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Everything posted by Jyhwkmama

  1. I am plant based and use an instapot almost every day. I even have a second one for side dishes. Amazing for beans, rice, steel cut oats, and pasta with sauce (takes some tweaking to get pasta just right). I make bean chilli/soup in it the most. I like IP potatoes too!
  2. I would try putting a damp towel on it for a couple of hours to rehydrate. Then I would use a home carpet cleaning machine.
  3. Get the highest capacity, most basic dryer you can afford. Dryers do not have as complicated mechanics as washers. They tend to be more reliable overall. They are easier to fix too. I have replaced two parts on mine (one being the heating element) using YouTube videos alone. Capacity, capacity, capacity.
  4. Sounds like a migraine. Do you have a prescription for a triptan?
  5. Just want to say that I took Algebra 1 in 9th grade (good public school system), finished high school with all math including a semester of caculus, and went on to become an engineer. Early Algebra is not vital for success. No need to rush.
  6. I own this one. Asked for it for Christmas a couple of years ago. Love it!! My son has one too, but a smaller model. https://yvolution.com/en/Yvolution/Y-Fliker-C5-Self-Propelling-Scooter-p1212.html
  7. I believe you, but it has a more encapsulated feeling.
  8. No. It is already hitting the public schools in my area (KC suburbs).
  9. Bentonville. I live in Kansas, but have visited both. Bentonville seems less isolated to me. Lots of people/business/movement. Nice farmers' market. Fayetteville is pretty but seems really southern small town.
  10. She was pregnant when they set off to go backpacking deep in Afghanistan. I find that choice odd. Really odd.
  11. Such bitter memories I have of that group from my college days. There headquarters was only about 45 min away max, so they often chose to protest on my campus. Their disgusting signs nauseate me.
  12. 1. Most scouting organizations worldwide are coed 2. BSA has had coed venturing crews sea crews (maybe not right term) for years. 3. Cubs scout dens will still be single sex with both boy and girl dens rolling up to the same pack. 4. Older kids program is still unknown, but it is likely that single sex troops will still exist 5. This will enable families to do scouting together and the girls that are already in scouting to achieve the Eagle Scout award.
  13. just want to add that if you go treadmill shopping, be sure to wear a sports bra and tennis shoes. You need to test out thoroughly any treadmill you consider buying.
  14. Treadmills are excellent. I get a good workout on my treadmill. If you get one, don't go super cheap. Get a True or a Precor or similar. A good deck is paramount to a healthy workout experience.
  15. True, but boy scouts get to keep much more of their revenue for their individual packs and for their camp fees.
  16. Cub scouts (which are organized into dens and roll up to packs) Require about that ratio for camping. They require two deep leadership which requires two adults always to be present to prevent child abuse. I think at day camp we could have 14 kids with two adults, but I could be a little off on the number. No idea about boys scout troops except that there must be two deep leadership.
  17. We don't know yet because only the cub scout program has been announced so far. In cub scouts, dens will be single sex with both girl and boy dens rolling up to a single pack.
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysistrata
  19. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BD0RT0/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  20. Happy Herbivore lentil taco meat (Google it)
  21. Maybe your son could ask her how she sends money to her daughter and you could send the daughter something directly. Take the whole situation in Jordan out of the picture.
  22. and there are a bunch of groups on Facebook like vegan instantpot groups, etc that often have recipes
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