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Everything posted by KRG

  1. Happy Friday!! What's for breakfast? I had pinwheels and the boys had waffles What's for lunch? Went out to lunch(we have done that a lot this week) I had nachos. We have co-op today. Anyone else part of a co-op? We are in a co-op. It was great until they asked me to work in the nursery. I had already signed up for a job and did not need the nursery services. Then the boys were both sick. We've missed the last 2 meetings. I don't know if we are going back or not. What are your plans for the weekend? Hopefully catch up on some rest. I know this baby is going to sleep through the night eventually. Add to it dh was out of town most of the week and you have a very tired mommy! I would love to decorate the house for fall but it is back up in the 90s again uggg
  2. I love board games but no one in my house gets excited about them :( I can get them to play a few games around Christmastime.
  3. Yeah a road trip or 2 a year and a little debbie snack once or twice a year...I'm good with it...thanks anyway :blink:
  4. What's for breakfast/lunch today? Breakfast: Boys had waffles. I had a bean and cheese burrito. Lunch: We went to Wendy's. Oldest had chicken nuggets. Little one had a little bit of cheeseburger and all the french fries his friend would feed him...I had a broccoli/cheese baked potato. Where are you going today? We met friends at the park this morning(we usually meet on Friday afternoons but they are going out of town) and then we all went to Wendy's for lunch. We had school after lunch. The last couple of weeks we have not started school until almost 11! Makes for a long day but I believe in letting a teenager get all the sleep he needs!
  5. We don't really eat healthy when we are on the road...we usually have trail mix, beef jerky, little debbie snacks and granola bars.
  6. ((hugs)) I'm sorry you won't get to see her before she leaves. My sister moved and hour and a half away last year and started a new life. I rarely see her and miss her so much. We used to get together every weekend. I hope you are able to find piano teachers, too.
  7. Definitely get a new carseat--why take the chance? I second the Scenera. I bought one a couple weeks ago for dh's truck. It's $39 at walleyworld. It's rear facing 5-35 lbs and forward to 40. It has great safety ratings, too.
  8. Good Morning! What's the weather for your area today? Sunny and mid 70s right now. We are finally getting some cooler weather in the mornings. Are the leaves changing colors yet? Everything is dead and brown from this oppressive drought we are experiencing. What's on the menu for today? Breakfast? Waffles Lunch? I have no idea Dinner? I have meatballs in the crockpot for meatball subs What is your favorite subject to cover with your kids? Literature, probably because my degree is in English Lit. I could talk books all day long. What is your least favorite? Science Why? Because I have yet to find a curriculum that is Science and not Science with Religion or Science trying to derail any religious idea. Do you have any exciting plans for today? Just to make it thru this day. Have a great day! You too!
  9. I buy Nature's Own Honey Wheat. I don't know if it's considered cheap. It costs anywhere from $1.87-$2.28.
  10. I'm with you on so many points--I'm 40, probably suffering some ppd--at the very least a year of sleep deprivation. My kids are 13 years apart. I try to think on the positives of this. I will be in my late 50s and dh in his 60s when the baby graduates. We will never have an empty nest--most days I feel that we will never have 2 minutes alone ever again! :grouphug:
  11. I'd do it-$8 is a steal imo. I paid $40/tooth for my oldest and that was with insurance! Our new policy now covers it...:glare:
  12. We love Mister Rogers, too. We are watching the episodes available on Amazon Prime. It's become part of our morning routine.
  13. I measured about 6 weeks ahead both times. #1 was 10lbs. 6oz and born on his due date. #2 was 7lbs 4oz. and born a few days early for scheduled section. Even if he had been born on his due date there is no way he would have been a big baby.
  14. What's for lunch today? We met dh for lunch at our favorite Tex-Mex restaurant. I had a taco salad. What's on the schedule for today? We did about a 3/4 school day. Kiddos are still stick. I also had to go to the pharmacist and pick up a few things at the grocery. I've done 3 loads of laundry and actually folded and put it away, too! Question for you: What is your favorite season and why?
  15. Matinee is $3 for everyone. Regular prices are $5/adults 12 and under is $3.
  16. I just use prefolds and a cover--my favorite covers are thirsties and bummis.
  17. Our school does not allow homeschoolers to take classes either. Maybe you will go down in history as the one that made it possible for TX homeschoolers to join FFA--keep up the good fight!
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