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Everything posted by KRG

  1. I have a lot of friends on fb saying the same things and the majority of them are keeping their children home. I would lean towards keeping him home.
  2. Book, dvd, movie tickets, gift card to favorite restaurant, something for a hobby that you have
  3. I finished shopping for stocking stuffers yesterday. I also ordered one more thing for each ds. Dh is supposed to go out and finish his shopping today. I bought most everything online this year.
  4. We always stay home--games, movies, snacky food and since your children are still young I would add in crafts. Sorry that the flu has hit your house!
  5. Oh those look cool--I just put that down as a possibility for dh's bday in February.
  6. I ended up taking my mom to the grocery store--and I did change out of my pajamas ;)
  7. I am not anti-gun but every time I see anything like this(these types of stories and posts are all over FB) I get the sickest feeling. I do not think this is a good idea.
  8. I can't today I declared it pajama day!! I will have to catch you tomorrow!
  9. our children my 2 nieces my 2 sisters and bil my parents my grandpa ourselves Most years I make good friends/dh's co-workers cookies/candy or a meal but that did not happen this year and I don't have time to worry about it.
  10. This respiratory virus has kicked my butt. I really wanted to to just sit today but some things really needed tending to...I swept the kitchen, did 3 loads of laundry and wiped down the kitchen. I am done! Forgot I cleaned my bathroom, too.
  11. I got my 2 year old bubbles, hex bug, candy cane M&Ms, hat/mittens, crayons, matchbox cars, toothbrush, sky toob toys, a yo-yo and a giant Christmas pen
  12. This is one of the few times I miss having regular TV. I am going to have to break down and buy the dvd.
  13. It's A Wonderful Life--all time favorite A Christmas Story Home Alone The Santa Clause 1,2,3 Christmas With the Kranks Elf A Walton Homecoming A Christmas Carol--George C. Scott is my favorite version--I like them all (Disney included) but this one is my favorite Polar Express Christmas Vacation Miracle on 34th Street The Christmas Angel--just watched this one the other night on Netflix. It has Kevin Sorbo and Della Reese Grinch 1966 Charlie Brown Christmas Rudolph Frosty Christmas Vacation is the only one I would worry about being age appropriate
  14. a 2 liter of diet coke--I don't get the appeal but I took it to a white elephant party once and people went nuts over it lol
  15. If someone knows your name they can find your address...or just about anything else about you and your family. It's the world we live in.
  16. I"m sorry you have a sick one. Dh and both boys are sick with some kind of sinus like virus--I am not good with sick people. I feel stressed and I am perpetually sleep-deprived as it is. It has not been the best day at our house. Right now they are all in my bed watching TV--thank God for small breaks ;) My agenda was to deal with the sickies and get laundry done--DONE. I'm glad we are on break from school.
  17. Treehouse(my kids love ours!) or fort
  18. I've tackled just about everything that I plan on tackling today: Made the bed Cleaned bathroom Vacuumed Wiped down the kitchen I need to wash diapers but that will have to wait until #2 to gets home from spending the day with the grandparents.
  19. We are taking all of December off. It has been very nice and relaxing around our house.
  20. I started yesterday. The last few weeks I have started my Monday chores on the weekend and it has helped me tremendously to ease in Monday mornings. I did 3 loads of laundry including a load of diapers--all folded and put away Swept, vacuumed, dusted, mopped(3x--thanks to #2 and a red icing incident and then an apple juice incident... ;) ) Balanced checking acct #1 woke up sick this morning so I had an unexpected trip to the store to get some meds. I try to keep a good stock of med but I had one cold tablet for him to take. I need to make the bed I need to stay motivated to cook dinner tonight--planning on enchilada soup I have plans to paint snowmen with #2 sometime today--right now he is occupied with a babyfirst cartoon I want to stay awake long enough tonight to watch a Christmas movie with the family
  21. Sometimes I cook breakfast for him. If I make a lunch for him it is leftovers from the night before--meaning when the kitchen was cleaned I put some leftovers in a container that he can take to work.
  22. Yes, this would be me...my other options are driving around by myself, walking around Target or getting a coke from sonic, some kind of junk food and watching mind-numbing tv...
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