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happi duck

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Everything posted by happi duck

  1. This book of non-alcoholic cocktails looks amazing! Expensive but amazing! https://www.theaviarybooks.com/shop/p/zero-a-new-approach-to-non-alcoholic-drinks-reserve-edition At the beginning of the pandemic I started learning how to mix drinks but I'm over the alcohol bit. I would invest in this book if I could know for sure they're not all sugary. (I do mix a great martini!)
  2. @Kareni love the wordle ornament if I can think of perfect words! ==== I like giving art and supporting artists! If you don't have a local or affordable source Society 6 is a possibility. Artists submit work that gets made into prints or a bunch of other things like yoga mats! I have this print and love it! https://society6.com/product/winter-woods2689092_recessed-framed-print
  3. So much great input on this thread. I agree with plan what you'd like and do it this year and next year and you'll have a tradition. It is a lot of pressure to decide a "tradition" ahead of time as opposed to just continuing to do things you like.
  4. Hmmm. We're all adults ... Some puzzles were very quick to get. Some were quick to understand what sort of answer we needed but getting it was a challenge. Some took persistence and setting it aside for a bit. I think a teen who liked puzzles and was willing to be persistent would like it. You need internet access to submit answers. That yields a key word that's needed later so you need to solve in order. There is a place to ask for help or get clues. I never noticed anything bad posted. Here's where you get hints: https://hints.journal29.com/viewforum.php?f=5
  5. If I had that tree and the right house I would definitely have an entire room for storing Christmas decorations! I wish I had a storage room now!
  6. @Starr That tree is gorgeous!! I want the tree and the sort of house where it'd look perfect! This make your own hot sauce kit seems fun: https://www.uncommongoods.com/product/make-your-own-hot-sauce-kit?gclid=CjwKCAjw8JKbBhBYEiwAs3sxNw2bxtkzf08h-ASR-TmCKR8mRigk6tbpZq1_1UmmaJDFmuwcp6_w3BoCWbYQAvD_BwE
  7. I remembered what I was planning to post: https://puzzlingpursuits.com/products/la-famiglia It's a story with puzzles. We (four adults) had a lot of fun figuring it out and plan to get the second part) It reminds me of Journal 29 which I think I've posted about before. https://journal29.com/
  8. Hurray! Favorite thread! I've been waiting for this thread to post ... (I'm sure I'll remember eventually! 🤪)
  9. I think it started being said by people who are against universal healthcare, expanding public school past 12th grade, raising minimum wage, unions for baristas etc, student debt forgiveness, decent paid leave/sick days etc. A way to make treating people decently sound ridiculous. Now it's just generalized to "kids" want everything to be free. I doubt the people doubling down on that know any examples and think every working "kid" is an exception.
  10. (I currently use a Clever Fox planner just for a change) I think the Bullet Journal is a great system! I just follow the basic guidelines with no colors and just the minimal set up at each new month. I've only ever used random notebooks. Having a grid and pages already numbered always seemed worthwhile but I never tried them. I'm terrible at searching the boards but I know there's been other BuJo threads over the years if anyone can find them!
  11. Iiwm, I'd stick to tees and the crab hammers. I'm sure once it's known you get plenty of foam to use from packaging. I trust kids more than average I think but know an adult with a permanent lump where he accidentally got hit with a real hammer as a kid.
  12. I'm thinking of getting the rigid cork backed type but I don't know if they're large enough.
  13. Continuing current coverage with cobra should be an option. Turning 26 is a qualifying event. I'm not sure changing before then is possible if it isn't open enrollment.
  14. @Not_a_Number @Matryoshka Here's the thread about CO2 detectors:
  15. Ime, power of attorney is done through a lawyer. I would call the lawyer and make sure you are legally completely done
  16. @Spryte That's what I'm remembering. I don't know if any major holidays fall during Australian flu season though.
  17. This was one of the ways my dad's wishes weren't honored. I was "out voted". It still hurts.
  18. I come from a great family! My mom was especially amazing! Miss them every day!
  19. @Kareni Am I remembering correctly that the countdown and gift threads are two different threads? Will you have your famous gift thread again? It's my favorite!
  20. I was so excited to start seeing Christmas stuff in stores! We already have tickets to two big outdoor light events, mid November and mid December! Glad they're outdoors!
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