Arriba(it's my old college textbook) Creative Writing-One Year Adventure Novel Sci-Fi/Fantasy course Art I/Art Appreciation Bible-The Gospel According to Seuss PE-weights/biking/outdoor physical activity
  7. We're having this tonight http://italianfoodforever.ziplist.com/recipes/422512-Pasta_With_Mascarpone_Chicken_Sun_Dried_Tomatoes_Spinach?return_to=%2Frecipes%2Fsearch
  8. I think a 15 yo would definitely enjoy it. It's been several years since I have attened a WoF conference but I don't remember too intense for a teenager.
  9. Lunch here is either leftovers or sandwiches.
  10. My kids have always left the house dressed in their own clothes. However, when ds1 was 4 he was adamant about wearing shorts, t-shirt and cowboy boots to church one Sunday. I wouldn't have had a problem with it except it was in the 30s outside. I took his coat. I hoped the negative attention would sink in with him. No, every person he came in contact with thought he was the absolute cutest child they had ever seen and he must be so proud for dressing himself lol You just never know the story of what is really going on.
  11. Neither agreeing or disagreeing with you, but I think a lot of people do not get married and have children out of wedlock because there is no 'shame' like there was in past generations. It's a more of a live and let live society today. As far as the 'do they have the same dad' question--I get that one a lot, too. My boys are 13 years apart and people just assume that it is from 2 different dads. I have been married for over 21 years and they very much have the same dad!
  12. We are using LOF Beginning Algebra with the companion book. I did not order the zillion problems. I think the actual book and companion are plenty.
  13. What's for lunch? We met dh for lunch at our favorite tex-mex restaurant. I had chicken quesadillas. Do you ever think, and rethink, your curriculum and lesson choices? This year, yes. I think it's because ds is in high school now. I want to make sure he is doing enough. I ordered more things from Rainbow and I am anxiously awaiting them. Have you started back to school yet? If so, how'd it go? If not, when do you start up again? We started Monday and it was a long day, but a very good first day. I have been anxious about this year because of my almost 2 year old and the dynamics of keeping him busy. It worked out and today was an even better day. Yesterday we had school until 4. Today we finished right before 3 and that was even with going out for lunch(we started earlier, too).
  14. I have an almost 2 year old and he may sit for 5-10 minutes to watch a video. That said, I would let them watch a movie together and let your dh see how long her attention span really is.
  15. When someone has a post that needs I follow up I click to see all of their other posts instead of reading through pages of well wishes, prayers, etc. 99% of the time I end up clicking 'profile' instead of 'see all posts'. I've never intentionally looked at anyone's profile.
  16. My son had it done this year. He's had a couple of small nosebleeds since. Before the cauterization his nosebleeds were really bad.
  17. pasta and homemade sauce w/bell pepper and mushrooms eggs and toast maybe bacon or sausage depending on $ oatmeal and fruit chicken thighs or legs(always on sale--someone had them .69/lb last week) burritos, tacos or enchiladas veggie stirfry--I have found frozen veggies to be pretty inexpensive chicken and dumplings soup--tomato, broccoli cheese, vegetable, etc. stew--you can usually found a cheaper cut of meat and put in the crockpot to make it tender
  18. The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis :grouphug:
  19. I couldn't get past the first episode. It was boring to me.
  20. I give to friends or send it to the Book Samaritan. I've never tried to sell it online or elsewhere...most of the time it just seems easier to give it away. There are a few things that I won't part with--our LOF books and some literature guides.
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