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Everything posted by Jyhwkmama

  1. I have a special needs kid and I totally get this. Seriously, I would just cough up the cash for daycare or to pay a mother's helper to play with your daughter in the basement.
  2. I can't believe she has advanced Alzheimers and has never seen a doctor for it! You are doing the right thing.
  3. Foot spray is WIDELY available. I bought it at WalMart. You can probably buy it anywhere. ProTip: It is less cold going on if you spray at a little bit of a distance.
  4. The "foot protocol" soap we use is antimicrobial. Bacteria are what cause the smell, so a bacteria killing shoe spray is what you need.
  5. I have a lot to say on this. I have one son (11) with the most revolting foot odor you have ever smelled. He feet have reeked since toddlerhood. We are finally winning the battle. Here is what we do. 1) everyday when he comes home from school, he does "foot protocol" which means washing his feet thoroughly with this soap: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004OZTQ8Y/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 He does not normally wear his shoes again until the next morning. If he does something in the evening he wears a lightweight pair of sandals or at times I had an extra pair of sneakers for him to put on. This helps whatever pair of shoes he is wearing be dry. 2) I regularly take the insoles out of his shoes and spray the inside plus the the removed insoles with this and let them dry overnight: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B011A5FXWI/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 3) Before he puts his shoes on in the morning, I spray his feet both top and bottom with this: https://www.amazon.com/Gold-Bond-Powder-Spray-Fresh/dp/B00J2V3IOI/ref=sr_1_4_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1504810786&sr=1-4&keywords=gold+bond+foot+spray This step we just added this year and it is making a HUGE difference.
  6. No. I will never wear a thong. The mere thought of one gives me the heebee jeebees.
  7. These meet my requirements (most of their stuff is not cotton), but they are out of stock completely :( http://www.jcpenney.com/p/ambrielle-high-cut-panty/pp5004950358?pTmplType=regular&catId=SearchResults&searchTerm=ambrielle+cotton&N=142
  8. Please help! I need some new underwear. Here are my requirements: 1.) Must not ride up (most important requirement). 2.) Must be available in nude and black. 3) Must be high % cotton. 4) Must have thin elastic around leg openings in order to avoid panty lines. I love Xtemp by Hanes, but cannot find any in nude/black. I have a rounded backside, so full coverage needed. (approx dress size 10/12) Any suggestions?
  9. I get my spectrum kid to do thing by using the Amazon Echo to remind him instead of me. "Hey Kid! I need you to take out the trash, What time today will you do it?" "4 o'clock, mom" "Great! Set an alarm." When the alarm goes off, he will do it because he chose the time and it is not me asking. He will do small/easy things anytime if I appeal to his "mam needs help" and "we are in this together" empathy. Things like bringing me something or collecting glasses around the house because I am loading the dishwasher. I know this is tough. Hang in there.
  10. My kids are 11 and 13, but we are still doing the paper plate modification. I will probably modify my own pair of glasses.
  11. Ogio tablet purse or tote? http://www.ogio.com/womens/womens-tote-bags/ http://www.ogio.com/womens/womens-purses/
  12. Women need to stop being so concerned with hurting other people's feelings when health or safety is at risk.
  13. Be sure the TG you are buying includes both books. I had a seller short me one and had to file for a refund.
  14. Ok. Excluding the poetry Unit, we aimed for 2.5 to 3 stories a week depending on length and amount of workbook pages. Normally, I would have my son do the vocab pages using the boxes at the bottom of the story or the book's glossary before we read the story.We would then read the story that same day and discuss it using the questions scattered throughout the story in the Teacher's Guide (We would pause at the end of each page for this while alternating reading paragraphs aloud. My son has autism, so you we did thing on a less independent path.) and in the book at the end of the story. The next day we would do the graphic organizer together and he would complete the mini original and comprehension questions (sometimes only select ones) alone. We never did the creative writing assignments because my son has writing challenges. Something to remember is that you do not need to do everything for every story in the workbook. Some things may be more useful to your child. There were also a handful of stories that did not hold his interest at all that we skipped in part or in entirety (less than 5). Some stories were shorter and/ or had fewer workbook pages, so we covered those entirely in just one day. You will get a rhythm going once you get into it. We chose to read and discuss the poetry unit as part of our morning basket routine. My kid has a hard time with the abstract, so making it an easy, laid back part of our day reduced stress. We finished the whole book minus the last story in a standard school public school year (my younger son attends public school, so we follow their calendar). You could assign some of the writing assignments as part of a separate writing time of your day instead of using a separate writing curriculum like I did. My kid really lags on the writing, so I had to use remedial material. Happy to answer any additional questions you may have. Robin
  15. No problem. Will type you out a response in the AM.
  16. Simple Solutions Science: http://simplesolutions.org/products/science/ I also LOVE Nancy Larson, but it has experiments.
  17. You want the TG. It is stuffed full of good info. We did Pearl last year. There are no workbook pages for the poetry. However, Pearl is thew best workbook. The mini originals are unique to that level and awesome!
  18. This! How can you "take back" something you didn't own in the first place? Rainbows are a natural phenomenon and loved by people of all kinds.
  19. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I have so many things to say about Ken Ham, but I shall restrain myself for fear I would get banned from this board.
  20. "Kay, if the garage door is closed, we are busy and can't play. Do not bang on the other doors, just come back later when the garage door is open."
  21. Not a long read, but I went to high school with this guy. We were in the same lab group and hung around with the same group of kids. He was definitely self absorbed in high school, but I would never have expected this. *shudder* http://www.cbsnews.com/news/she-had-it-coming-police-say-wife-killer-proclaimed-michael-mcdougall-charged-with-murdering-pregnant-wife/
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