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Everything posted by KRG

  1. I'm so sorry that you are struggling. Dh was laid off one year and our family came through for Christmas for our oldest. If family is not an option then I would check into different organizations around town that help families at Christmastime.
  2. Dh's co-worker has some in his office and my 2 year old is completely fascinated and entranced by them. I got both boys some for their stockings.
  3. Right now is my free time. Dh has the little one in the bath. Other than that there really is no free time when I can just do whatever I want. By this time I am completely exhausted and ready for bed myself.
  4. I don't particularly care for the store bought ones, but my mom makes one for us every Christmas and we LOVE it!! It is by far one of my favorite Christmas gifts. She puts all kinds of snack foods, hot chocolate, in it--all kinds of things that we don't usually buy for ourselves. We snack on it while watching movies the next day(we have Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve).
  5. I got stocking stuffers online today at Kohls--spent a whole $1.54!
  6. One time I took a 2 liter of diet coke--it was the most coveted gift! For your party I would probably take something like a nice mug and put in hot chocolate or tea, an ornament, popular novel, dvd, movie tickets, hand towels, picture frame, puzzle, etc.
  7. I know it's not easy but why not just skip Christmas and enjoy the day with your own family? Why spend a day stressing when what you want to do is to cherish the time with your family? I may be speaking out of turn but I think I could deal a lot better with the stress of not sharing Christmas with other family members than dealing with everything you have written here.
  8. I'm sorry your day turned into a day of hurt and frustration The wreath sounded like a sweet idea. It would never go over well in my extended family because we don't talk about such things...My extended family is grateful and we had a wonderful Thanksgiving but there is not that kind of intimate conversation. We do those kinds of things at home though with just the 4 of us. I'm not big into black friday but I know that it is tradition for many families--it's about spending time together doing something they enjoy and getting a good deal at the same time. I feel Thanksgiving is rushed to hurry and get Christmas here. As far as asking for gift ideas we have always done that. It works for us and no one is snotty about it or asks for anything over the top. We also make family Christmas plans on Thanksgiving day because we are all together and it is easier to coordinate it then.
  9. We do a stocking for each other--we put them together after the kids go to bed. I love seeing what's inside--stockings are my favorite thing to open on Christmas. There's always good chocolate and just fun things--in the past he has put fun kitchen gadgets, hair stuff, lotion, games, books, etc. in my stocking. This year I am putting his 'big' gift in his stocking--he has absolutely no idea that I got it for him and it will be priceless to see his face Christmas morning! I also put his favorite snacks and chocolate in his stocking
  10. I need to take down my Thanksgiving decorations..We usually start the Christmas season by watching Elf. We'll also start the Advent Calendar.
  11. ds 1: shaving stuff, hair gel, wash cloths(funny story behind that one), his favorite candy, pringles, and a gc to the local bookstore ds 2: bubbles, hat/gloves, play-doh, hot wheels, stuffed animal, candy
  12. We have Christmas with other family either Christmas Eve or the week before. Christmas day is always spent at home.
  13. We are taking Thursday and Friday off. We will hopefully push on through the last week of November and then take all of December off. We've taken 2 days off since we started and we ALL need a break. I'm hoping we make it! Enjoy your week off!
  14. Subway and Chicken Express oh and Sonic for drinks!
  15. Cracker Barrel serves Thanksgiving Dinner and there are 5 locations in the S.A. area. http://www.crackerbarrel.com/locations-and-hours/closest-cracker-barrel?form=locator_search&locationAddress=San%20Antonio%20TX
  16. My niece has dysgraphia and when she was in elementary school she wrote on blue lined paper as was suggested in her IEP. She's a jr in high school now and does fine. Between my sister, mom and myself we were able to keep her in stock for that school year(it was hard to find the paper!) and she eventually learned to write normally.
  17. Thanksgiving is at my mom's this year. We trade hosting every year. Ham Turkey Dressing Mashed Potatoes Gravy Green Bean Casserole Macaroni and Cheese--I'm always asked to make this Sweet Potatoes or Butternut Squash-depends on who is bringing it Relish Tray--it varies every year--I'm making it this year. Deviled Eggs, Asparagus wraps, Celery & Cream Cheese, Pickles and Olives Rolls Cranberry Sauce Pecan Pie Chocolate Pie Buttermilk Praline Skillet Cake--going to attempt this for the 1st time
  18. toilet trash can pantry fridge toy box dresser drawers behind the couch/inside furniture/under any furniture
  19. I'm sure this post has trailed off in several different directions but while driving through town yesterday I saw two different signs that reminded me of the OP. One was for a Hallelujah Fashion Extravaganza and the other was for the oh so popular Hallelujah Party.
  20. Happy Friday to you! I am so glad that it is the weekend!! What are you up to today? Ds1 had homeschool teen group today so he went in this morning with dh. Ds2 and I have played outside, made a trip to the library, came home and played outside some more. I've got laundry going. I'm praying that he will take a nap now. He's in his room but I'm pretty sure he is not sleeping! Lunch? I had a chili cheese dog and it was so good--sometimes a hotdog just hits the spot! Plans for the weekend? Taking all the baby things to a friend. Ds2 is out of the crib and we are not having anymore babies so it's time to let someone else get some use out of it. Other than that I am hoping for a quiet and relaxing weekend.
  21. a 2 or a 3. I despise the way make-up feels on my face. I wear my hair in a ponytail everyday. I have never had a manicure or pedicure and I have no desire for either one of them. In summer I wear t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops or sandals. Since I live in TX and we have summer for 10 months out of the year that's what I wear pretty much all the time. I don't like high-heels and never got the hang of walking in them. I like dresses ok but I'm most comfortable in shorts and tees. The only jewelry I wear is my wedding ring. I do believe in clipping my nails, wearing deodorant, washing my hair and bathing every day. I live in a house with 3 males--I am the queen no matter what :)
  22. I think if I stopped going to Sonic for a coke their bottom line would be in trouble lol! They know me, my order and my car!
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