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happi duck

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Everything posted by happi duck

  1. The Hive scared me about the prep and when I finally had one it seemed like nothing. My doctor gave very specific instructions and preferred a thing called Su-prep(?).
  2. Yes! Winter blues are, unfortunately, normal for me but this year is the absolute *worst*! I also hadn't realized how much holiday lights and music were helping. It feels like everyone took their lights down the same day 😭
  3. Sounds super frustrating! I'm the youngest by a lot and some cousins still see me as the "baby" and act like I don't count. You should have let them go to a hotel and given the rude behavior they should always go to a hotel in the future. @Tree Frog we were posting at the same time!
  4. @gardenmom5 @SKL Thanks so much for helping me!
  5. @gardenmom5 thanks for sharing! I think this is more than the doctor told my sib and their adult kid! Maybe 23 and me might be better than the place I linked in the op? Sounds like more information. If I don't do a dna test soon, do you know if taking the Thorne mthfr would be pointless if I end up not having it? Thanks again! Eta: I really appreciate the help. I'm having trouble researching and a lot of "don't bother" is coming up.
  6. My sibling and their child have the mutation (?). I'm thinking I should be tested. The geneticist I work with won't do this test and says it's pointless. I'm thinking of doing a "send in a cheek swab" test. If I have it then what? My sib and their child have a doctor who insists on an expensive, specific to one pharmacy prescription so I couldn't just get what they take. I found this place but I'm always afraid of being scammed. https://www.mthfrdoctors.com/product/mthfr-test-cheek-swab-saliva/ Anyone btdt? Best OTC supplement? I want to take care of myself but am super overwhelmed!
  7. Another vote for: this doesn't sound like potential hoarding and if you value space and will have the money later then don't save stuff.
  8. My first experience with this was in the 90s with Amw@y. Pretending to want friendship is such a jerk tactic.
  9. Our milkweed is all volunteers and for some reason does best in the shallowest soil. We just let the seeds do their thing in the fall. Our county forest preserve has a native plant sale each year, maybe there's something similar in your area.
  10. I think often the plant is in plastic pot with holes and just sits in a decorative pot. I think it makes things more flexible for taking care of the plant and the pretty pot acts as the drip catcher
  11. (hugs) When dh had pneumonia he was exhausted.
  12. We bought our NeeDoh at Target. Dh has a hand injury and squishes one all day long. His first didn't start leaking until five? months of use.
  13. I'm surprised the pharmacy didn't catch the blood thinners and tamoxifen issue. That said, pharmacists are a wealth of information and might offer another piece of the puzzle.
  14. Thanks for the input all! My hope would be that they'd be inspiring and interesting and I wouldn't be looking for instruction. I think I'll check my library first and then probably go for it!
  15. I'm thinking of giving a Masterclass subscription a try for this year. They have some excerpts to view but I, of course, wanted the Hive's opinion too! Has anyone subscribed to Masterclass and have an opinion?
  16. I look forward to reading it! Everyone I know who's read or reading it says the same thing you've said here.
  17. Our library has a mural that was done by kids over several sessions. It was dedicated to a specific person. I like the community minded ideas above! If you land on an individual project and are concerned about kids missing a step you can factor in doing the step for missing students. For example I did an ornament craft with kids and kids who were there did every step but kids catching up the next week had the first few steps already prepared, kwim?
  18. Many (hugs) I was pushed into the safety net role and had to set clear, firm boundaries. My relationships survived and that particular stress was lowered. For your sake I hope you can set that boundary clearly today. I suggest not trying to sugarcoat it with reasons. "I am not your safety net and you can not park here or live here."
  19. I associate Sen-Sen with church when I was a kid. (Lutheran with Catholic relatives) I think dh grew up with the mint thing (CRC)
  20. The Rose Book of Bible Charts keeps coming up in my searches. Not a Bible but seems in Bible order: https://www.christianbook.com/bible-charts-lines-10th-anniversary-edition/9781596360228/pd/60228X?en=google&event=SHOP&kw=homeschool-0-20|60228X&p=1179710&utm_source=google&dv=m&cb_src=google&cb_typ=shopping&cb_cmp=919496555&cb_adg=46816692875&cb_kyw=&gclid=CjwKCAiA8OmdBhAgEiwAShr40xzzv4ERidORt5k1Mo3Lp_dYc53F36MZAClF_9ILca13lgPk7hHDXRoC7OkQAvD_BwE
  21. We use cold and it seems fine to me! If you switch, maybe you could add a kettle of hot water if you feel it needs it?
  22. @Just Kate I fill out those sections first, in pencil, because I find they help inform my goals. The thing I did wait on until I felt ready and had goals in place was the vision board. I have been really surprised at how much the vision board helps!
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