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happi duck

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Everything posted by happi duck

  1. The Blessing of the Animals was Saturday and it was great! I forgot to take photos of the finished cat and dog toys! The photo is ones when I was experimenting but they give the gist. I prepped 30 of each!
  2. I always made sure my students knew that rules are there to keep us safe and make it a good space for learning. Is one of her rules "follow directions"? I only ever had a few rules and this was the most important. It's also easy and fun to practice! Since "pencils flying" seems a big problem I'd work on that. Math lesson and practice together on board, hand out independent practice sheet, explain directions for pencils before handing out pencils. Kid who throws a pencil gets handed a crayon. Kid who throws crayon gets the page sent home with an explanation why it needs to be finished at home. While other kids do practice page the kid(s) who threw pencil *and* crayon work with teacher doing the writing (on a whiteboard or separate page. I'd leave the other to be completed at home) This is all conducted with an unbothered attitude. *Gently picks up thrown pencil and sets a crayon on the kid's desk* *unbothered* Just my two cents!
  3. Please don't ever do this. I have an anxiety disorder. People make decisions for me based on what they think will stress me out. They are never correct. I have missed out on some once in a lifetime things and later heard "oh, we didn't ask because we know you have anxiety". It truly isn't kind to not invite someone based on your perception of what stresses them out. Some other ideas to help you cope with your own upset at someone leaving without saying goodbye: text them when you notice they left, ask them not to leave without saying goodbye, an hour into the party find them to chat and say goodbye then "in case I don't see you leave, thanks for coming etc", offer to take their coat and hide it 😜, when inviting mention the leaving and ask if they'd rather skip the party and go for a coffee sometime instead.
  4. I had someone who needed to call a lot. I let them know that I wouldn't answer but they were welcome to leave messages on the answering machine. I promised to call back every other day. It helped us have a connection that we both could manage.
  5. I think grownups get to do what they want. As a host I would text "sorry I missed you leaving! Thanks for coming!'
  6. I like the ideas upthread to do a reset and having crystal clear expectations, rules, and routines. If the whole class is throwing pencils they might need to have pencils unavailable most of the time.
  7. I would never expect therapy records to be released to the school! I am surprised that the therapist, while working with the family, hasn't suggested some sort of plan for school behavior that the parents could bring to the teacher.
  8. It's years ago, but when I had a student acting out in a dangerous way he had an aide while testing happened.
  9. I'm surprised there isn't an aide assigned to that student while they start getting testing going. I wonder what the child's therapist would recommend.
  10. Hard boiled eggs? Costco has peeled ones and I also have seen peeled ones at a place that sells to restaurants.
  11. I know at least one psychiatrist who starts with blood tests and checking for physical components. Even if it isn't the norm they can probably still help figure that stuff out. (hugs)
  12. If you plan to use a phone consider how crowded it will be. At a fall fest I was at someone thought they'd use a phone and it wasn't loud enough at all.
  13. We ended up in debt over a very highly recommended therapist and it ended up truly useless. I totally get not trusting that route. Of all the therapy I've had for anxiety and depression ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy) has been the best. I have a therapist for this but perhaps there are workbooks or online sources of information? (hugs)
  14. I look at things from a "will you regret?" standpoint. If you or your kids never see her in person again will there be regret or potential regret? Do you want one last Thanksgiving at least?
  15. Btw, thanks for the idea! I've been eager to make vinyl stickers and this adds another reason to buy the stuff!
  16. A vaccination needle? A dirt cloud representing chaos?
  17. I'm currently crafting for dogs and cats! I'm part of a team organizing a blessing of the animals. Today I am fine tuning the activities I'm providing. One activity is making "cat nip knots" and another is a braided dog toy. People can keep what they make or add it to the pet food donation we're making to a food pantry.
  18. I've had a small oxo for years. I always need to do multiple batches but that's my choice over finding more storage space. I think it dries best when not overloaded and spinning multiple times with dumping out the water after each spin.
  19. Even in the states this is within the range of teachers I've encountered. I too think it's mean but I do think it falls within the accepted range of teacher attitudes/methods. I agree with @bolt.
  20. Hidden pictures (I have some laminated from old Highlights magazine) Find it style books like Waldo or spot the difference books. Find it jars, store bought or homemade with birdseed. A jigsaw on a table for one or more kids
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