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happi duck

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Everything posted by happi duck

  1. I've kept some of the durable classics: wooden railway, duplo, favorite tray puzzles and favorite board books. We are still in the Lego stage, but I'll save those too. These don't take up much room and have been invaluable when we've watched younger children. DD has taken some of these things with her when she babysits. If they last until grandchildren that's just a bonus.
  2. We have this DVR by Philips http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=10059151 We have had it for a few months and are thrilled with it. If it holds up better than our last few DVD players it will be perfect. This is not TIVO and does not require any sort of monthly service. In a nutshell it is a DVD player with a hard drive. You can record shows without using disks or tapes of any sort. Regarding commercials, because of the hard drive you can start watching a show while it is still recording. We start recording a show and about 20 minutes into the show start watching it. This way we can skip through the commercials. Or because it's so easy to record stuff to the hard drive we record shows and watch them whenever we feel like it. Hope that makes sense!
  3. Red Riding Hood...regular clothes, red cape, basket you should be able to fashion a cape of sorts out of some red fabric...or find a red, round plastic table cloth and cut from one edge to the center (neither of these would have a hood but I think that would be fine) HTH
  4. There are several letter carriers in our family. What I've seen, through them, is that the management of each post office can vary greatly. So where one carrier might be able to take a couple minutes to go out of her way for her customer's convenience, another carrier in another office might get in trouble for not following SOP to.the.letter. KWIM? (In some places carriers are actually being watched or timed in one way or another.) Being a letter carrier is a physically demanding job. Can you imagine 30 years of stairs for the city/suburban carrier? The good carriers realize that we are their customers and they are worth their weight in gold! The carriers with no regard for customers or basic rules of conduct (no cell phones, smoking etc) make me crazy!
  5. I agree that an "O" would look more like a zero! I think "T" would be fine for just one glass, as in "this one's mine...hands off!" However, if you are getting a whole set for entertaining, having a first initial seems not quite right. If you want to give a set how about something different like these with beer logos or chalkboard areas to write names...HTH (first time using links, hope they work! If not these are from world market.com under glassware/barware) http://www.worldmarket.com/kitchen-tabletop/glassware/barware/Chalk-Talk-Glassware-Sets-of-4/lev/4/productId/6239/Ne/1100001/CATEGORY_AREA0/1/sectionId/2866/N/1100261/categoryId/1100261/pCategoryId/1100132/gpCategoryId/1100163/Ns/TOP_SELLER_INDEX%7C1%7C%7CCATEGORY_SEQ_3080%7C0/index.pro http://www.worldmarket.com/kitchen-tabletop/glassware/barware/Famous-Beer-Pint-Sets-of-4/lev/4/productId/8718/Ne/1100001/CATEGORY_AREA0/1/sectionId/2866/N/1100261/categoryId/1100261/pCategoryId/1100132/gpCategoryId/1100163/Ns/TOP_SELLER_INDEX%7C1%7C%7CCATEGORY_SEQ_3080%7C0/index.pro
  6. Ever After (PG) (Drew Barrymore plays Danielle, the kind-hearted tomboy who maintains a generally sweet spirit despite the oppressiveness of her stepmother and two stepsisters.) Secondhand Lions (PG) (In this humorous, warm-hearted drama, two eccentric old brothers in rural, 1950s Texas keep sacks of money hidden in their ramshackle barn ...) (both descriptions from Plugged In Online)
  7. Be sure to research music copyrights. Getting permission to use songs might be difficult or make your product too expensive. Great slideshow! HTH
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