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Everything posted by Jyhwkmama

  1. I would contact the FBI. Send them copies of his texts.
  2. Send them a tweet. Twitter gets responses!
  3. Keep in mind that you don't need to justify your declination of the invitation. An invitation is not a summons and no one owns the control about where you spend your holiday time but you. Go with a form of "that doesn't work for me" or "sorry, but I already have plans here at home". There is absolutely no need to go there and be a human meat shield, taking abuse.
  4. 45 minutes is not too far to drive for peace of mind and family privacy. If you do go, absolutely get a hotel room(s).
  5. You need to completely drop the rope with them and be DONE. Make a Babycenter.com account and get help with this from the ladies of DWIL Nation. They can be blunt, but blunt is what you need. Why do you keep subjecting your children to the verbal abuse of your FIL? You should never see him again. The fact that your MIL and BIL were PA about Thanksgiving plans and then your MIL laid on the guilt makes them complicit. Follow your husband's lead and just stop.
  6. Hotel? That is what I would do. Control your own destiny.
  7. Often, no shirt. If it is really cold, white tshirt.
  8. ....and nursing infants under 6 months. You do NOT want toddlers there.
  9. Look for an Extended Stay hotel. They don't advertise much, but are ay up for just this type of situation.
  10. At the very least, could you own up a bank account now and make payments to yourself and then pay the balance in full once you have saved enough?
  11. and you might want to consider a camera with a view of that door in case she escalates
  12. I would tell her to back off or you are going to contact the authorities.
  13. You need to drop the rope with these people. You can't make them care about you or your family more. Move on in your mind and you will be much happier. Have no expectations and stop worrying if you can make their events. Hugs.
  14. You could get a scraping razor blade at the hardware store.
  15. Was the charge by weight or by volume? that makes a huge difference here.
  16. I would call the "consumer corner" feature producer for the local media.
  17. Lego City Undercover is one of the best games written for Wii U.
  18. Post in FB forum for a fix and also contact customer service.
  19. I would love to. I searched all the social groups and could not find it. It also did not turn up in my forum search. :(
  20. Sending you a PM with my email!
  21. Anyone want to be FitBit friends? I have started really putting mine to use and would love some company. My FitBit email is sweeterstuff72@gmail.com. Send me a request!
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