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happi duck

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Everything posted by happi duck

  1. Many (hugs) I think you'd need to go into this able to both pay the mortgage on your own and also plan on it being a hoard.
  2. If she's truly stuck with this daycare provider I hope she can get an EpiPen and very clear instructions to leave with the daycare along with a sample letter to send to other families. Maybe fear of administering the EpiPen would get them to actually send the letter and try to actually care for the kids they're paid to care for.
  3. We buy or save up for needs and wants so gifts are for fun, nice surprises.
  4. Chemex is my favorite! I'm surprised about the cold brew. I thought it made something very concentrated and you added hot or cold water to each serving. You saved me an experiment!
  5. The one thing asked of my then future mil was not to wear one certain color. Of course that's what she wore. Went to a great wedding that had two rooms...one for dancing and one for visiting and board games! Went to a wedding at a venue that required you to bring in staff. The bartender didn't know how to mix a drink and the waitstaff didn't know how to plate meals. They didn't think to ask such specific things they assumed were the norm.
  6. It could have been tongue in cheek because so many people joke about it. I am irritated that I now I'll wonder about people cringing about the way I choose to write emails!!
  7. Say a few nice words and respectfully toss into no man's land so nature can take its course?
  8. Thanks for the push. I was somehow clueless how important this was.
  9. Random rant: why do people stalk writers of Facebook posts instead of taking *inspiration* to bless someone else? (Op, I think these gifts are all yours to keep btw!) That said, I'm glad your friend will be blessed through this!
  10. Link to game: https://worldle.teuteuf.fr/
  11. In a nutshell: National Novel Writing Month which is an online challenge to write a new 50,000 word novel during November. (There is also young writers which allows kids to have a lower goal.)
  12. I'm in! I started alongside my then high schoolers in 2012! I did Camp NaNoWriMo this summer to finish a short story and my brain is confused that it's almost time to write again, lol!
  13. @fairfarmhand Thanks for the update, sounds like a plan!
  14. Pictionary on a white board with teams? Charades?
  15. PSA: Worldle now has bonus rounds! If you name the country correctly you get to identify bordering countries. If correct then capital. If correct then flag. It's a fun addition!
  16. Happy Anniversary written in melted chocolate on the platter and a selection of fruit especially berries. A lightly sweetened Greek yogurt based dip could go with it too.
  17. Good point about people possibly thinking you'll haggle because of a deadline. Maybe it can't be in the listing easily. Perhaps just always tell a little white lie that someone is coming for the item? "Is ABC available?" "Someone is coming to look at it but I'll call you if it falls through. When would you pickup if it's available?"
  18. In the future could you put your deadline in the ad?
  19. I agree with your dd. Drying your hair in a tshirt is called plopping (iirc). I use a long sleeved t-shirt and find it helpful.
  20. The four of us spent six months in my childhood bedroom when we moved back from out of state. This was also to save up because rent was so high. My dad remarried after my mom died and his wifr didn't like me so we had to stay out of her way. Even with that issue we had a nice time with my dad and saved a ton. If dh had also a shorter commute we would've saved even more. The cost of a cheap camper and repairs would eat up a big chunk of what they'd save....maybe a shorter stay inside the house would yield the same savings as longer in the camper?
  21. And now coats are going to follow me around on the internet shouting "buy me!"... I can't resist clicking the links!
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