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Everything posted by Jyhwkmama

  1. Just keep thinking to yourself about next year when you do not have to respond. at.all. Will no longer be your problem.
  2. I have noticed it in both CLE Math and Climbing to Good English. We are not traditional or religious, so there are times (especially in CTGE) when the obvious answer is not so obvious to my son because he does not think the same way as the authors. I just explain to him what they were going for with the question and we discuss what alternative answers there might be.
  3. Just say no-channel your inner Nancy Reagan. No to this visit, "That doesn't work for us. We need advance notice" No to Christmas, "We would love to host you for a few days after the holiday this year. 12/26-12/30 works for us. The holidays have been stressful for us the last few years and we need to scale back" Your house-Your choice.
  4. You need to visit DWIL Nation (just google it). They are a little harsh, but very helpful in this type of situation. Yes, as Mama Geek previously said, you have a DH problem. He needs to tell them no-RIGHT NOW! Get your anger on and set some boundaries. I understand why you are so angry.
  5. We use Wordly Wise 3000. My kid and I actually enjoy the reading selection at the end of each lesson. However, I do not make hom write the answers to the questions. We sometimes do some of them orally.
  6. She is ignoring the Basic Speed Rule. Here is a direct quote from page 46 of the Tennessee Driver's Handbook, bolding mine: Principles of the Basic Speed Rule: 1.Your speed must be careful and prudent. Use skill and good judgment. 2.Your speed must be reasonable and proper, not too fast and not too slow, for any conditions including: • Amount of Traffic - How many cars on the road • Speed of Traffic - How fast or slow it’s moving • Whether Pedestrians are Present - Especially children in school zones or neighborhoods • Surface of the Road - Rough or smooth, paved, gravel, etc. • Width of the Road - One-lane, two-lane, four-lane • Structure of the Road - Straight, curving, bridges, narrow shoulders, etc. • Visibility - How far ahead you can see clearly • Weather Conditions - Rain, snow, ice, fog, etc. • Your Own Driving Ability 3.Do not drive so slowly that you block, hinder, or interfere with other vehicles moving at normal speeds. 4.Your speed must be adjusted to conditions so you can stop within a clear distance ahead. If you drive at a speed that is unsafe for existing conditions in any area, you are violating the basic rule. This applies even if you are driving slower than the posted speed or maximum limit. Until she is able to understand and follow The Basic Speed Rule, she should not be driving.
  7. My son has issues similar to this. He will talk NON STOP about video games. However, I am starting to see improvement. We read this book slowly and it has several pages dedicated to variations of the "have to talk about this right now" problem. http://www.amazon.com/Social-Rules-Kids--Kids-Succeed/dp/1934575844/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1426108575&sr=1-1&keywords=social+rules+for+kids
  8. Think of it this way: If you end up divorced because of the strain on your marriage, you will be in less of a position to help her.
  9. Sometimes people have to get over things. You are not heartless to protect the happiness of your marriage (which is very important for the stability of your children's lives). Her living with your brother is a reasonable and responsible solution.
  10. Just because she almost cried does not make it a bad idea. You need to establish some boundaries. A duplex situation is very reasonable and would give you both some breathing room. Do not let her manipulate you so easily.
  11. You can often find these on ebay and half.com. How do you print the tests and quizzes? Is there a disk or is it online access? Could you still do that with a used copy? Thanks.
  12. Yes! You can return by mail or even return at your local Sears store.
  13. Amy's Kitchen has many dairy free frozen meals. (Not all of them are, so look for "Dairy Free" on the box) Silk makes soymilk, nutmilk, and yogurt. Daiya makes dairy free cheese. I eat Oroweat brown buns. It really is easiest if you avoid most processed food and stick with basic foods. (Beans, fruits, veggies, whole grains) Any publication by Calwell Esselstyn or Rip Esselstyn will have dairy free as will books by the Happy Herbivore. You could always add chicken or beef to the recipes if you wanted.
  14. We use NL science and love it. I, too, am happy to answer any questions you have about it.
  15. We have used Social Rules for Kids. It is not entirely about conversation, but it discusses it at length.
  16. Your entire post from the title has a judgmental tone. "Mentality" is a word with negative connotation. Many people in the US do not have lives that revolve around Wednesday and Sunday church. Competitive sports are legal, moral, and a good source of exercise. What concern is it of yours if a family chooses to revolve its life around sports instead of church? I am not judging you for the way you spend your family time. ok...fine. I am sorry that you are all so defensive. I am not going to respond anymore. This came across as very defensive, FYI. Poster Kinsa said, As devout Christians, it is important to our family that ds's football experience not interfere with family worship time. That's why ds belongs to a Christian football league. We do travel many hours to go to games, and we spend many hours each day at the practice field, but there's no practice on Wednesdays, and no games on Sundays in order for the team families to attend church. I find the balance to be just right for our family. I think this is very smart, Kinsa! More communities of people who are frustrated by the religious commitment/sports conflict should look into this as a solution. going to church is optional. it is a gift that the Lord gives to His people. But where it gets frustrating is when the coaches won't allow the kids (or parents) to choose that option...it's either ball or no ball...there is no middle ground. A child isn't allowed this option: to be at every other game except the one on Sunday at 1 in a town 3 hours away and still play at the next game. A child isn't allowed to miss one practice on Wednesday night, because he went to youth group (once every 2 weeks) and then play at the next game. Here your logic is faulty. The sports team is a secular function. The team depends on players being present at practices and games to succeed. You think that church should be an excused absence or that there should be more leeway in missing some practices and/or games. There shouldn't. Sports are not the lesser choice of the two. Sports are simply a different choice. Once you make a commitment to a team, you (general you) need to honor it. Obviously, the best choice for your family is not to sign up for such a team/make such a commitment. Fine. However, it is irrational to expect a secular team to work around and particular schedule of religious practice.
  17. I use these. I like them because each of them has 6 drawers. I have 4 of them in my dining room. I labeled the drawers. http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/270735/Iris-Mini-Clear-Plastic-Storage-Cart/ I think they are cheaper in the store (Office Max. Have not seen them at Office Depot.)
  18. Twitter might be the answer for you. Send a short, but strong tweet to the airline. Twitter gets results.
  19. I love Scandal and HTGAWM. FYI-Old seasons of Scandal are available to stream. DO NOT watch with your kids around. :tongue_smilie:
  20. See, this is where I would have said "Work whatever job you want, but we own the house and are not going to be quiet during the day. Adjust your expectations or move out." I would never tell my adult child what shift he could work. I hope Alecia gets what she needs and can make a permanent break from what seem like extraordinarily controlling parents.
  21. Being 24 does have some advantages. She is old enough to file FAFSA (federal student aid). Maybe she could get into a local/regional college and live in a dorm?
  22. The only good thing is that many of the older kids probably know their grandparents' full names and possibly phone numbers. If an adult child were to choose to leave and determined to do so, he could just walk away and make a phone call. (Hopefully, however, he would have learned something from his sister and stashed his birth certificate in his pocket before doing so.)
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