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Everything posted by Jyhwkmama

  1. This is a boyfriend problem, not a future MIL problem. Your DD should not consider marrying him until he is able to stand up to his mother's bad behavior. This is the kind of thing that would be a problem throughout a marriage and build resentment. It is his responsibility.
  2. My son is using this right now. It has videos! https://www.theetiquettefactory.com/products.php?catId=&itmId=28 EF has many other products too.
  3. For a mathy kid who likes to play with numbers, I would do MIF or MEP. For solid spiral information, get it done factor, everyone can understand it factor, and ease of use, I would go CLE.
  4. I don't live that far from St. Joe. Why St. Joe as opposed to anywhere else in the KC area?
  5. FYI--For anyone looking for Opal: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/classifieds/item/23322-mosdos-third-grade-literature-program/
  6. Don't go CLE. Their reading selections lack variety. Even though I am a secular homeschooler, my son uses their math because it works well for his special needs. I am a member of all of their FB groups. The number one reason people stop using their reading stuff is that the kids rebel because the stories lack zest. The format us amazing, but that is just not enough. I have done actual books using literature guides and liked it ok. I hear Moving Beyond the Page is good too.
  7. Don't despair, Meadowlark. I am hoping that once we hit June, more copies of everything will become available.
  8. You could let them leave a message. A church friend will leave a message and you can return it.
  9. I love the teachers guides because they give little questions at the bottom of the page that you can ask during the reading to spot check for comprehension. They also point out every single incidence of alliteration, metaphor, etc. Every story also has background info that is sometimes helpful to read. We used Pearl this year and I will say that the Pearl level student workbook is different from all the others. It is really thick because evey story from the book has an original 1 page story in the workbook associated with it (the MiniOriginal). This mini story has a page of comprehension questions. Going through this exercise regularly has really helped my son who struggles with written communication. The graphic organizer for each story is excellent too.
  10. I am sad too. I think part of the problem with emailing their customers is that many people bought Mosdos products from RR. Mosdos would not necessarily know those addresses. The shutdown seems to have happened suddenly. Makes me wonder what happened. I think it was a small, family business, so anything could have caused a sudden, unexpected shutdown. The materials are excellent.
  11. I have seen the listing on HSC before. Every time I try to buy something there my computer browser says the site is unsecure and won't let me proceed. If anyone can get to there contact page, please post their phone or email. I will call them. I tried to contact them on twitter to no avail. Yes, Jess--Those people are Krazy! Meadowlark--If I had discovered this curriculum in 2014, I would have bought it every year. I seriously love it that much! (However, I also shelled out for Nancy Larson Science, so I am not opposed to paying for curriculum I really like/works. Plus, my son has special needs, so getting stuff that really works can be a struggle.) MistMountain--I fully recommend the TG--chock full of good information. Poppy--I would sell the Opal TG on ebay or through a Facebook group. WTM classifieds is a good choice too. That is where I got my Jade student materials.
  12. I saw that. :( price gouging. I wish I were unbelievably wealthy and could just pay it.
  13. I tried to buy the Jade teachers guides from an Amazon used book seller. I paid $100, but when I received it, it was only the first book. (Part one). I complained and was refunded my money. I offered to send it back, but the seller did not want to pay for return shipping. This was clearly the seller's fault because the listing was definitely for both books. So I do have book 1 of the TG, but am still missing book 2. I will try bookfinder. I search different sites every day, but still cannot find it for less than $300. I like the idea of the Mosdos fan club!
  14. Looks like teacher guides are the hard thing to find.... Ruby: Workbook still available at RR. https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?kn=mosdos+ruby&sts=t https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=mosdos%20ruby https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=mosdos+ruby http://search.half.ebay.com/mosdos-ruby_W0QQmZbooksQQ_trksidZp3030Q2em1446Q2el2686 Coral: https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?sts=t&an=&tn=mosdos+coral&kn=&isbn= still available at RR--hurry http://www.rainbowresource.com/searchspring.php?q=mosdos+coral https://www.amazon.com/Mosdos-Press-Literature-Teachers-Spiral/dp/0974216038/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1492552954&sr=8-3&keywords=mosdos+coral
  15. Meadowlark and Insertcreativenamehere, what levels do you need? I am good at the used book searching. Still looking for Jade teacher guides though. :(
  16. Sadly, this is true. I think they have gone out of business. There are still many things available through Rainbow Resource. I have found all of the stuff I am using second hand.
  17. We use CLE math (not the reading) and Mosdos. My understanding is that CLE uses things written specifically for CLE from a particular religious perspective. The workbook format is very handy. What I love about Mosdos is that it features a wide variety of thought provoking literature from many well respected writers with a variety of points of view. It is excellent for thinking and discussion skills because many of the questions are open ended. Just love Mosdos.
  18. Hello all! I decided to revive this thread because I need help. I am in need of Mosdos Jade Teacher guides for this fall. Does anyone have any you are looking to unload? Thanks! PS We are current;y using Mosdos Pearl and love it, I wish I had used Mosdos the whole time I have been homeschooling.
  19. You need to call Adult Protective Services. You are a good neighbor.
  20. I think you are wrong to foster a relationship between your children and your mother knowing that she is manipulative. They don't need someone in their lives who is likely to try to manipulate them.
  21. Yes. It will keep them from getting worse. In bad areas, you may need to spot spray individual weeds with weed killer.
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