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Everything posted by KRG

  1. The first picture is of the shelves to the right of the table. The next picture would be in front of the table and the gutter shelves would be behind the table. The baby's shelf sits right under the gutter shelf.
  2. We school in the dining room. It's right next to the dining room and then we have a table and then 2 other shelves on the other side...hang on and I will get some pictures up to show you.
  3. It's a drum set. Birthday gift from grandparents. He loves it and it's really not as obnoxious as a 'drum set' sounds :) http://www.amazon.com/All-in-One-Musical-Band/dp/B002V8O8WK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1316538731&sr=8-1
  4. They do serve coke, but Sonic coke-well coke with Sonic ice is the best!
  5. Good morning! Medicine cabinet--I stocked up on everything before we were no longer allowed to use payflex for otc meds. Had to give the baby tylenol last night--up all night, fever, congested. It's the first time he's been sick :( Lunch--I really want soup. Breakfast--after being up all night ran to McDonalds for bacon, egg and cheese biscuit and by Sonic to get a large coke. I need the caffeine and I don't drink coffee. Today--DS 1 has Art co-op and then 4H meeting tonight.
  6. This is the baby's corner. He just turned a year old. It keeps him occupied at different times during the day. We do our read aloud outside. I put him in his swing and swing him while we read. Most days we are lucky enough that he will take a nap that is long enough for us to do Math and Science. Oldest ds is doing Writing and History independently so that helps a lot. While we do other courses I try and keep the baby distracted with toys, books or play with him--I was really worried how this was all going to work out. I've found out that I can roll a ball back and forth with the baby and still teach Spanish to my oldest. It is really a trial and error process for me. Good luck!! eta that the baby can't reach the top--and I'm not sure why the scissors on his shelf...
  7. I wouldn't get worked up about it. He obviously had been told and needed to be quiet. I would be thankful that she was gracious to you and your son when you called her on his misbehavior.
  8. We tried for many years for our first. We desperately wanted a baby. We went the usual testing routes to no avail. 6 months after we decided to stop I found out I was pg. Somehow we got pg first try next time but I miscarried at 3 months. We tried again but decided not to pursue any additional testing, procedures this time. We went back and forth about having a baby. Dh was fine if we didn't have another. I really wanted a house full of children. Finally, almost 13 years later the week of Christmas I decided I was ok if we didn't have anymore. We were at an easy point of our lives, etc. The next week I found out I was pg. After a year of sleep deprivation, I no longer have that desire to have another baby. I'm also 40 and am really feeling my age right now.
  9. I love this Grammar book :http://www.amazon.com/Giggly-Guide-Grammar-Cathy-Campbell/dp/1931492220 We have used Bob Jones (good but tedious after a few years) and Growing With Grammar(boring imo). Giggly Grammar is funny and puts things in very simple terms.
  10. What's for breakfast today? Me and baby: bacon and eggs and ds13 waffles and bacon Even though it's early do you know what's for lunch today? Either sandwiches or leftover pizza. What may throw off your routine today? Teething baby... What are you looking forward to this week? Payday
  11. Ds 14 A giftcard for Kindle books Not sure what else Ds 1 Little People Bus and Airplane Not sure what else
  12. Foam blocks Nesting cups http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Brilliant-Basics-Stack-Roll/dp/B000LSZVJQ Texture balls http://www.amazon.com/Edushape-See-Me-Sensory-Balls-Translucent/dp/B001AMK6G0/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1315703430&sr=1-1 paper, dirt, buttons on my clothes, rolls of toilet tissue, etc. etc. etc. ;)
  13. I don't get it either. If it is to support breast cancer then why is it so secretive? I think there are better ways to show support. I really dislike the male bashing,too.
  14. Praying for you--I know how hard it is to lose a long-term friendship. :grouphug:
  15. I am 40 and baby turns a year old next week. I am exhausted--he has yet to sleep thru the night. He is in to everything. I feel like I am stuck in some sleep deprived loop. It's a good thing he is so sweet and cute ;)
  16. Don't give up-some of us are just a year behind you and will need your 'this can be done' support posts next year! I understand your post, though. My oldest starts 8th grade this year and we have watched more and more friends go back to public and private schools recently.
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