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Everything posted by Jyhwkmama

  1. How is he contacting her? Is it by phone? Does he live close by? If it is by phone, block his number if possible. If not, get a new phone number.
  2. I live in the midwest. I am a secular homeschooler. We do exist. What about Lawrence, Kansas? :)
  3. I should have mentioned the JoCo, KS area is not flat, has plenty of trees, a well established JuCo system and VERY easy homeschooling (one 5 min form 1 time ever). Nebraska and Iowa are good choices too. Seriously, the Midwest has more to offer than most people realize.
  4. Johnson County, Kansas area.
  5. Totally agree with this. CLE, supplemented with a few multistep word problems, is what you need. Be sure to have him take the placement test.
  6. I am very excited for the Wii U Lego game version!
  7. I am a secular homeschooler. We use CLE math-it is VERY easy to secularize. I have sharpied out a couple of things, but most of the time any mention of God or religion is very benign (like the number of Bibles an counted objects in a story problem or optional pages on Bible Math using numbers from specific verse). I have looked at the LA. It has more religion, but I could almost use it. The reading is VERY religious. I don't think I could use the reading. The math is rigorous, but concrete, not out of the box conceptual like SIngapore math. I try to throw in some "thinking" story problems to get a balance.
  8. Seems like a legit reason to me.
  9. They have a web based option. Use it through a browser: https://app.groupme.com/signup
  10. Not trying to hijack, but can I ask why you keep going? I would find a different place to nurture my spiritual beliefs if going to a church left me feeling bad after I went. Why make yourself miserable?
  11. One more thing: You are an introvert. You husband married you as an introvert. You DO NOT need to apologize for who you are to anyone EVER!
  12. This is how you handle this: In a completely unemotional and upbeat way you say, "Sure, no problem! I will hang at the pool with the kids today. However, tomorrow I would like to do some exploring/relaxing on my own, so I need you to hang with the kids from 12-5." As long as you stay upbeat and keep it a willing and ongoing peer to peer compromise, I have found that things stay happy. Keep it fair-even slightly in his favor since it is "his" trip. Keeping emotion out of the negotiation is really key. As for your inlaws, read a book as much as possible and listen to music if possible. If they beg you to do things in the pool, give them an upbeat "beandip" (Thanks for asking, but I am so enjoying this time poolside in the shade!) People who are disappointed when you politely refuse them are impolite. Their feelings are their problems. You do not control their feelings. Let it go! ETA: Positivity at all times with firm boundaries is really the key.
  13. and stop putting so much darn pressure on yourself! You can't control the experience and feelings of others. Participate in a quiet way that makes you comfortable and smile a lot. Consider your quiet presence enough. Accept what you cannot control and let it go.
  14. Find a deck chair in the shade, listen to your ipod, and read a book. Your DD can do this too and your DH can hang with your 3 social kids.
  15. Bookshark (secular Sonlight) Build Your Library Moving Beyond the Page
  16. I can actually see them not getting involved in a divorce situation. That makes sense to me. However, the fact that The Old Schoolhouse remains on their list of resources to this day (yes, I just checked), bothers me. The scandal involving The Old Schoolhouse family is particularly unseemly because even after it was known that the older son of one family group had molested his young cousin, the older son and his family stayed in the homes of many other uninformed families while doing religious service work.
  17. We have those kind of car seats too. My kids used them as 5 pt harnesses, but are now too big and use them as boosters with backs. If the booster has a back, I don't see how it could come out from under the kid in a wreck. Without a back, however, it would be possible, especially if the kid does not have the belt very tight. My 11 year old is about to hit the backless booster stage, so it is not like I am against them for older kids. ETA: the most important thing to remember is that when your child is using a booster, all the restraint comes from the seatbelt. the booster with a back may provide some side impact protection, but I don't think it legally is required to.
  18. Kids who are young should be in a 5 point harness, not a booster. You should keep your kids in a 5 point harness as long as possible. There are extended weight models available. Booster seats are ONLY to position the belt.
  19. I harnessed the power of google: http://thecarseatlady.com/narrowest-boosters/
  20. Wear headphones and read a book while at the activities. Say something like. "I have been waiting for summer when I can catch up on my reading!" From here on out, stop the info train.
  21. I read a post on another message board that was far from flattering of them. Their books on purity and marriage are very legalistic and guilt inducing even for those who are far from wild. Leslie has a purity blog for girls. *shudder*
  22. Yet, when HSLDA actually needs to do something, they won't. https://homeschoolersanonymous.wordpress.com/2014/10/15/hslda-on-old-schoolhouse-cover-up-were-not-the-police-force-of-the-homeschooling-movement/
  23. Several months ago I read a thread here about a type of binder where the rings come out and you can store things just in the rings. Am I imagining this? Can you help me with the name of the binders or that thread. Thanks.
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