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happi duck

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Everything posted by happi duck

  1. Yikes! In that situation I'd assume they didn't even know which gift came from who
  2. It's been mentioned before but as a former public school teacher I can't get over the story of the ma'am kid getting booted out of class. What an ignorant teacher! When the other kids gasped what a teachable moment that could have been. At the very least calmly teach the kid to not say ma'am in Maine. The post was a cautionary tale to teach your kids all the manners and all the nuances of every culture. What about the teacher being educated!!?!!? It's far more embarrassing to be the ignorant teacher in that story who couldn't conceive of a kid from Texas saying ma'am respectfully.
  3. I don't think I'd mind "wow, you're pretty" because I get "wow, your hair is long" and I never know how I'm supposed to reply to a factual statement "um. Thanks?" I get compliments on what I *do* and I wish that I could be appreciated for just existing which I have imagined being pretty would feel like, kwim? Sounds like pretty people would like to get compliments on what they do. The Hive is such a beautiful source of learning about other experiences!
  4. @Dmmetler Thanks for the information! I had no idea there were specialty stores. I'll need to look. Thanks for explaining that you don't need to cut through the backing which protects the mat. When I googled the oraguard 252 it shows rolls. Is that what you use? If you have time, just to check I'm understanding: print on vinyl, let dry, laminate, cut (with machine or scissors)? Thanks again!
  5. Have you googled? We have found information on strange car problems
  6. I don't have a cutting machine...yet. However, I think I can give vinyl stickers a try and just cut them by hand . Does anyone have a favorite brand for ink jet vinyl sticker sheets? I'd like to make them waterproof and like the idea of lamination over spray. Any favorites here? When I do break down and buy a machine any thoughts on brand or model?
  7. I think I've always said "have a good rest of your day". Maybe it's regional? I don't remember this not being said. In high school I worked retail. A fellow employee was the same age and called everyone of any age "sweetie" or "sweetheart". My mom did not like it at all! I know a cashier who does say "m'lady" complete with a little bow!
  8. @goldberrywhat ever happened with your business?
  9. A handout from my therapist says a quick stress reliever is talking about your stress with a "calm and balanced listener". I have mostly just one person who is willing to be that for me so I try very hard to be a "calm and balanced listener" for others whenever possible. Knowing who you can talk to safely in these moments *is* a good life skill not a crutch or failure.
  10. House detailing is a brilliant idea! Also, the living in a rental thing makes so much sense. I like that better than buying and living in a house to fix it up to sell.
  11. I agree with "love ya" and would add just "thinking of you" Something that doesn't need a reply and doesn't run the risk of being rah-rah at a bad time.
  12. The op specifically said the swearing and yelling is *not* directed *at* her. Swearing can help when venting! I don't think this is a boundary thing. It's hard but we humans do this for each other
  13. From when the article mentions polio: “We have to remember that the problem hasn’t gone away, it’s been handled,” Lee said. “You have to maintain that handling of the problem. How did we make our country polio-free in the first place? We got our vaccination levels up high enough. We need to maintain those levels.” No one seems to understand "you have to maintain that handling" in regards to lots of things!
  14. My two cents: be very careful about how a sliding scale will work. I know people who can always pay full price but if there's any opportunity to say they can't afford it and get a discount they'll lie and take it. Otoh, some people who truly need the discount will scrape to pay full price thinking the discount is for people who can't scrape by.
  15. I thought this was an interesting and important article. I feel alarmed that the world around me is deciding to be done with the pandemic. https://fortune.com/2022/08/21/is-the-pandemic-over-when-will-covid-end-us-covid-epidemic-soft-landing-cdc-pandemic-omicron-masks-vaccination-prevention-endemic/amp/
  16. What did the company charge? She should at least charge that.
  17. Cool! *rattles tambourine enthusiastically*
  18. Has she read Jennifer Chiaverini? There's the Elm Creek quilt series which I remember being pleasant but she also has historical fiction. I read a couple and remember liking them Here's some large print: https://www.gale.com/thorndike/s?q=Jennifer+chiaverini+
  19. Furnace filters rated for pet dander Many (hugs)
  20. Another vote for purple kohlrabi! I like it raw or raw sprinkled with Tajin. A favorite!
  21. I'm surprised new furniture wasn't still in plastic or something. It makes me wonder if it was a return so who knows what the spot is? I'd probably return everything since it doesn't fit how you planned.
  22. I figured it wasn't but when googling about this that was literally what happened to someone else...they assumed the display meant it was powered. It would've been nice if that was all it was!
  23. The display might be battery operated. If so worth checking the outlet!
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