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Everything posted by KRG

  1. 4H twice a week, Astronomy club once a month, volunteers at the library once a week and homeschool group activities usually twice a month.
  2. When was yours accepted? Ours was accepted yesterday. The 'where's my refund' only states that it will be there by 21 working days.
  3. I bought some books the other day using the 4-3. I think the selection has gotten smaller but it's still available.
  4. KRG

    Dell Tablet

    Does anyone have a Dell tablet? A Latitude 10 to be more specific but any Dell tablet reviews would be great...Do you like it, pro/cons, what do you use it for and where can you get apps for it?
  5. My oldest does--is in the 4H Rifle club. He's been in the club for a few years. I think they can join this club as young as 7 or 8 years old...not sure though.
  6. Well this Saturday I am sitting here catching up on these forums, email and fb. I'm drinking a coke and eating crackers with squeezy cheese(yes, so healthy I know), I've got a couple of loads of laundry going. In a few minutes I am going to change out of my pajamas and take #1 to the bookstore. After that I have no idea where the day will go ;)
  7. We drink out of them because I like them. I grew up drinking out of them. Yes, I grew up on a farm. I've never thought of it as vulgar or unclassy.
  8. Monday we had soup--white beans, spinach, radiatorre pasta, celery, sausage and diced tomatoes Tuesday we had bbq chicken legs in the crock pot, rice, broccoli Tonight I think we'll have tamales and spanish rice
  9. I have a Cosco Scenera--it was supposed to be our 2nd carseat in dh's truck but it's in my car now. It's inexpensive and works. I think it goes to 65lbs. I think it cost about $40. We have an Alpha Omega(All in One or something like that) that started out in my car but is in dh's truck. It's one of those carseats that breaks down into various parts as the child grows. It eventually becomes a booster w/110lb weight limit. It does what it is supposed to do. It was about $140 I think...maybe a little more. We have used it since #2 was a few months old--it's also rear-facing up to 35lbs. My mom has a belt-positioning Cosco high back booster. She rarely goes anywhere w/#2 but it's in there if she needs it. It's for 30-100lbs forward facing only. I was a little worried about her using it since it's not a 5 point harness but it fits #2 just fine. It cost about $35.
  10. I used oso cozy Indian bleached and unbleached from Nicki's. I also had newborn Chinese prefolds from Angel Bunz Green Diaper Store. Both were great--no problems with either of them. I recently gave them to a friend so as far as I know they are still going strong. My favorite covers were bummis and Thirsties.
  11. This sounds a lot like my oldest. He is 15 and has been spacey for a couple of years now. Dh says to hang in there that they do outgrow it :) It can be nerve-wracking but in the last year of so I've learned to show a lot of grace and mercy and it's working.
  12. Already started the 2 loads of laundry that need to be done. I plan to take it easy the rest of the day.
  13. I did everything but dust--I knew it wasn't going to happen ;) I did an extra load of laundry because the boys played outside and by that I mean the 2 year old pretty much rolled around in the mud(remember all that rain we had the other day?). He was covered from head to toe. There was mud(and I mean real mud) in his diaper!
  14. In 22 years we have rented longer than owning a home. After we sold our house dh said 'never again'. Everytime we turned around we were sinking $$$$$$ in to the house. The house we are renting now has by far been our best deal. I do wish sometimes that there was an extra room, though. We have been here for over 8 years and our rent has never gone up. If we have to move or the owner decides to sell I don't know what we will do because we couldn't find a nice 3/2 brick home(what we have) for the same amount--if anything we would have to pay about double! We live and do as we please as if we owned the house--paint, decorating, pretty much anything we want or the house needs and it just comes off our rent. The best part is that when something goes wrong it is fixed as quickly as it can be and I'm not responsible for the huge bill and in 8 years there are have been plenty of bills. It seems every holiday weekend the plumbing goes in this house! We have sometimes paid the bill and then taken it off the rent. Our landlord used to work with my husband so they knew each other well before we started renting. He has asked us to buy it but we have not really pursued it too much. Part of me would like to buy it but the other part enjoys someone else paying those repair bills.
  15. We are going to watch WarGames tonight. If I remember correctly it has some language in it. A few weeks ago we all watched Hugo and enjoyed it. Second Hand Lions or just about anything w/Robert Duvall never gets old! October Sky is another good movie. We like John Wayne, James Stewart, Cary Grant, Alfred Hitchcock movies. My husband and ds1 get a kick out of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 movies. I know there are quite a few on Netflix.
  16. So far I have Taken #2 for a wagon ride and played outside for an hour I've wiped down the kitchen #1 stayed up to do most of his school work last night. He is still sleeping. I'll have to check in and see what all he did and go from there when he gets up. I need to: vacuum wash a load of diapers dust--uggg I would like to: unpack my new canisters(fill them) and put them in the pantry read some more in my book--got to read a whole 8 pages yesterday!
  17. We moved here a little over 8 years ago and painted the entry, living room, dining and kitchen. A couple of years later we painted #1's room and 1 bathroom. We've never painted #2's room, our room, the hall or any other part of the house. The rooms we first painted are in desperate need of painting--but I don't like painting. I like the end result though!
  18. What do you mean by 'bare minimum required of him for school and around the house'? If you want him to do more around the house I would ask him. Are you wanting him to take on a heavier school load? It sounds like he does a lot. My son is 15 and he does his school work, is involved in a teen homeschool group, goes to 4H twice a week, is about to start volunteering at the library, does his chores, plays with his little brother and usually takes care of him so I can get dinner started in the evenings. He also reads comic books, plays video games, basketball and rides his bike in his free time. Most places around here do not hire until 16. From what you wrote it looks like he has a pretty full schedule. I'm just wondering what else it is that you want him to do.
  19. for some reason something lemony sounds good to me
  20. 9:30 and I just got the kitchen cleaned. No grocery trip--it rained 3 inches here today. I will go tomorrow.
  21. I don't think it sounds high--family of 4 here and I've spent $408 since the first of the month for groceries and household items--I think it's the new normal :( I cook 3 meals, well lunch is mostly leftovers. The only organic thing I buy is chicken. The only junk/processed food for those 2 trips was a bag of potato chips and a box of oatmeal breakfast bars. I do buy a lot of fresh fruit/veggies. I will probably spend that much again the last 2 weeks of the month, too.
  22. So far: I have swept the kitchen/dining room started a load of diapers vacuumed 1/3 of the school day is done I need to: clean the kitchen finish school maybe go to the grocery store--that depends on the weather
  23. I cloth diaper and it has been wonderful. We are on the cusp of potty-training and I will admit that I am looking forward to no longer washing diapers! My favorites are prefolds w/thirsties or bummis covers. Right now we are using the kawaii pocket diapers. They are almost as easy as disposable(just have to stuff the inserts) but I do not care for the way they fit. They need a double gusset because they tend to gape open on ds2's legs and leak...I never had any leaking with the prefolds and covers. If you aren't sure if you want to commit there are trial packages available. I know nickisdiapers and cottonbabies both have them. They send you a few diapers for a small charge and you can try it out for either 2 weeks or a month and if you don't like them you just send the diapers back(washed of course ;).
  24. I think Monday tackled me...tomorrow is a new day!
  25. I just finished Marva Collins' Way and now plan to read Sundays in America: A Yearlong Road Trip is Search of Christian Faith by Suzanne Strempek Shea
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