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Everything posted by Jyhwkmama

  1. I know that both sticky white board sheets (like shelf liner) and white board paint exist.
  2. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/286065201501525/
  3. She should reach out the the KC LEARN group on facebook. I am on the Kansas side, but many people are in MO and would be happy to answer her questions.
  4. I have many fewer headaches and my skin is better. Be sure you are eating plenty of veggies and greens. I like Dr. Furman's videos. There is an independent filmmaker that is making a documentary about people who have changed there lives using a plant based diet. He has a FB page with in depth interviews: https://www.facebook.com/bigchangethefilm/
  5. Are we talking about consuming these foods in the classroom or in the lunchroom?
  6. Yes. Go with your gut. Get a different OB stat!
  7. Make it clear that this person is NOT invited. Etiquette does not apply in this situation. Get a bouncer. Deny the offender entry and have him removed from the premises.
  8. You might look into adult education night classes offered by your local school district Is there a community college in your area?
  9. Walk over the suspension bride. Really neat. Below it is a national parks place about Lewis and Clark. http://www.visitomaha.com/listings/bob-kerrey-pedestrian-bridge/59364/ https://www.nps.gov/lecl/planyourvisit/basicinfo.htm
  10. So I don't want to wade through the podcast. What is her status now? Does she have any documents? Have her parents helped her at all?
  11. http://www.titlenine.com/category/mobile/sports-bras-and-undies.do
  12. There is no juicing in the FOK movie. Dr. Esselstyn is firmly against juicing. You might be thinking of the movie Fat, Sick, and nearly dead. I eat mainly a plant based diet. You get better at making plant based meals. My husband even eats them now. We eat beans all the time. Bean burgers with veggies on the side are a favorite meal.
  13. TRIGGER You could tell her the story I heard first hand in a mom's group meeting. A paramedic came to speak with us and told us about the first call he ever had. He and his partner were called to the scene of a car crash. The parents had tired of hearing theit child cry and had taken him out of the car seat. The child was thrown from the vehicle and had to be recovered from a tree. I will never forget the paramedic saying, "Sadly, they will never their child cry again." You can also recommend the vacuum cleaner CD from amazon. It is a recording of a vacuum cleaner that you can loop on your CD player. Worked surprisingly well on my high needs first child.
  14. I would go to Walmart and buy a set of cheap sheets to use each night of the trip.
  15. I am so old that I remember watching the summer Olympics in Barcelona broadcast on ABC.
  16. What did they do, Angie? (And I totally believe you)
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