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Everything posted by KRG

  1. Do you have a local astronomy club? If you do that is also a great place to start.
  2. I like the McCormick pot roast seasoning packet--just add meat, veggies and mix packet with water. The other one that I like is roast, beef broth and mushrooms and purple onion. Add all of it to the crock pot and cook on low all day.
  3. My favorite thing is the River Walk. There's also the Alamo and several other missions in driving distance. There are lots of touristy museums downtown. Seaworld, imo, is ok. We have also enjoyed the zoo and children's museum. A fun place to eat is http://cheesyjanes.com/ and just about any restaurant on the River Walk(be prepared to pay a little more for those).
  4. The only one that I have purchased is US History. We all enjoy it.
  5. Good Monday morning to you all! I hope that you are alive, awake, alert, enthusiastic on this Monday! Where do you fall in that spectrum? Good morning! Right now I will go with alive. How was your weekend? Did you do anything special or fun? My weekend was wonderful! Saturday we lounged around the house and yesterday we went riding around and looking at the bluebonnets. The weather was gorgeous both days! What's on the menu for today? Breakfast was waffles, lunch will be either ham or peanut butter sandwiches and dinner will be either lasagna or pork chops--I haven't decided yet. Do you take a "spring break" or "Easter break" from school? If so, when? We took Spring Break week before last. If you don't follow a year-round school schedule, when will you be done with this "school year?" When will you start the next year's curriculum? Our last day of school will be the last Friday in May. We will take June off and start back in July. We are going to try year round school for next year.
  6. Is anyone getting a 404 error page not available after they order? I just ordered 9 items and received the email confirmation and the download links. When I try to download the files I get the 404 error :(
  7. It really is like that. I would say that 98% of the homeschoolers I know take schooling their children seriously. I did have a friend that did not and we urged to rethink homeschooling. It truly was not working for her or her children. She eventually put them back in public school and they are doing great.
  8. The university here only allows two 3 credit hour courses per summer session.
  9. My son has been working on the first OYAN and he loves it! Next year he is doing their Sci-fi/Fantasy course for a Creative Writing credit.
  10. I don't know if this will work for you but we are having hamburger steak w/sauteed mushrooms, onions and brown gravy, roasted cauliflower with Parmesan cheese and green beans.
  11. Sounds a lot like ds2. He was diagnosed with an immature digestive system and allergic to dairy and we quickly found out that he could not tolerate soy either. I tried eliminating (it felt like I was down to bread and water) and things just kept popping up that he could not tolerate. I finally gave up breastfeeding and started giving him nutramigen. It is very expensive but it made a huge difference. I know how hard it is to stop breastfeeding but I would suggest nutramigen or alimentum. She will know very soon if the formula works( a day of less).
  12. My 2 boys are 13 years apart. I was just shy of 40 when I had ds2. It was a very easy pregnancy though. The positives are that they are so sweet together. I have somewhat of a built in babysitter. We don't go out and have ds1 babysit or anything like that but he does help a lot where his little brother is concerned. The negatives: I have never been so tired in all of my life. ds2 is 18 months old and has slept through the night only a handful of times. He is a full ball of energy and I I am starting to feel old! I feel I am constantly tugged in all directions and switching gears trying to meet the needs of a toddler and a teenager. I worry about growing older and not having a relationship with grandchildren--we will possibly be in our 70s when ds2 has children. Here is something I wrote awhile back--lots of questions from strangers: 1) do both of your children have the same father Although I think it is rude, I can see why people would ask this so I'm going to let it pass but yes both of my children have the same father 2) did you intentionally space your children 13 years apart? seriously, who would do that on purpose???? I just take babies when I can get them. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that we would ever have another child, much less another one 13 years later. 3) whose baby are you babysitting I'd love it if someone paid me to babysit this baby lol--he's mine! 4) asked of ds1--is this your baby? ok, so yeah ds1 looks grown--he was also completely unfazed by the question... 5)not a question but 'oh your grandson is so cute' I've never looked my age--I get lots of compliments that I look younger than 40...maybe someone has been lying to me ;) When it's all said and done I wouldn't change a thing. I love both of my boys and they are the joy of my life.
  13. We have considered getting goats since we are spending $100+ on goat milk every month for the baby.
  14. I have been reading about Trader Joe's on the internet for years. I occasionally check to see if they have made it to TX. They have one that is opening about 40 miles from me. I can't wait!!
  15. I'm glad that we are taking Spring Break this week because we are all still sluggish from the time change.
  16. Add a tie and this is what my dh wore to a job he interviewed for in August(no way was he going to put a full suit on!) He got the job. GL to your dh!
  17. I enjoyed it and will probably tune in again to see where it is going. I could see a lot of real life people from my childhood in the characters. I loved Kristin Chenoweth(I had a Sunday School teacher that behaved/still behaves just like her character! I avoid her at all costs today) and Annie Potts!
  18. Good morning! How is your Monday going so far? Great so far. We are taking the day off because Dh is home today. How was your weekend? We had a fantastic weekend catching up on family time. What's on the menu today? Breakfast? Dh went out this morning and picked up donuts and kolaches Lunch? probably sandwiches Dinner? Creamy Shrimp and Mushroom pasta Do you have anything other than schoolwork planned today? We are working on the bathrooms so they can be painted.
  19. No, it is a co-op. They have many classes available. I happen to fall into the 'I homeschool because I want to teach my child.' Ds has taken 1 class in four years. They do have some teen specific activities outside of 'class' and that is why we are members. I guess after four years I know the mindset of many of the people that are the leaders and it makes me angry that they are trying to exclude others.
  20. I sent an email to the board--no response... We do get together with our friends weekly.
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