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Everything posted by Jyhwkmama

  1. Yes. That makes the response of her in-laws even more baffling.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/guinn.seewald.1?refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fguinn.seewald.1&_rdr
  3. This will never happen. Females are not allowed to have opinions in their family/religious organization. The show will not survive. The viewer pool is soured and sponsors will be impossible to come by.
  4. I am still having trouble comprehending why M&JB thought none of this would come out and agreed to be profiled on TV two years after the abuse happened. http://www.etonline.com/news/165063_josh_duggar_molestation_allegations_a_timeline_of_events/
  5. Oh yes. Not cheap. However, might be slightly cheaper in country at the actual store.
  6. Liberty of London has many STUNNING prints. I am particularly fond of their Hello Kitty series. :) https://www.google.com/search?q=liberty+of+london+hello+kitty&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=08dfVYrlL4GvsQW-poHIBw&ved=0CCAQsAQ (they also have plenty of non HK too!)
  7. I think it is really hard when you are in the middle of it all to see the big picture and be objective, especially if it is the way you have always been taught to think.
  8. Heather- If anyone you know needs convincing information on Gothard, she can find it here. There are actual first person victim statements available to read. They are gut wrenching. http://www.recoveringgrace.org/gothardfiles/ I hope you find peace this weekend.
  9. and if it makes you feel any better, there are several super cynical, Christian snarky posters on freejinger that are absolutely honestly shocked by this
  10. The Duggers exercise excessive control over their children well into what most of us would consider adulthood. Their family dynamic calls for suppression of all sexual thoughts and desires (not even kissing) until marriage. I am not shocked. The fact that the female of the family have no ability to voice complaint makes it even more believable that it was rug swept. Jimmy Swaggart Jim Bakker Ted Haggard Doug Phillips Bill Gothard Matthew Durham (particularly egregious) This list is just what I can quickly remember. No one should be shocked. Christianity is not insulation from sexual deviancy. Often, the patriarchal structure actually allows it to flourish. That being said, you are not foolish to have personal faith if that is what works for you. However, it is always wise to be wary of "Christian Leaders" -especially those who seem to relish in power and like to put women in a place of lesser than. ETA: I don't find fault with Ted Haggard because he engaged in homosexual behavior. My issue with him is the fact that he had sex outside the confines of his marriage then lied about it and tried to cover it up (plus used illegal substances). I do not think homosexuality in itself is deviant.
  11. Even if you think it is not available, please do check on your local school district website for the summer lunch program. I think it is required in ALL school districts that participate in the federal lunch program. I really hope your does!
  12. Don't forget about the Federal Summer Lunch program. There will be a public school in your area that will feed all children ages 1-18 every weekday in the summer. There is no income requirement and the children do not need to be public school kids. http://www.fns.usda.gov/summerfoodrocks ETA: I see the finder does not work yet. Look on the website of your local PS district for location information. Ours is called Summer Lunch Bunch.
  13. You could watch episodes of The Story of US-streamable on Netflix.
  14. Big History Project. They have their own website and there is also a streamlined version on Khan Academy under Partner Content.
  15. Here are two I have: Bought on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Skills-Activities-Secondary-Students-Special/dp/0470259396/ref=pd_sim_14_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=0GQ5X9DENJE981V0BH07 Downloaded and Printed: http://autismbeacon.com/images/uploads/Life_Skills_Program_Planner.pdf I know these are for special needs kids, but lots of really good skills in these guides!
  16. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/296029-what-small-changes-have-you-made-as-a-momhomeschooler-that-have-paid-big-dividends/ This is a very old thread, but one of my favorite. I have read it several times. I am reposting to ask if anyone has anything new to add. So much knowledge in the hive. What small changes have you made to your daily life that have paid off bigtime?
  17. I am really surprised they have left so many of their videos on youtube.
  18. "Sitting here with my 10 children. Mosiah won't leave my lap. You have no idea how good this feels. We have a supervised visit till court on Monday. I will update more. I am busy hugging my children. ‪#‎Blessed‬" from the BLH FB Page 2 hours ago
  19. My ELA phobic son happens to really like poetry. Can someone recommend a good book of poems for a sixth grader? Thanks!
  20. You might consider some focused Keys To math over the summer. If he did Keys To Decimals and Keys To Fractions, he would get really focused review of not only decimal and fractions, but also all 4 basic math operations.
  21. Is anybody else squeeked out at seeing soft pillows and porous, difficult to clean wood surfaces in a dog grooming place? Maybe it is just my love of Lysol typing.
  22. It really should be up to the scout to recruit people from outside the troop to help with his project. any scout who is able to drum up his own support should be able to do his project whenever he is ready.
  23. My kid is in CLE 509 right now. This whole year has been more fractions, decimals, percents, basic geometry, and some ratio/ proportion. CLE is definitely is nice tight spiral. However, I do like Farrar's suggestion of the Keys To series. That kind of focused review might be just what he needs.
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