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happi duck

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Everything posted by happi duck

  1. I'm presuming that the reminders and expectations that work 99% of the time with her usual population are not working. She'll obviously adjust. I presume gathering some info is part of adjusting.
  2. From twenty years ago up until the present, my least favorite group to teach is homeschoolers. (My teaching before that was never homeschoolers) (Of course #notallhomeschoolers) I agree with others to set clear guidelines and be ready to enforce them.
  3. I didn't know those wraps could be parts. I was thinking more like removable vinyl stickers.
  4. I wonder if some sort of detailing on the side would help or vinyl shapes? "Don't you dare hit me!" in huge letters?
  5. So scary! My car that seemed to have a cloaking device was burgundy colored.
  6. I can't remember it exactly but could the butterflies become bats for the season? Cobwebs from the bench to the ground with spiders?
  7. If not for this thread the comic I posted would've made no sense!
  8. Did he have pax...for covid? Could he be getting a rebound case? (Can't remember the drug name)
  9. What a nightmare. God. I just can't help sobbing. Being terrified. Expressing the fear. The people called for help instead torture and murder. I just can't in any way understand how completely evil and inept these, and other, officers are...
  10. I only think of race when I see the word "profiled" which with tinted windows I'm guessing isn't the case. Why do you think you were pulled over? Tinted windows? Out-of-state? Prius? (Us Prius owners are a bad ass bunch, lol!)
  11. Same! We use what our HVAC guy recommended and change it monthly
  12. Are these the things you iron to melt them together?
  13. I'm hoping to have a craft day with a small group of kids 5th grade and younger. This will be 60-90 minutes while parents watch a speaker. I can always just make a bunch of stuff available (paints, crayons, playdough etc) but I wonder if there's any current popular crafts or techniques I don't know about. What are your elementary age kids into arts & crafts-wise?
  14. So sad to hear you're feeling so miserable. I heard on the radio today that with under five vax rates so low covid is tearing through preschools and kindergartens. It's terrible that information is being kept from people Many distant (hugs)
  15. This is great! The teacher puts in a bit of effort ahead of time and the kids can get on with playing without the potential embarrassment. Even adults on competition shows hate being picked last! Often remarks are made about how horrible it is to be picked last.
  16. I was planning to wait for this booster but I went ahead with the old booster because I was having oral surgery. It sounds like waiting six months between boosters is recommended? I always forget to get a flu shot. Sounds like now is a good time?
  17. I'm torn. I've seen them be helpful and I've seen them be hurtful. Hurtful: When my dad died my siblings took over and they ignored his wishes completely. I will always be bothered by that. Helpful: When my second sister died I was her person so was the "hostess" of sorts and spoke to everyone. I met so many people who loved my sister. It was really helpful at a time of shocking loss. I appreciate those who attended. The rest fall between these extremes.
  18. Bil might be going through some stuff and needs his mom. I'm sure he can tell his brother doesn't think highly of him so wouldn't go to him.
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