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Everything posted by KRG

  1. and it is the reason I probably will not be joining this next year. We do not take the classes there but for any other type of social outings you have to be a member. :glare:
  2. it is along the lines of marriage is between a man and a woman. I don't know the backstory, but I am sure there is one. We are not the most active participant in the co-op but I am a member because it is pretty much the only option in this town for homeschoolers. I am baffled that they are asking us to sign off on a marriage clause.
  3. Sunday: Roast Monday: Chicken Tortilla Casserole Tuesday: 4H Meetings so grab whatever you can Wednesday: Creamy Shrimp and Pasta Thursday Baked Club Pin Wheels Friday: Stuffed Flank Steak w/Proscuitto and Mushrooms
  4. it is worth it imo--free 2 day shipping, streaming video, kindle book loaning
  5. :grouphug: She is not your friend. Let her go and do not offer the CD.
  6. Congrats! I hope everything turns out well with move.
  7. Aveeno Eczema Moisture Therapy lotion has been a miracle cure for us.
  8. I understand. We just recently were able to get dsl in our area. That definitely played a big part in our decision to drop satellite tv.
  9. I paid $3.51 this morning for gas. A gallon of plain whole milk is $3.78 at walmart. The baby drinks goat milk and that is $3.56/quart ugggg!
  10. This website is very useful. http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online It probably has more information than you need :) We took a lot of field trips--Austin, San Antonio, Houston. We live in Huntsville so there is a lot of TX history here as far as Sam Houston is concerned(as well as the Sam Houston Folk Festival--that is at the end of April/beginning of May). We watched the Alamo w/John Wayne(It's not exactly accurate, but a good movie none the less) and another movie about Stephen F Austin. I can't remember the title. There are so many books, movies, documentaries, hands-on field trips available when you study Texas. Oh, don't forget Washington on the Brazos. There is also Barrington Farms in the same area that allows you to come and work on an early Texas farm. We also read Old Yeller and Savage Sam. Fred Gipson is from Mason Co. TX. The library there has a statue of Old Yeller.
  11. Amazon streaming is a lot like Netflix. It is not nearly as large but they still have a good variety of tv, documentary, movies, etc. You can search their video library on the amazon website. Amazon Prime also includes free 2 day shipping. You don't have to spend a certain amount to get the free shipping. It has definitely paid for itself. I forgot to say earlier that we have a roku that we use to stream netflix, hulu and amazon.
  12. Check out Ambleside or Charlotte Mason reading lists, too.
  13. We dropped satellite awhile back. We have Netflix streaming($8/month), Huluplus($8/month) and Amazon Prime($79/year). We don't feel deprived of regular TV.
  14. I grew up in A/G and even went to one of their colleges for a year. Like previous posters stated there are many genuine people and I wouldn't trade having known them for anything. But, I cannot reconcile many of their teachings with the Bible. We tried to attend the church I grew up in several years ago. We found it to be so over the top, based on emotions and hyping people up. Then the pastor(not the one I grew up with) mentioned that they were working on getting a light show going during worship...well it was then that we knew we would no longer be attending.
  15. Virgin Mobile $25/month unlimited text and data and 300 minutes.
  16. My 16 month old has eczema. I know it is allergies but I can't seem to eliminate them all. Once I stopped dairy and he started goat milk it has cleared up a lot. The dr. has given us all the rx and they didn't make a difference. The best thing I have found to use is Aveeno cleansing bath wash and Aveeno lotion for eczema.
  17. Tonight we had stir fry(beef strips, broccoli and mushrooms), over rice and cherry pie crumble for dessert.
  18. My oldest will start high school next year. I am not in panic mode because I am sure that I am still in denial that he will be a hs freshmen next year! He wants to homeschool until graduation. We are in TX so I have downloaded the requirements for all the different diplomas and will try and use that as a guideline. More than likely he will attend the university here in town because of costs. They are homeschool friendly but I need to check their requirements for admission as well.
  19. My 15 (almost 16) month old may sleep thru the night one night a week. Sometimes we can get him back to sleep within a couple of minutes but sometimes he just wants to be up. Last night was one of those nights. I just get him up and snuggle up in the recliner and watch TV. Usually within the hour he is back to sleep and I can put him back to bed. I can't let him CIO. I hope you find a solution that works and everyone is sleeping soon!
  20. Dh is still off work--we are starting back tomorrow.
  21. I tested positive with my first pregnancy and had antibiotics during labor. My son was also infected when he was born and had 9 days of antibiotics in the hospital. He was perfectly fine. I was automatically treated with antibiotics with my second son. He was not infected.
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