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Everything posted by Jyhwkmama

  1. How do I get a picture on here? Every time I try to upload a custom photo I get a reject message saying that it is too large and needs to be less than 50KB. I don't know how to get an image that small. Any suggestions?
  2. Here is a great past thread on planning. What I took away most from it is the concept of staying on a general schedule so that you finish your curriculum by the end of your school year. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/189482-does-anyone-incorporate-a-filing-system-for-lesson-plans/
  3. MK8 and Windwaker are great too! My DS10 wants Smash Brothers more than anything for Christmas.
  4. Lego City Undercover is quite possibly the very best Wii U game yet released. ETA: The amazing, creative story environment of Lego City has yet to be equaled on the Wii U IMHO. Donkey Kong is good, but best for slightly older kids who will not get frustrated easily. My 10 year old loved it, but still got frustrated sometimes. Pickmin 3 is just annoying. It has a timer you have to beat and upset my 8 year old so much (after he spent all of his birthday money on it) that I sold it for him on ebay and made up the difference in the money he lost because he was so devastated.
  5. You can order the placement tests for cheap too. There are two of them. Get both.
  6. I know you have probably hit buy already, but I really like this brand... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0007YHBHO/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  7. Loreal Youthcode. So awesome! http://www.amazon.com/LOreal-Paris-Youth-Night-Cream/dp/B0047F71SS/ref=sr_1_2?s=beauty&ie=UTF8&qid=1416341236&sr=1-2&keywords=l%27oreal+youth+code
  8. Side Note: Have you considered Barton for your daughter? I know two moms locally with dyslexic kids and they both swear by it.
  9. I think this sounds like a great idea! I would love to school year round and definitely would if I didn't have one kid in PS. I feel like a slave to the PS calendar.
  10. Have you considered sending her to public school when she is old enough? (I say this not because she is "bad" and needs to be sent away, so please do not take it that way.) All kids are different and sometimes breathing space for both parent and child is a good thing. I love my younger son dearly and part of me would really like to homeschool him, but I know it would be a detriment to our relationship. He talks ALL THE TIME and pushes my buttons. He is doing well in school and because we are not together 24/7, I have much more patience with him.
  11. I wholeheartedly agree. Watching FOK changed my life.
  12. I have had this EXACT same situation at my house. We were at the end of our rope. I know it is not popular on this site, but medicating my son has totally changed all of our lives. We are all so much happier and more relaxed. If you ever want to PM me, I would share more with you.
  13. Where do you live (generally)? I am close to a post office. I would do it if you pay the site directly (I will send you my address) and pay me cost for postage upfront. I am an honest person I sell on ebay under the name Robinsresales and have a perfect rating.
  14. Nancy Larson Science-completely open and go.
  15. If you are not connected with the Big History Project (avialable on their own website and also Khan Academy), do it now! This is an overview. LOVE this Ted talk! http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-history-of-our-world-in-18-minutes-david-christian
  16. I checked out a few of these at my local library, but have not previewed them yet... http://www.multiculturalkids.com/series/colonial-life-for-children-single-dvds/
  17. I actually checked out this DVD from my local library and watched it. It was a few weeks before ebola hit the news. I was glad to have seen it. I offered my kids the opportunity to watch it, but they declined. The opening sequence with body bags was too much for them. If you have older kids, I highly recommend it. It is not a graphic DVD at all. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/2802980864952316317?q=nova+ebola+dvd&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&ion=1&tch=1&ech=1&psi=42U4VLmCOOfz8AGYiYD4CQ.1412982275942.3&ei=BmY4VMSCFpChyATr64D4CQ&ved=0CGUQpiswAQ
  18. Going to bookmark this to show my son when we get to biology.
  19. This is what I like. http://www.duckbrand.com/products/invisible-tapes/adhesive-rollers
  20. Can someone tell me how long the longest copywork is? I am trying to gauge whether or not my writing phobic son would do this. The positive reviews of this material have piqued my interest!
  21. I want to thank everyone for this thread. The last two days I have started our day by just reading to my son and it has made it easier to get him started on school. I plan on increasing the amount of time with some of these suggestions.
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