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Everything posted by Jyhwkmama

  1. Telling them what time they get up and having input on how they spend their money. **shudder**
  2. Reading this article on Patheos will give you a good feel for what it was like living inside that house. It is all about CONTROL. This article has plenty of direct, in context quotes from Lisa Pennington. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/2015/02/the-pennington-point-on-adult-kids-living-at-home.html ETA: The daughter obviously did not like living under the parents' terms, so she moved out. Just what any adult should do in that situation.
  3. She left home after she turned 18 to live with her grandparents. Not so scandalous. Descriptions of their family life on the mom's blog seem stifling at best. FreeJinger has a good thread on this **warning-some people on this message board may find FJ offensive**.
  4. With a house that big and 5 kids, I would be setting up interviews for new cleaning services ASAP. Seriously.
  5. I really like Dinah Zike books. http://notebookingcentral.com/product-category/science/
  6. You might consider Pandia Press History Odyssey. It uses SOTW as a spine with the Usbourne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of World History (so awesome). We use Nancy Larson science and love it. Reading good books is a perfect choice,
  7. Of the triptans, Frova works best for me. It takes longer to kick in, but it lasts longer (long release). I tried Topomax, but the side effects were too much to take. Of the non triptan drugs, flexeril (muscle relaxant) worked best for me when taken before bedtime. As far as diet goes, I went vegan and when I stick with it and stay away from sugar I do much better.
  8. I am a secular homeschooler, so be aware that I write this from that point of view. I use CLE math with my son. I love its clear, streamlined style and tight spiral. The thin, consumable workbooks rock! CLE LA products are VERY religious with a strong Mennonite slant. This may work for you-awesome! I just want you to be aware.
  9. IMHO, no to the thank you note. Your husband needs to give his mother an unequivocal "no" to any trip possibility any time. He needs to read Boundaries.
  10. I do it, manually, within the last 15 seconds almost every time. However, I do not buy that much on eBay.
  11. Isn't she old enough that she does not need that much care? If so, then your needs and her desires are completely separate issues. You could both say home and you could still get your work done. My vote is for once a month for her. You do not want to make her resent going to see her grandmother.
  12. Definitely try the controlled release melatonin. You could even try 1/2 dose instant release and 1/2 dose controlled release and tweak as necessary.
  13. Because this is your husband's family, let him lay down the "our house, our rules" expectation. That way you are not the one thrown under the bus. He needs to be firm about this with his parents. I would be extra loving with the toddler. This must be scary for her. It is really your in-laws that you need to worry about. Have you heard of DWIL Nation? If not, google it. They can be somewhat harsh, but you might be able to glean some "automatic response" language that might help you during this visit.
  14. I had it done. Two things to know: 1) it is not 100%, but can greatly reduce your flow. I would say mine decreased by about 60% 2) You cannot have a child once you have it done. Technically, you could still get pregnant, but would almost certainly miscarry. For this reason, my OB won't do it unless you have tubal ligation at the same time or have a sterilized partner. In retrospect, I wish I would just have gone ahead and had the hysterectomy.
  15. No TG needed. I just found out that they have free enrichment games on their website.... http://www.wordlywise3000.com/#continue click on students in the above link
  16. We LOVE it! Keep in mind that each kit is a level, not a grade, and has wider age span (listed on the site) than you think.
  17. I just started on Friday and really like it so far.
  18. A grandmother who makes kids do homework and exercise? I would see her 100% less.
  19. Hugs to you. Do Not Go! Seriously, take a stand now. Never go there again.
  20. I am currently using CLE Math 500s for my 5th grade son. It works well for him and I love the small workbooks. After reviewing the online samples, I would love to use their LA and reading programs, but just can't do it because of all the religious content. We are VERY secular. I eliminate things in the math to make it work for our family. This would just not be possible with the LA and reading. Does anyone have any suggestions for something similar that is also secular? Thanks.
  21. I loved this book. So fascinating. http://www.amazon.com/Bone-Yard-Body-Farm-Novel-ebook/dp/B004DI7LZC/ref=asap_B001IGOUJ2_1_8?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1418267819&sr=1-8
  22. On the right of their webpage, you will see that they post all the segments of that day's show after they are aired. http://www.today.com/
  23. Have you looked into Murderous Maths? They are a little hard to get, but engaging. I just started the first book with my 5th grade boy. scroll down to see math in each book... http://www.murderousmaths.co.uk/homeed.htm#content
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