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happi duck

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Everything posted by happi duck

  1. Start sending one card every day and continue through the new year?
  2. When I read Quiet the definition didn't seem new to me. I'm pretty sure I would've defined it the same way prior to that book.
  3. I agree with the definition regarding if one is drained or energized around other people. Also, there can be shy extroverts and outgoing introverts. I think people wrongly use introvert and extrovert to mean shy and quiet or outgoing and talkative.
  4. "Someone on the board was talking about body ratios and now everyone is posting results but we need more measurements from men."
  5. Another vote for Decluttering at the Speed of Life! Made all the difference!
  6. Hopefully the farm owners wouldn't mind moving cones for a time while you "train" the delivery drivers. Sounds like keeping them from coming down the drive is in their best interest too. I am confounded that they go out of their way to deliver to the house when they could save so much time using the box!
  7. I think you can get a PO box at any post office so the PO near you might work. How often does someone else use the driveway? After telling the driveway sharer, I'd consider blocking the drive with cones or something for a time with a sign "no delivery trucks past this point! Use (color) delivery box!".
  8. Dixie has paused production https://www.dixie.com/small-paper-cups We found a store brand locally months ago but they've been out of stock since.
  9. The idea of an alert of some kind (ring doorbell was mentioned up thread) sounds like maybe a quick thing while stuff gets figured out. I'm assuming the dogs are only out when someone is home?
  10. The reason I like having a personal challenge is that it gives me a short list for times I have no idea what to read next. It also helps me get through books that I've been given or had recommended so I can finally get back to the person who gave it or suggested it! I don't do it for the year it's just a list and when I finish I make another list. Sometimes I finish it quickly and other times very slowly
  11. Our tradition comes via my foo. We do stockings for St. Nicholas not Christmas. The stocking shows up on your bedroom door early December 6 filled with nuts, fruit, treats, and a gifty thing. No wrapping. I have never encountered Christmas morning stockings in the wild just read about them on the board!
  12. I read books for book club, stuff that strikes my fancy and then also my own challenge. My own challenge consists of these categories: a book published before I was born, a book published in the last five years, a book I received as a gift, a book recommended by ( ), a book I've read before, and a recipe or craft book plus complete six recipes/projects.
  13. There seems to be something going around besides covid, RSV or flu. The people I know who've had the other seem to be actively sick "worst cold ever" for two to three weeks followed by exhaustion.
  14. Lord of the Rings playing cards https://store.theory11.com/products/lord-of-the-rings-playing-cards?nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A18745267157%3A143736605955%3A631490526649&nb_adtype=&nb_kwd=lord of the rings playing cards&nb_ti=kwd-314584464662&nb_mi=&nb_pc=&nb_pi=&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=e&gclid=CjwKCAiAv9ucBhBXEiwA6N8nYIHi2--0ie4A78iytTB2_ntPInGonNW_KVQzGS2tsTKrV_JAm5XfexoC-6IQAvD_BwE
  15. @Emba I have such fond memories of making sequin ornaments! It's just sequins and short pins, correct? I might give this a go if I find the right supplies to buy
  16. I'm not good at irl friendship. So online and irl end up similar.
  17. I love mine! **But** my first couple pairs were wrong and I kept returning glasses and trying new optical places until I found a place that made them perfectly. I went from "give them two weeks" to popping the perfect pair on and seeing great! I vote to get a second opinion that they're made perfectly. My first pair was literally the wrong prescription and they kept saying "you'll get used to them". My second pair from a different place was the correct prescription but placed incorrectly for my eyes. I lucked out to find a privately run place that treats glasses like the important medical equipment they are!
  18. Hopefully they reship to you and settle with UPS on their own time. This is a problem between the seller and the outfit *they* hired. They shouldn't leave you hanging. 🤞
  19. I was myself and am mom to anxious drivers. Please remember to not be judgemental. Perhaps pick something else like fear of public speaking and consider how you'd help someone through that, kwim? My vote is to have her be the driver every time the car leaves the house and tack on some extra miles whenever time allows.
  20. Many (hugs) I have trauma triggers too. In the moment I find grounding exercises help stop the sobbing or the terror. My dd is good about leading me through a grounding exercise if I can't manage on my own. Grounding helps any time I'm feeling trapped in the past or terrified of the future.
  21. I would really dislike receiving the box and 100 photos won't fill the box so it would seem unfinished imo. I wonder if the albums were counterfeit.
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