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  • Biography
    Homeschooler and Florist; Mother of 10y and 9y girls.
  • Location
    Ruston, LA
  1. I have a DD9 that is dyslexic, dysgraphic, and ADHD. Her reading, writing and spelling were atrocious! After starting Explode the Code with her this year and Sequential Spelling, she has already made leaps and bounds. She LOVES the ETC work. She is even doing extra lessons for fun! She doesn't feel like it is work at all. Hope that helps. :)
  2. Thanks. I made the chore chart in Excel. I would be happy to email the template to whomever would like it. :)
  3. Thanks, y'all. It is starting off to be the best school year we've ever had!:001_smile:
  4. I am the most disorganized person, but this year I worked hard to get our school room in shipshape. I'd love feedback on how I can improve it still. :) Check it out! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151036543626701.415768.637786700&type=1&notif_t=photo_album_comment
  5. Ours end up outside!:tongue_smilie: One day I was picking up toys and sticks in the yard so DH could mow. I found 12 pencils and three colored pencils! What the heck? I have threatened to tie yarn to their pencils and tape the yarn to their desks. I may try that this year so we don't spend an hour a day looking for them.:001_smile:
  6. Glad you are here! I am fairly new and really have gotten a lot out of the forums. Enjoy. :)
  7. Thank you so much for sharing this deal! It will fit great into our school year! :D
  8. I have just been advised that, from a legal stance, someone's sending it to me privately would indeed fall under "Fair Use" since I purchased the 2011 edition already and it would be a money-free exchange from one owner of the materials to another owner of the same materials. SO, ladies, my original question stands. Would someone please help me out, now that I know we won't end up in Homeschooling Prison? :001_smile: Thanks
  9. I didn't think of it in that way. Since I have already purchased it I was just thinking of it as a sneak peek. I definitely wouldn't want to do anything wrong or ask that of anyone. :blush: So would it be possible for someone that uses the 2011 version to look on-line at the sample of the new IG and tell me what the differences are? I have been looking at the on-line samples but don't want to over-plan or under-plan if the 2011 version is much different. Thanks in advance, y'all!:001_smile:
  10. I am waiting on my curriculum to arrive but need to start planning right away. I'm stressed and it is coming down to the wire. If you use Sonlight Core D/E 2011 edition, would you be willing to scan or photograph the first week of the IG for me? I will start a thread just to sing your praises if you do!:D
  11. My girls are 15 mos apart. I try to sync as many of their subjects as possible. I usually give my older daughter supplemental activities if she seems bored and I spend more one-on-one time with the younger one if she is struggling. I may turn a reading assignment into a read aloud or vice versa or let them dictate instead of writing. We do everything together except for handwriting and music.
  12. Please help me, hivers! I really need to plan.:001_smile:
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